With Lu Shaoqing flying into the sky.

The dark clouds overhead began to roll, the sky darkened, and there was a dull thunder in the clouds.


Dull thunder sounded.

A huge white thunderbolt fell from the sky.

Lu Shaoqing did not dodge, nor did he sacrifice his weapons or magic weapons.

Intend to resist in the flesh.

This is the first way, the power is also the weakest, try the power first.

Seeing Lu Shaoqing so big, he didn’t take anything out.

Shao Cheng was very worried and scolded, “What do you want to do?”

“In this case, do you still have to raise it?”

Thunder Tribulation is not a joke, the slightest mistake will be wiped out, and the soul will be scattered on the spot.

However, when the thunder and lightning fell on Lu Shaoqing, Lu Shaoqing did not have anything.

Shao Cheng was strange, and it didn’t seem to be strong enough.

Lu Shaoqing’s face was also full of strangeness, as if it was very weak.

This is typical of loud thunder and little rain.

The force of the chopping on the body is not as strong as the master beating him.

What’s going on?

Shouldn’t there be a fake heavenly calamity here?

Lu Shaoqing looked up, and at this look, he froze.

The thunder tribulation in the sky has changed.

The dark clouds have turned into black clouds, pure black.

Lingering among the clouds, the white thunderbolts that flickered back and forth also turned black.

Like a black dragon floating in the clouds.

If the clouds just now gave people a strong sense of oppression, then the current clouds give people a sense of fear.

Lu Shaoqing was dumbfounded, what was he doing?

I’m just going to make me special?

Didn’t I ask you to tap?

You give me such a show?

At a glance, you can tell that it is not simple.

Several people from Shao Cheng, who were watching, also sensed that something was wrong with the Heavenly Tribulation.

The black clouds turned into pitch-black clouds, and so did the thunderbolts.

This is something that has never been heard of.

Looking at the black pressure, it gives people a gloomy, fearful black cloud.

Ji Yan looked at the crack in the distance, “The same breath as the thunder and lightning at the edge of the crack.”

Shao Cheng looked more and more worried, “Could it be that even if it is a heavenly calamity, if it comes here, will it be polluted?” ”

Although there is no evidence, but seeing this scene, everyone feels that this is the real reason.

Even the Heavenly Tribulation was polluted by the black color of the crack.

“What to do?”

Shao Cheng was anxious.

Yu Chang fell silent.

Even if they were in the Yuan Infant Realm, they couldn’t do anything in the face of this situation.

Yu Chang also showed a worried gaze and looked at Lu Shaoqing in the sky, “I can only rely on himself.” As

soon as Yu Chang’s words fell, a thunder sounded again.

A black lightning bolt fell towards Lu Shaoqing.

This time, the momentum was far more powerful than the first lightning bolt just now.

The wind was raging, and the terrifying coercion was mighty.

Like the black dragon descending to destroy the world, destroying the heavens and the earth.

Yu Chang and the others’ faces changed drastically, and the power of black lightning was too terrifying.

Even they felt their scalps tingle.

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Can Lu Shaoqing resist it?

Lu Shaoqing didn’t know that he bore the brunt of the black thunder and lightning, and he felt a stronger sense of oppression.

Lu Shaoqing’s wrist flipped, the long sword appeared, and the violent and fiery sword intent soared into the sky.

A huge firebird spread its wings and soared into the sky with endless determination, devouring the black thunder dragon.

However, soon, the black thunder dragon appeared again, but Lu Shaoqing’s sword intent was defeated.

The thunder and lightning fell solidly on Lu Shaoqing.

“What the hell…”

Lu Shaoqing gritted his teeth, ready to attack, but this blow, although it brought damage, the range was indeed within the range that Lu Shaoqing could bear.


Lu Shaoqing’s face showed doubt again.

Why is there still a feeling of loud thunder and small rain?

Lu Shaoqing looked up again, very puzzled.

What does this thunder calamity want to play?

Could it be that God really has a spirit and is lighter on me?

If so, great.

A smile gradually appeared on Lu Shaoqing’s face, and he said happily, “God, this is very good, haha…”

However, before Lu Shaoqing could laugh a few times, he burst into foul language.

“Lie down, your uncle!”

It turned out that black clouds suddenly appeared in his sea of knowledge, exactly the same as the thunder clouds in the sky, and black thunder and lightning were also brewing.

A fierce wind began to blow in his sea of knowledge, and the waves were fierce, as if the end was coming.

What the hell is this for?

Lu Shaoqing didn’t understand.

It’s just a robbery, come up with so many things, play me?

Without waiting for Lu Shaoqing to figure it out, the third thunder and lightning came again.

Lu Shaoqing still resisted with all his strength, and the damage suffered from the outside was not much, but it was still within the range that he could bear.

However, what worried Lu Shaoqing in his heart was that the black clouds in the sea of knowledge expanded again.

It seems that the Heavenly Tribulation outside is charging the Heavenly Tribulation inside the sea.

Next, the third, fourth, one after another black thunder and lightning fell.

Lu Shaoqing is also like other Yuan babies, normal crossing of calamities, and the power of each thunder and lightning is increasing, but it is within the range that Lu Shaoqing can bear.

He who cultivated the Body Refining Technique was more likely than others to withstand the blows of lightning.


Lu Shaoqing stuffed a handful of pills into his mouth to restore his injuries and consumed spiritual power.

Looking up at the sky, there was only one last thunderbolt left.

Shao Cheng was also very nervous, holding his hands tightly.

As a monk, his palms were already covered with sweat, which showed his nervousness.

As long as he survived the last one, Lu Shaoqing’s crossing could be said to be complete.

Lu Shaoqing also officially became a Yuan Ying cultivator.

Come on, boy.

Shao Cheng said secretly in his heart.

Under the gaze of everyone, a huge thunder sounded, and the last thunder and lightning appeared.

Falling from the sky, this thunder and lightning was huge, far surpassing all the previous thunderbolts.

It slashed heavily on Lu Shaoqing’s body, and Lu Shaoqing felt a sharp pain coming from all over his body, and even his soul trembled with pain.

Lu Shaoqing cried out in pain, “It hurts me.” ”

Blood splattered, the body was scorched black in many places, emitting the smell of meat, the body was trembling with electricity, and the sour feeling made Lu Shaoqing’s tears flow.

Lu Shaoqing pointed at the sky and cursed, “Bastard, I told you to be light, you still hit so hard…” As

this last thunder and lightning fell, the black clouds in the sky began to disperse.

The terrifying coercion disappeared.

Lu Shaoqing’s inner dantian, his inner dan no longer exists, replaced by a baby, sitting in his dantian in the air.

The baby is as white as coagulation, and his appearance is exactly the same as Lu Shaoqing, which is a scaled-down version of Lu Shaoqing.

This is Lu Shaoqing’s baby.

Lu Shaoqing’s consciousness appeared on Yuan Ying, he opened his eyes, and before he could move his body, his face suddenly changed…

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