At the same time, Fang Xiao, who noticed this matter, also became puzzled.

Something is really wrong.

When he was on the boat with Xia Yu before, Lu Shaoqing didn’t even shy away from Xia Yu, and directly lay down in the boat.

Today I didn’t come in, but sat outside.

Is it embarrassing?

As soon as this thought came out, Fang Xiao shook his head and denied it for the first time.

Everyone in the world is embarrassed, and Lu Shaoqing will not be embarrassed.

Fang Xiao couldn’t help but ask Xiao Yi, “Sister Xiaoyi, Young Master Lu, are you okay?”

Xiao Yi’s face was puzzled, curious and mixed, and she didn’t know what was going on with her second senior brother today.

She let the best and most comfortable position here come out, and the second senior brother actually didn’t come in and lie down?

Do you have to learn from Senior Brother?

Sitting on the bow of the boat blowing the wind and thinking about life?

This is a medium-sized spaceship, extremely fast, and instantaneous.

Lu Shaoqing sat cross-legged on the bow of the boat, his divine sense like a tide probing a hundred miles.

Lu Shaoqing is trying his luck.

Going to Xiao’s house may not necessarily be able to get useful news from Xiao Qun’s mouth.

Anyway, idle is idle, casually probe on the road, maybe the blind cat meets the dead rat, in case you find that place, there is no need to spend so much effort.

Divine consciousness swept across like a radar.

Countless birds and beasts instinctively sensed the danger and fled in embarrassment.

Xiao Yi couldn’t help but be curious here, and ran out to ask Lu Shaoqing.

“Second Senior Brother, don’t you go in and lie down?”

Lu Shaoqing didn’t open his eyes, and casually made an excuse, “You are inside, full of stupid aura, I don’t want to be infected.” ”

Xiao Yiqi, he was very impulsive to give the second senior brother a kick and kick this hateful second senior brother off the boat.

Xiao Yi still wanted to ask something, but Lu Shaoqing blocked her with a word.

“Don’t quarrel with me, I’ll leave you off the ship again.”

Xiao Yi closed her mouth ruefully, and she sat beside Lu Shaoqing like a learner.

Lu Shaoqing ignored her and continued to probe along the way.

I met many monks on the road, but everyone was very rational and cautious, and no one deliberately came up to find trouble.

The journey was calm.

After seven or eight days in this way, there were still three or four days to reach Xiao’s house according to the time.

But at this time, the spacecraft actually stopped.

Lu Shaoqing and Xiao Yi were both strange, did they have to stop the ship for a meal?

Fang Xiao came out of the cabin, “Young Master Lu, sister Xiaoyi, there is a thousand bandit city in front, do you want to detour?”

“If you take a detour, you will walk for three more days.”

Xiao Yi immediately said, “Why take a detour, go straight over.”

Xiao Yi couldn’t wait to fly back to Xiao’s house immediately, and she was the first to accept the detour for three more days.

Lu Shaoqing was strange, “Isn’t the Thousand Bandit City able to pass by handing over the spirit stone?”

“Why the detour?”

Lu Shaoqing knew that here, large and small bandits gathered here very early, and later there were more people, and gradually formed a city, which was called the city of a thousand bandits.

After establishing the Thousand Bandit City, he controlled this area, and he only needed to pay a sum of spirit stones to pass smoothly.

Walk in the way.

Fang Xiao explained, “More than two months ago, I don’t know where a cultivator of the Yuan Infancy stage came from.

“The previous city lord of Thousand Bandit City was only in the late Jiedan period, so it is not very peaceful now…”

Lu Shaoqing understood, isn’t it just a dragon crossing the river.

The clichéd plot of the struggle between old and new forces, the dispute between foreign forces and local forces.

If it’s Xiao Yi, maybe you want to make it lively.

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But for Lu Shaoqing, these are all troubles, and you can hide as far as you want.

“Take a detour,” Lu Shaoqing said to Fang Xiao, “Our strength is weak and we can’t afford to provoke it.” ”

Fang Xiao actually wants to say that with your strength, he is not afraid at all.

Below the Yuan baby, who can help you?

Fang Xiao didn’t know that Lu Shaoqing was already the strength of the Yuan Baby.

Her understanding of Lu Shaoqing’s strength was still before, and she knew that Lu Shaoqing had been hiding.

Xia Yu also told her that Lu Shaoqing was very strong, and if the Yuan baby did not come out, no one would be his opponent in the Jiedan period.

But Fang Xiao is very knowledgeable, Lu Shaoqing is clumsy, she did not break it, the relationship between her and Lu Shaoqing, sometimes it is good to stop at the point.

Fang Xiao didn’t say anything more, turned around and went in, letting people drive the boat around.

Xiao Yi sat next to Lu Shaoqing again and sighed, “Hey! That’s another three more days. She

really wanted to return to the Xiao family immediately, and she didn’t want to take a detour, but this was what the second senior brother meant, and she couldn’t object.

I’m not very happy in my heart.

After another while, Xiao Yi sighed again.

“Hey! Why take a detour? ”

Looking outside at the receding mountains, jungle.

Xiao Yi felt a lack of interest.

Such a detour took a few more days.

Lu Shaoqing didn’t look at Xiao Yi, he didn’t need to guess Xiao Yi’s careful thoughts.

Xiao Yi’s coming to the Lingxiao Sect can be said to be a rapid progress, this time she can go home, she is like a proud chicken, go home to show off.

Well, children, it’s normal to have this kind of show-off.

Lu Shaoqing said that he could understand.

However, this kind of thinking has to be cleaned up.

Lu Shaoqing’s eyes were faint, looking into the distance.

When Xiao Yi was still thinking about sighing again, he suddenly felt a chill in his body.

Xiao Yi’s spirit was shocked, looking around, how could it be cold?

“Second Senior Brother, do you feel cold?”

Xiao Yi asked Lu Shaoqing next to him.

Lu Shaoqing scolded angrily, “Your brain is stupid, aren’t you?” ”

As a cultivator, how could you feel cold.

Unless you fall into the 10,000-year ice cave, you can’t resist the cold invasion to feel cold.

Even cultivators who had just entered the refining period of cultivation were already able to withstand cold and heat and dust.

It seems to be an illusion. Xiao Yi muttered.

It must be that I haven’t had much rest lately to have this illusion.

Suddenly, Lu Shaoqing’s brows furrowed, and then stretched out and took a deep look at Xiao Yi.

Xiao Yi was muttering here, noticing Lu Shaoqing’s meaningful gaze.

A chill once again sprang up in my heart.

It’s not an illusion, Xiao Yi shouted in his heart, it was definitely not an illusion just now.

“Second Senior Brother, you, what are you going to do?”

Xiao Yi’s heart trembled, why did the second senior brother suddenly look at me with such a gaze?

I didn’t do anything wrong, right?

Lu Shaoqing withdrew his gaze and looked into the distance, “You think too much.”

“Less saying such things in front of others, bad my reputation, I’ll clean you up.”

Xiao Yi closed himself on the spot again.

She was very flustered, and the second senior brother would definitely do something to her.

It’s terrible.

What to do?

Before Xiao Yi could think of what to do, the spacecraft stopped again…

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