In the sky, Ke Hong’s face was solemn.

This monster’s strength is not weaker than him.

Moreover, the body’s defense is amazing, and the scale armor is extremely strong.

This scale armor alone was enough to make the cultivators of the Yuan Infancy stage despair.

After the monster broke Kehong’s attack, scarlet eyes stared at Kehong.

Let out a chilling laugh and disappear into place.

In the blink of an eye, it appeared behind Ke Hong and grabbed Ke Hong’s back fiercely.

In an instant, the space shook, as if it was torn apart.

If Kehon is captured, the battle can be declared over.

However, Ke Hong is also a cultivator of the Transformation God Realm.

Although the monster’s blow is terrifying, it is not enough to give Ke Hong a loss.

Ke Hong turned over, and a long sword appeared in his hand, blocking the monster’s claws.

A terrifying wave spread and impacted the surroundings, and the surrounding space shook endlessly.

The long sword collided with the monster’s claws, sending out terrifying shocks, and with each collision, the space collapsed.

The strength of the two realms is similar, and it is difficult to fight for a while.

With each blow, the terrifying power emanating from the battle could destroy a Yuan Infant cultivator

, and the aftermath of the battle between the two was like an endless wave, crashing into the array wave after wave.

The large array was like a rocky that stood still, emitting a strong light to resist the impact.

Yu Chang and the others watching the battle had very ugly expressions.

This is the battle of the Transformation God, and only the Yuan Infant cultivation can not help them in any way.

If people don’t get close, they will be blasted into slag by the aftermath.

“Damn, we can’t plug in.”

Yu Chang gritted his teeth, his face was very ugly.

In the face of the Avatar God, they could only watch from the sidelines and could not interfere.

It tastes very uncomfortable.

Ji Yan exuded a strong fighting intent.

Facing a strong opponent, he can’t wait to make two moves with the enemy.

But he knew that his strength would not play any role in the face of an enemy of this level.

Even if he plays all his hole cards, he can’t help the enemy by half a point.

The battle between Kehong and the monster makes a deafening sound every time it collides.

The terrifying aftermath emitted impacted the large array, making people can’t help but worry about whether the large array would be able to hold up.

Ji Yan was curious.

According to this situation, Lu Shaoqing should shout.

Again recommend to get out of here.

And now there is actually no sound at all?

Ji Yan’s gaze couldn’t help but look at his junior brother.

Looking at it this way, Ji Yan couldn’t help but be stunned.

Lu Shaoqing would sit cross-legged not far away, watching the battle in the distance.

It was very quiet, and Lu Shaoqing was judged by the two of them.

This seems a bit weird.

If it was Lu Shaoqing in normal times, he would have shouted long ago, shouting that he would hide as far as he could.

And definitely not quietly watching here.

Moreover, his breath became a little different and became a little mysterious.

Suddenly strong, suddenly weak.

As time passed, Yu Chang and several people also sensed that something was wrong with Lu Shaoqing.

“Shaoqing, this kid…” All

those present were Yuan Ying, and they quickly understood what was going on.

Shao Cheng became excited.

Is this to break through?

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Several people present did not dare to make a sound, and carefully retreated for a distance to prevent disturbing Lu Shaoqing.

Lu Shaoqing looked at the two people fighting in the sky, and seemed to have some understanding in his heart.

That feeling is fleeting, like a naughty child, secretly hiding, occasionally popping up, slippery, Lu Shaoqing is difficult to catch for a while.

His gaze subconsciously followed the two people in the sky, Ke Hong and the monster’s every move, their attack and defense, Lu Shaoqing looked at it, and they were able to give Lu Shaoqing some touch.

Unconsciously, the Jiedan in his dantian was spinning wildly.

Like the eye of a storm, it constantly absorbs aura.

In the eyes of Yu Chang and Shao Cheng, Lu Shaoqing suddenly seemed to have a black hole in his body.

Constantly absorbing the aura of the outside world.

Everyone is coming.

Seeing this, Shao Cheng was immediately nervous.

Is his second apprentice also going to break through the Yuan Baby?

Shao Cheng was happy at first, and then felt an extremely heavy pressure in his heart.

Too fierce, the big apprentice is fierce, the second apprentice is also fierce, and will not give the master a way to live?

Now only the little apprentice remains, not so fierce.

Shao Cheng was secretly sad in his heart.

Yu Chang next to him whispered, “Oops, the aura here can’t be directly absorbed. ”

This place was originally a blessed place, but later it was polluted by the blood and flesh of monsters, the land turned black, and the rich aura inside also changed.

It becomes violent and cannot be absorbed directly.

To absorb, it must be filtered first.

One more step of effort.

Now Lu Shaoqing is in a state of enlightenment, and he has no time to take care of the things around him.

Absorbing Reiki is instinctive, without autonomous awareness.

Besides, now is the key time to break through, and when Lu Shaoqing goes to filter and dissolve the aura, it will be dark.

This will only delay Lu Shaoqing’s breakthrough.

Shao Cheng said to Ji Yan, “Quick, take the spirit stone out.”

Xiao Chuang was a little hesitant, “This, our spirit stones have to be used here, what if they are all used up?” ”

Here, not only do they need to use spirit stones, but the long-distance transformation of the Great Array also requires a huge amount of spirit stones.

And the spiritual energy required for a Yuan baby’s breakthrough is incalculable, and the spirit stones needed are not calculated in tens of thousands.

Shao Cheng drank anxiously, “Senior Brother Xiao, there will not be enough spirit stones at that time, even if it is robbed, I will snatch it back and return it to the sect.” When

it came to his apprentice’s breakthrough, Shao Cheng looked very anxious.

In case you fail because of insufficient aura, you may be wasted for a lifetime.

Ji Yan didn’t talk nonsense, and took the lead in taking out the spirit stone he was carrying.

Including the spirit stones that the sect sent him in, they were all thrown beside Lu Shaoqing.

In an instant, the spirit stone that fell beside Lu Shaoqing instantly lost its luster, and the spiritual energy inside was absorbed.

As the leader, Yu Chang looked at Lu Shaoqing, who had broken through, and he quickly made a decision, and said, “Use it, it is impossible to delay Shaoqing because of this.”

Then he also took out his own spirit stones, and as the leader, he carried more spirit stones on his body.

Tens of thousands of spirit stones like a small mountain completely surrounded Lu Shaoqing, and without exerting too much strength, Lu Shaoqing was able to absorb pure spiritual energy from the spirit stone.

Lu Shaoqing also seemed to feel that he was surrounded by spirit stones, and a happy smile appeared on his face.

Came to heaven?

But soon, Lu Shaoqing’s expression became tangled.

After a while, Yu Chang quickly realized that something was wrong.

“Why didn’t he continue to absorb?”

After the spirit stones that had been counted just now had been absorbed by tens of thousands, they stopped absorbing them.

Xiao Chuang said suspiciously, “Could it be that the aura is enough?”

But soon, he himself shook his head and vetoed the speculation.

The breakthrough of the Yuan Infant requires a huge amount of Spiritual Qi, and the Spiritual Qi absorbed just now is less than one ten-thousandth.

After feeling it carefully, Lu Shaoqing was actually still absorbing the spiritual energy here.

Shao Cheng couldn’t help but curse, “What does he want to do?” Ji

Yan guessed the reason and said lightly, “This is a spirit stone, he can’t bear it…”

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