Xiao Yi suddenly cursed and cursed down.

Everyone was stunned.

After Gongsun Su reacted, his face turned red with anger, and his body trembled non-stop.

“You, you…” Gongsun

Su came from one of the five major families, although he was not a concubine, his status was much higher than that of ordinary people.

Even the heirs, disciples, senior brothers, etc. of some sects had to be respectful and polite when they met her.

Don’t scold her, even if you speak, you don’t dare to speak louder.

And now, this hateful girl actually dared to scold her.

Dare to scold her for not having a Daoist in the future, is it an old aunt?

This cannot be tolerated.

Even if I am alone in the future, it is because I don’t want a Taoist couple, not that I haven’t found a Taoist couple.

Gongsun Su pointed at Xiao Yi, his eyes were resentful, and he couldn’t wait to kill Xiao Yi with his eyes.

Xiao Yi’s side is not over yet, the scolding is very cool, she crossed her waist and continued to scold loudly, “How?” Got me right?

“Haven’t you looked in the mirror either?” Didn’t anyone tell you you were ugly? ”

Your skin is darker than Sister Yunxin’s, your appearance is less than one percent of Sister Yunxin’s, even your chest,”

Xiao Yi paused, seemingly not big of his own.

Alas, whatever, continue to scold.

“Even your chest is not as good as Sister Yunxin, you say, who can look at someone like you?”

“Blind people don’t know why? Because the blind man can smell the stench on your body, he would rather be single than you…” Xiao

Yi’s scolding was fierce here, and Gongsun Su’s side almost fainted.

Angry, she couldn’t bear it anymore, and blatantly shot at Xiao Yi, “You shut up for me.” The

majestic energy vented towards Xiao Yi.

Her strength is actually the Jiedan period.

The majestic energy struck with a terrifying aura, and Xiao Yi felt suffocated.

Although Gongsun Su’s blow was not all shot, it was not only Xiao Yi in the foundation building period who could resist it.

However, the red clothes flashed in front of him, and Xuan Yunxin once again helped Xiao Yi block Gongsun Su’s attack.

Gongsun Su shouted angrily, “Since you want to find death, don’t blame you for being unkind.” Gongsun

Su’s aura skyrocketed, and he planned to clean up with Xuan Yunxin.

Xuan Yunxin was injured, and the blow that resisted Gongsun Su just now made her pale and uncomfortable.

However, she did not intend to get out of the way, and stood firmly in front of Xiao Yi.

When Jin Hou saw it, his face was full of displeasure.

You are imprisoned here, the girl behind you is your enemy, right, you actually help the enemy?

What are you doing?

Jin Hou shouted, “Junior sister, get out of the way, this is their business.”

Jin Hou did not intend to dissuade Gongsun Su, he was not used to the arrogance of the people from Gongsun Su Zhongzhou, but he did not have a good impression of the people of the Lingxiao faction.

Xiao Yi, this girl, actually dared not to give him face, and deserved to suffer a little.

Xuan Yunxin glanced at Jin Hou and did not speak, but her eyes told Jin Hou that she would not let it.

Xuan Yunxin’s gaze stung Jin Hou, a woman he regarded as his own, who actually dared to disobey him.

Jin Hou’s expression became gloomy, and his eyes were cold.

Xiao Yi took Xuan Yunxin’s hand, then stood up and said to Gongsun Su, “I have a few words to say.”

“If you have any last words, please explain them.”

Gongsun Su’s killing intent was awe-inspiring, even if she was sent by Ling Xiao, even if she didn’t kill Xiao Yi, she would abolish Xiao Yi.

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“You are just bullying me with a high realm,” facing Gongsun Su, who was full of killing intent, Xiao Yi did not have the slightest fear, “In the same realm, none of the ten of you are my opponent.

“Do you dare to lower the realm and fight me?”

“However,” in the end, Xiao Yi even used the Agitation Method, “It’s normal that you don’t dare. Gongsun

Suhe sneered, and saw through Xiao Yi’s agitation method at a glance.

“You think it works with the Agitation Method?”

“Okay, I’ll lower the realm and fight you.”

Xiao Yi was very satisfied and said to the others, “Very good, I beat her today, you all let me go.”

Xuan Yunxin couldn’t help but be a little surprised, he didn’t expect Xiao Yi to have such a mind.

There is only Xiao Yi in Tianyu Peak, whether it is Jin Hou or Jingyang, Gongsun Su’s strength is above the Jiedan period.

Xiao Yi had no chance of victory.

So she wanted to let Jin Hou and them leave like this.

However, she is smart, and others are not stupid.

Jing Yang smiled and saw through Xiao Yi’s careful thinking, “The matter here is Brother Jin’s matter, and it is inconvenient for us to interfere.”

“Besides, suppressing the realm, or bullying you.”

Gongsun Su’s face was full of resentment, but Jing Yang’s words reminded her.

There is nothing to show off if you win, and if you lose, you are even more faceless.

Jing Yang said to Jin Hou, “Brother Jin, take Junior Sister Yunxin with you, this girl will block and clean her up.”

“As for your concern that she is calling someone, hehe, the two of us are here, can she get the information?”

Jing Yang’s tone was full of deep confidence, and he looked at Xiao Yi with contempt.

After Gongsun Su understood what Jing Yang meant, the unhappiness in his heart suddenly dissipated.

With a sneer, his slender palm waved at Xiao Yi, and a spiritual power instantly went towards Xiao Yi.

Xuan Yunxin still wanted to block, Jin Hou drank lowly, “Junior sister.” Jin

Hou had been standing for a long time, and there was a great shadow in Xuanyun’s heart, and he drank low, making Xuanyun’s heart tremble and hesitate.

Just hesitated, Xiao Yi was hit by Gongsun Su’s blow and retreated one after another, sitting on the ground with one butt.

Xiao Yi’s face was pale, the blood and qi in his body were tumbling, and the spiritual power was like a interrupted stream of water, intermittent and extremely uncomfortable.

Xiao Yi resisted the urge to vomit blood, and without saying a word, he took out a small flying sword, intending to warn people.

However, another spiritual power descended, and Xiao Yi found that he could not move.

Jing Yang chuckled, with disdain in his tone, “With me here, you still want to call someone?” Underestimating me, right?

“Brother Jin, let’s go, take this girl with you, and by the time they find out, it’s too late.”

Jin Hou nodded and said to Xuan Yunxin, “Junior sister, let’s go, do you want me to do it myself?”

Although Jin Hou’s tone was calm, it made Xuanyun’s heart stunned.

Xiao Yi broke his mouth and cursed, “You dogs who don’t have long eyes, when my senior brother returns, I will definitely teach you a good lesson.”

Xiao Yi was a little hurt, feeling aggrieved and angry in his heart, and tears in his eyes.

The master is not there, the master brother is not there, and the second senior brother is not there.

Now that someone is bullying the door, she can’t do anything, even calling people.

I must be bad like this, right?

It will definitely be the second senior brother to scold to death, it is too shameful.

Gongsun Su came to Xiao Yi, looked at Xiao Yi, and sneered, “I’m afraid, I’m crying.”

Xiao Yi looked up at Gongsun Su, who was condescending and looked at her with a high spirit.

No, I can’t cry in front of such people.

Xiao Yiqiang held back tears and looked at Gongsun Su angrily, “What does the old aunt see?”

“Find death!”

Gongsun Su was furious, raised his hand and slapped Xiao Yi hard.

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