Lu Shaoqing was not willing to enter the big array at this time.

It’s too dangerous.

Ke Hong also knew that it was indeed dangerous to let Lu Shaoqing in to repair the Great Array now.

Not to mention the most threatening Yuan Infant monster, let’s say that those monsters are a few can kill Lu Shaoqing.

Ke Hong also agreed with Lu Shaoqing’s statement, saying, “No hurry, wait first, there is still time anyway.” Lu

Shaoqing wished for this.

More than half a month passed here.

For most of the month, the monster was unexpectedly quiet.

The red eyes deep in the crack are constantly decreasing, and it seems that the monster is receding.

Seeing that it was almost over, Lu Shaoqing began to prepare to enter the large array to see the situation of the large array.

Before entering the Great Array, Lu Shaoqing said to Ji Yan, “If you encounter danger, remember to protect your handsome junior brother.”

“Follow me, never leave, you know?”

Ji Yan was dressed in white, right next to Lu Shaoqing, walking side by side with Lu Shaoqing.

He looked at the crack in the sky, his face was normal, and his tone was powerful, “What is there to worry about?” ”

Soldiers will block the water and cover the soil.”

When Lu Shaoqing heard this, his face was displeased, and he turned his head to stare at Ji Yan, “Don’t play tricks on me here, this is not a joke.”

“Don’t pretend to be cool like you are outside, pay attention to me.”

“When you encounter danger, take me away as soon as possible, I am the hope of the whole sect.”

Ji Yan automatically ignored these words and volleyed up, “So much nonsense, let’s go.”

Lu Shaoqing jumped to his feet, “Take me.” Ji

Yan had already flown into the sky, ignoring Lu Shaoqing’s words.

Lu Shaoqing can also wield a sword, so he is not used to Lu Shaoqing.

“What is your sword doing?”

Lu Shaoqing pointed to the heavenly plan and shouted, “What is this place?” My spiritual power can save a little is a little, will you live a life? ”

The spiritual power here is raging and violent, like a wild horse out of control.

Not so easy to tame.

Lu Shaoqing did not dare to use too much of his spiritual power here, and he could not replenish it, and the consequences were very dangerous.

He deeply abhorred the extravagant act of using spirit stones to replenish spiritual power.

Now rushing up to the sky and entering the big array, it will consume spiritual power, of course, you have to take a ride.

Where is the reason to drive yourself.

Lu Shaoqing immediately shifted his gaze to his master, “Master, take me.” ”

It’s safer to follow the old driver.

“Come up.”

Shao Cheng smiled slightly.

When this little bastard is not angry, it is still very pleasing to the eye.

Lu Shaoqing stood behind the flying sword and followed Shao Cheng into the large array.

After entering, look up at the cracks in the sky again.

At an altitude of tens of thousands of meters, there are cracks hanging and close contact, giving people a heavy sense of oppression.

Noticing Lu Shaoqing’s gaze, Yu Chang smiled and said, “Shaoqing doesn’t need to worry, even if that monster appears, with a few of us joining forces, it can only return to the west…” Yu Chang

, Xiao Chuang, and Shao Cheng joined forces, even the monsters of the ninth layer of the Yuan Infant could not please.

Lu Shaoqing hurriedly interrupted Yu Chang’s words and said, “Chief, don’t talk nonsense if you are obscure. ”

Really, of course I came in to hope for peace.

Don’t show up with monsters.

Lu Shaoqing took a look and pointed in one direction to Shao Chengdao, “Master, go over there and take a look.”

However, before Shao Cheng could act, a roar came from the crack.

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Then countless monsters rushed out from the cracks.

The leader is still the monster of the ninth layer of the Yuan baby.

Seeing this, Lu Shaoqing hurriedly urged Shao Cheng, “Master, run away.” ”

, why do monsters appear as soon as they come in?

On purpose, right?

Can’t see a handsome guy come in?

Yu Chang went to intercept it at the first time, and so did Xiao Chuang.

Seeing that Ji Yan also rushed up, Lu Shaoqing was so angry that he cursed Ji Yan for being unreliable.

Didn’t you see that Junior Brother is still here?

Seeing that Yu Chang and Xiao Chuang joined forces to block the monster of the ninth layer of the Yuan Baby, Shao Cheng was not worried.

He continued to move forward with Lu Shaoqing.

Lu Shaoqing shouted, “Master, what are you going to do?”

Shao Cheng focused part of his attention on the battle in the sky, and part of it was used to hurry, and replied without looking back, “Take you to see the problem of the Great Array.”

Lu Shaoqing tugged at Shao Cheng’s clothes and died in a hurry, “Master, when is this, go out first, and come back later.” ”

The monster of the ninth layer of the Yuan Infant above his head is like a nuclear bomb.

It will blow up at any time, it’s too scary.

Shao Cheng knew the character of his apprentice, he really felt the danger, and he would definitely slip away by himself at the first time.

Now there are still thoughts calling, and the situation looks good.

Shao Cheng took Lu Shaoqing to the place that Lu Shaoqing pointed out just now.

Lu Shaoqing complained to Shao Cheng, “Master, you are joking with my apprentice’s life.

Shao Cheng said angrily, “I have my own measure, I can’t die you.”

“Hurry up and see the situation of the big array, and go out after reading it.”

Lu Shaoqing immediately said, “I’m done reading it.”

Shao Cheng was full of black lines and stared at Lu Shaoqing, “Don’t force me to clean you up.” ”

You don’t even have a glance at it, you call this finished?

I’m so fooled when I am Master, right?

Lu Shaoqing said seriously, “It’s really finished, I have already read it before I come here.”

“There is no problem here, go out, and come in when the rest of the place comes.”

Lu Shaoqing had already used his spiritual sense to probe here, there was no problem here, and it was working well.

It should be somewhere else.

But now is not the right time to continue watching, leaving quickly is king.


Shao Cheng was half-convinced, but thought that his apprentice would not lie about such a big thing, so he left here with Lu Shaoqing.

Shao Cheng originally wanted to let Lu Shaoqing look at other places, but Lu Shaoqing said that he was unwilling to do anything, pulled his clothes, and refused to point the direction.

Shao Cheng could only take Lu Shaoqing out of the Great Array and return outside.

Seeing this, Yu Chang and the others also withdrew.

The monster stayed in place, staring at everyone through the barrier for a long time before slowly retreating.

Ke Hong’s face was a little ugly.

This monster behaved too perversely.

This is a situation that has never happened before.

Although the previous monsters had psychic intelligence, they generally did not perform well.

And now, the monster’s performance gives people a feeling similar to that of a human.

Ke Hong sensed that things seemed to be a little unusual, but he couldn’t understand why.

At this time, Lu Shaoqing came to ask Ke Hong, “Ancestor, can you calculate it?” ”

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