Lu Shaoqing’s side flew for a few days after a while, and Yangcheng was in sight.

The Xiao family is located in Yangcheng and used to be a small family.

Later, Xiao broke into the Heavenly Royal Peak and broke through to become the Yuan Baby, and the Xiao family was able to rise, becoming a famous family in Qi Prefecture and the master of Yangcheng.

The silhouette of Yangcheng appeared in the distance, and as the distance approached, the city wall that was more than ten zhang high appeared first in sight.

Of course, high nature is for mortals.

For ordinary cultivators, not to mention that the city wall here is only about ten zhang, even if it is a hundred zhang, it can be easily crossed.

The walls guard against mortals and possibly ferocious beasts.

There are soldiers guarding the city gates, and there are soldiers patrolling the city walls.

Lu Shaoqing was strange, standing on the spaceship and pointing at those mortal soldiers and asking, “What do you want these soldiers to do?”

“Who to scare?”

Mortal soldiers, although well equipped, were no threat to the monks.

Even a cultivator in the refining period can destroy thousands of mortal soldiers alone.

Xiao Yi pouted, his tone was not very happy, and said, “Those soldiers are under the control of the uncle, oh, the uncle is Xiao Qun’s father.” ”

Xiao Qun’s father, then that is the son of Xiao Ziming, the great elder of the Xiao family.

Xiao Yi looked at the soldiers on the city wall and at the city gate, his face was indignant, “The eldest uncle is the city lord, saying that there will be soldiers to maintain law and order in the city and manage mortals. And also to build weapons and equipment for these soldiers, which is a huge expense every year.

“These resources can obviously be better used on the clansmen, and the uncle has to do this, and he hates to die.”

The Xiao family sits in Yangcheng, Xiao Yi’s father is the head of the family, but the city lord of Yangcheng is not the head of the family or the cronies of the head of the family.

It can be seen that the internal struggle of the Xiao family is also quite fierce.

Hearing Xiao Yi’s words, Fang Xiao secretly shook his head.

This kind of internal struggle, most families have, this is the norm.

The Xiao family has two infants, Great Elder Xiao Ziming, Xiao Yong’s younger brother Xiao Chuang, and the lord of Chiyue Peak.

Great Elder Xiao Ziming was in the middle of the Yuan Infant Dynasty, and Xiao Chuang was in the early Yuan Infant period.

Xiao Ziming’s own strength is strong, Xiao Chuang is slightly inferior, and there is the support of the Lingxiao faction behind him.

Therefore, the two are actually equally divided, and no one can help the other.

The Xiao family also became two camps.

Lu Shaoqing also said, with contempt, “It’s chaotic enough.” ”

The five main peaks and six great yuan babies of the Lingxiao sect have no such problem.

In charge, no one picks things up.

Tianyu Peak obeyed the leader, and no one deliberately challenged the authority of the leader, causing infighting.

Xiao Yi also knew the internal problems of the Xiao family, and her face showed helplessness when she usually had no heart and lungs, which would become a girl with a heavy heart, she said, “Uncle became a baby of the yuan, father married Dan, everyone in the family agreed to let my father be the head of the family, no one supported the uncle, and the uncle didn’t say anything at that time.”

“Later, when the Great Elder came back, he would let the Xiao family become like this.”

Lu Shaoqing secretly shook his head, the Xiao family was the head of the family after Xiao Chuang became the Yuan baby, and Xiao Yong served as the head of the family, and after development, it became a new big family.

Compared with other big families, the Xiao family has a far worse background.

Still in infighting, sooner or later it will decline.

But well.

Lu Shaoqing glanced at his junior sister.

A hint of softness flashed in your eyes, if you want to save the Xiao family, the burden will fall on your shoulders.

Xiao Yi is very talented, and his future achievements will definitely surpass anyone in the Xiao family.

At that time, wanting to save the Xiao family is just a word.

But now, you have to work hard.

Xiao Yi was looking at the city that was getting closer and closer, and suddenly felt a chill again.

Already familiar with the habits, she was like a frightened bird, and immediately set her eyes on her second senior brother.

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I found that Lu Shaoqing looked at him with a somewhat different gaze, and his face actually showed a rare softness.

I have to say that Xiao Yi seems that the attraction exuded by the second senior brother like this is no worse than that of the senior brother.

“Second, second senior brother, you, what are you going to do?”

Xiao Yi stammered, “Sister Xiao, also, here.”

After speaking, Xiao Yi found that the second senior brother’s expression became fierce.

“Bastard, I’ll pull out your yellow brain pulp today…” The

spaceship descended, and Xiao Yi led the way to Xiao’s house with his messy hair.

The Xiao family compound is located in the best location in Yangcheng and covers a huge area.

The doorway is one-third larger than the usual doorway.

The vermilion gate was open, with two big characters of the Xiao family written on it, and two doormen stood on both sides of the doorway.

Lu Shaoqing glanced at it, it was not much different from ordinary families, but it had a little more nouveau riche.

With sharp eyes, he found that there were some formations and prohibitions around him, which were very ordinary and mostly used as warnings.

Coming to the Xiao family, Xiao Yi was a little more energetic, his chest was a little straighter, and his head was slightly raised.

This is her home.

Without saying a word, Xiao Yi took the lead in walking.

The doorman’s side had already noticed the three of Lu Shaoqing.

The main thing is that Xiao Yi has a small red bird on his head, and it is difficult not to be noticed.

As Xiao Yi approached, the doorman also saw clearly who the person with the bird on his head was.

“Little, miss?”

The tone of the two doormen was hesitant.

“That’s right, it’s me, I’m back Xiao Yi, hehe…”

Xiao Yi smiled very proudly.

There is a kind of momentum that my Hu Hansan is back.

Xiao Yi took Lu Shaoqing and Fang Xiao directly in.

Before Xiao Yi could shout, a voice sounded.

“Xiao Yi? You actually came back? A

familiar voice, Xiao Qun appeared.

Bad luck. Xiao Yi couldn’t help but secretly say something in his heart.

Seeing Xiao Qun, her face immediately became a little ugly.

Since I was a child, I hated this cousin the most.

A family member who just came back here is actually Xiao Qun, which seems to have stepped on a foot of shit just after going out, and most of the good mood of the day has been ruined.

Xiao Yi snorted unpleasantly, “How?” This is my home and I can’t come back? When

Xiao Qun saw Xiao Yi, the fire of jealousy in his eyes burned.

“Shouldn’t you have been driven out by the Lingxiao faction? Huh…” Just

about to laugh twice, Xiao Qun noticed Lu Shaoqing behind Xiao Yi.

Remembering the misery of going to Tianyu Peak for the first time, Xiao Qun was like a mouse whose tail had been stepped on, and immediately pointed at Lu Shaoqing and cursed, “Bastard, shameless, you still dare to come to Xiao’s house?” ”

Before in the Lingxiao faction, she didn’t dare and couldn’t do anything.

But now this is the Xiao family, it is her territory, and her grandfather is here.

Xiao Qun has no fear.

Xiao Yi was furious, you pile of shit dared to scold my second senior brother, “Xiao Qun, you give me a little politeness, otherwise I will be unkind to you.”

“Is it? Why are you not polite to me? The more angry Xiao Yi became, the more proud Xiao Qun became, and she pointed at Lu Shaoqing, “What if I scold him?” Does he dare to do it? As

soon as the words fell, Xiao Qun felt a huge force attack…

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