Lu Shaoqing gritted his teeth, touched his butt, and had a resentful expression.

He was spanked a lot by Shao Cheng, but Shao Cheng was a simple force, but it didn’t hurt much.

Ancestor Ke Hong was different, he not only hit hard, but also used spiritual power.

Beat Lu Shaoqing’s ass swollen.

Just like before, Lu Shaoqing yin a handful of Ji Yan, punched Ji Yan in the face, and swelled for most of the day before disappearing.

Lu Shaoqing’s butt was swollen and painful, and it was not good to walk.

Lu Shaoqing stared at Ji Yan viciously, “Traitor.” The

corners of Ji Yan’s mouth turned up slightly, and a proud look flashed.

“Usually rampant is like this.”

Usually, only Shao Cheng can completely clean up Lu Shaoqing.

Even if he planned to say, unless he exerted all his strength, he would not be able to help Lu Shaoqing.

The head and the others wanted to clean up Lu Shaoqing, and there was a master blocking in front. At most, you can spray Lu Shaoqing, and don’t think about it.

Now an ancestor has emerged, crushing the master, not to mention beating Lu Shaoqing, even if he wants to kill Lu Shaoqing, the master can’t help.

It can be regarded as one more person who can cure Lu Shaoqing.

Lu Shaoqing was very upset, and the pain in his butt was all because of Ji Yan.

It is also said that the master brother specializes in demolishing the platform.

“How do I feel that you are gloating.”

“Believe it or not, I’ll clean you up.”

Lu Shaoqing now really wants to share his pain with Ji Yan.

Ji Yan glanced at Lu Shaoqing’s butt, old and swollen.

The smile in his eyes was even bigger, “Doesn’t your butt hurt anymore?

One sentence made Lu Shaoqing scold her mother directly.

“Bastard, you and the stupid junior sister are all the same, they are all traitors.”

Ke Hong’s voice came over, “How? Lu Xiaozi, are you not convinced? ”

Serve, of course.” Lu Shaoqing hurriedly shouted, this master can’t afford to provoke.

Ke Hong scolded, “Since you obeyed, roll over, there is something to order, what are you doing hiding so far?”

Lu Shaoqing rubbed his butt and limped over.

Yu Chang and Xiao Chuang saw Lu Shaoqing like this, and their hearts were so relieved that they couldn’t do it.

You bastard boy has today, too.

Usually protected by Shao Cheng’s junior brother, he is extremely arrogant.

Now here comes an ancestor-like person, can he cure you?

Lu Shaoqing came to Ke Hong, vigilant, “Ancestor, what are your orders?” Lu

Shaoqing guessed that there would be nothing good, otherwise he would not have let this little Jiedan disciple come here.

This is a break in the rules of the sect.

After beating Lu Shaoqing, Ke Hong was also in an unexpectedly good mood, and he said, “I heard that Shao Cheng kid and Ji Yan kid said that your formation attainment is good, is it true?” ”

Shao Cheng boy, Ji Yan kid.

It feels awkward no matter how you hear it.

But this one in front of him is an ancestor, an ancestor-level existence, even Yu Chang is a brat in front of him.

Lu Shaoqing glanced thoughtfully at the large array in the sky that emitted a faint white light.

Ke Hong noticed Lu Shaoqing’s reaction and looked up to Lu Shaoqing a little in his heart.

With just one sentence, you can roughly guess what is going on.

Smart little guy.

Ke Hong praised in his heart.

Then he saw Lu Shaoqing decisively shake his head, “Ancestor, you were deceived by them, I don’t know what formations.”

Shao Cheng rolled his eyes angrily next to him.

Ke Hong was also stunned for a moment, but he didn’t expect Lu Shaoqing to answer this way.

This little bastard.

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Ke Hong was crying and laughing in his heart.

It can be understood why Yu Changxiao broke into them when he mentioned Lu Shaoqing, his tone was somewhat resentful.

He blew his gray beard and glared at Lu Shaoqing, “You boy, you still want to lie to me, right?”

“Do you still want to be beaten?”

This sentence is more threatening than anything else.

In front of Ke Hong, the master’s backer was useless.

Lu Shaoqing looked down at the time, “Well, I only understand a little, not proficient.”

Ke Hong didn’t talk nonsense, pointed to the large array of the Tianshan Mountains in the distance, and asked Lu Shaoqing, “Do you see any problem?” ”


The black monsters are still impacting, and in front of the large array, their impact looks so pitiful.

Countless monsters crashed into the large array, as if hitting an invisible wall.

No matter how fast these monsters are, how strong their strength is, and how many they are, they can’t shake the large array for half a minute, and the large array is majestic.

Their suicide collision looks so ridiculous, how self-defeating.


After Lu Shaoqing looked at it for a while, he seemed to see the problem of the big array.

The foundation of the Great Array seems to have been destroyed.

According to the impact of monsters, it is estimated that in less than a hundred years, the large array will be broken.

Lu Shaoqing asked tentatively, “Ancestor, what do you want me to do?” He

never mentioned that he had seen the problem of the large array.

Ke Hong stated the real purpose of calling Lu Shaoqing.

“Your senior brother is full of praise for you, and strongly recommends you to us, and you will help repair this big array.”

I rub.

Lu Shaoqing turned around and glared at Ji Yan viciously.

Why don’t I see you highly recommend me when it is good?

How dangerous it is here, you know it yourself, and you are even kind enough to let me take risks.

This master brother of yours has not failed at all.

This large array is not simple at first glance, at least a formation of level five, or even level six, it is definitely not a simple and easy thing to repair.

Lu Shaoqing tried his best to resign, citing his lack of strength as an excuse, “Ancestor, I’m just a small Jiedan disciple, and I can’t do this kind of thing. ”

Shao Cheng can’t stand it, it’s all this time, and he is still pretending to be modest here.

Why don’t you usually see you humble?

Continue to talk nonsense like this, be careful that the ancestor beats you again.

Shao Cheng shouted, “Mess, this is not only a matter of the sect, this is also related to the life of the world.”

“Don’t think about being lazy here, you can do whatever the ancestor tells you to do.”

Lu Shaoqing did not yet understand the reasons for the formation here.

He muttered unhappily, “Since it is a matter of the world, this should not be borne by our sect independently.”

“Let the people of the world also participate, don’t let this place drag down our sect.”

Lu Shaoqing had resentment in his words.

The sect is so poor, it turns out that it is dragged down by here.

Shao Cheng sighed and told Lu Shaoqing what happened here.

After Lu Shaoqing listened, he was speechless.

Is that Unified Ancestor considered to have done something bad with good intentions?

I originally wanted to leave a hole in the sect, but I didn’t want to make this place a hole

, not only did not benefit the sect, but dragged down the sect.

If this sect hadn’t been built in a good position, perhaps the sect would have already declined.

I learned why the sect had to bear this responsibility itself.

Lu Shaoqing had no complaints in his heart.

He said to Ke Hong, “Ancestor, I can only say that I try my best, and I dare not guarantee anything else…”

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