Crying in front of the juniors, beating to death can’t admit it.

Ke Hong looked fierce and vicious, glaring at Lu Shaoqing with a murderous face.

Bastard boy, dare to ruin my reputation?

Lu Shaoqing touched his head suspiciously, “Isn’t it?”

He went to ask Ji Yan, “Did you see that?”

“Ancestor was crying just now, and his eyes were red.”

Then he also confirmed to the master, the head of them.

“Chief, master, uncle, you all saw it, the ancestor was indeed red in his eyes and tears, and he almost cried out at once.”

Even if it is, Yu Chang and Shao Cheng dare to say it.

This is the ancestor, they don’t have the guts to joke about Kehong.

Ji Yan did not agree with Lu Shaoqing’s words.

“Isn’t it normal to sigh in this situation?”

“But the ancestor was so sentimental, I didn’t expect it.”

“Yes, I said that the grandmaster was crying.” Lu Shaoqing seemed very happy.

It was a rare sight to see the ancestor crying.

Then habitually despised Ji Yan, “What kind of cultural person do you pretend, cry when you cry, and what sentimentality is used to describe it.” ”

Who to show the ink in your belly?”

Lu Shaoqing’s side was elated, and he didn’t notice Ancestor Ke Hong’s face at all.

He even took out the photo stone and waved it excitedly, “Come, take a picture, leave a souvenir.” As

soon as his words fell, the shadow stone in his hand thundered and became powder.


Lu Shaoqing was stunned, and then felt a murderous aura.

Looking up, Ke Hong had a terrifying expression, staring at Lu Shaoqing deadly.

“Aren’t you happy to think about remembering it?”

“Ancestor…” Lu Shaoqing reacted, and the matter was in order.

“You give me death!”

Ke Hong couldn’t bear it at all.

The cracks in the sky disappeared, and the big stone that had pressed the Lingxiao Sect for a thousand years disappeared, which was a happy event worth celebrating.

Then beat up this little bastard to celebrate.


After a painful beating, Lu Shaoqing lay on his flying sword, unloveable.

The butt is old and swollen.

This time, the ancestor was even more ruthless, he couldn’t walk on the ground, and he could only use the flying sword to walk.

After beating Lu Shaoqing, Ke Hong felt very relieved.

Yu Chang and Xiao Chuang next to them also looked at it comfortably and rejoiced.

This bastard boy, there is finally another person who can cure him.

Lu Shaoqing also broke the jar, lying on the flying sword, and muttered, “However, I saw that the ancestor’s eyes were red.”

“Sentimental, it’s nothing to cry at this time, real man, what is there to be shy about real temperament?”

“Boy, do you still dare to talk nonsense?”

Ke Hong is so angry, he really wants to kill this bastard boy.

They were all beaten like this, dare to say it?

Even if I cry, I can’t cry in front of you brats.

Crying, can I still ask for this face?

Shao Cheng glared at this bastard apprentice, he didn’t have any eyesight, and he dared to provoke the ancestor, isn’t this a light in the toilet?

He skillfully changed the topic, “Ancestor, how did the crack disappear?”

“Will it appear in the future?”

Everyone also looked at Kehong.

That’s what everybody cares about.

Ke Hong looked at the sky, the large array disappeared, and so did the cracks.

It has become empty.

He slowly spoke, his tone full of emotion, and deduced, “If you want to say how to disappear, maybe it’s those black lightning.”

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“When this crack first appeared, it was not very large, it was only a few miles wide, and it gradually expanded to what it is now.”

“Whoever it is, including me, doesn’t know why it expanded. And now it seems that it should be those black lightning bolts that are ghosting.

“Just now, the black lightning converged into a thunderball, and the explosion disappeared, and then spread to the crack.”

Everyone thought about it, it seems that this is the truth.

Black lightning began to linger on the edges of the cracks, and they disappeared, and the cracks were stitched up and disappeared.

Everyone’s gaze fell on Lu Shaoqing.

It seems to be because of this kid.

Lu Shaoqing lay on the flying sword, urging the flying sword to rise and look at everyone.


“Do you want to rely on me again?”

Yu Chang’s expression was a little complicated, “It seems that it does have something to do with you.”

“Black lightning came at you, and finally went to destroy that monster and completely dissipate.”

“The crack also lost its support and disappeared with it.”

Generations of ancestors, countless geniuses, paid a huge price and failed to make the crack disappear and solve the monster.

Instead, let Lu Shaoqing do it.

Whether Lu Shaoqing is active or passive.

He is a great hero of the Lingxiao faction.

He was a leader of the Yu Changtang Hall, and his contribution was not as great as the contribution of a disciple of Lu Shaoqing. It really made him feel ashamed in his heart.

Ke Hong also sighed.

At that time, Ji Yan proposed to let Lu Shaoqing come in to repair the big array.

After thinking about it, he agreed to let Lu Shaoqing, who was still in the Jiedan period, in.

Let Lu Shaoqing in, just hoping that his formation attainments can help.

But he didn’t expect Lu Shaoqing to bring him such a big surprise.

This kid may be a lucky star of the Lingxiao faction.

He glanced at Lu Shaoqing’s butt, faintly regretted it in his heart, and started a little harder.

Lu Shaoqing was praised by Yu Chang and smiled, “Is it? So I have made great achievements, and the sect has to reward me, right?

“I don’t ask for much, just give me 180,000 spirit stones.”

Thinking of the spirit stone, Lu Shaoqing’s heart ached.

At that time, there were more than a million spirit stones piled up around him, white flowers, and a large pile of bright crystals, which almost blinded his eyes.

Unfortunately, it did not belong to him.

In the end, they were taken back by Yu Chang.

Now that I think about it, my heart is dripping blood.

Yu Chang immediately brushed his face over, this bastard boy can’t stand praise.

Lu Shaoqing smiled and shifted the target to Ke Hong and stretched out his hand towards Ke Hong.

“Ancestor, don’t you have to express something?”

“If there are no spirit stones, give me a hundred wood carvings you made.”

The regret in Ke Hong’s heart disappeared instantly, and he still made his subordinates lighter.

“Ancestor, do we still need to stay here?”

Xiao Chuang asked.

Ke Hong looked at the original location of the crack, and his divine sense swept back and forth, not sparing any place.

Finally, he thought about it and made a decision, saying, “Wait another month or two, when you guys leave first, I’ll wait here a little longer before leaving.” ”

The crack disappears and the monster cannot enter this world through the crack.

The mission of the Lingxiao faction here is over.

It’s time to leave.


In the distant depths, in the endless darkness.

Intentional thoughts echo in the darkness.

“Why failed?”

“A sense of Honza has disappeared.”

“What to do?”

“It’s okay, I already know the location, and I can use it in the future…”

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