At night!

Lu Shaoqing did not have Liu in the room, but sat cross-legged on the roof.

This is the inner courtyard of the Xiao family, and ordinary clansmen are not qualified to enter here.

It is the core clan of the Xiao family who can live here.

Most of the clansmen were scattered in Yangcheng.

Sitting on the roof, Lu Shaoqing had a panoramic view of Yangcheng.

On the left, a few miles away, tall buildings, brightly lit, full of people, according to Xiao Yi, that is the city lord’s mansion, where Xiao Qun’s father is.

It was like another Xiao family’s power center.

Most of the clansmen of Xiao Qun settled in the area around the City Lord’s Mansion.

Of course, some of them also live here in the inner courtyard of the Xiao family, and the Great Elder is also in retreat here, and the place of retreat is where Lu Shaoqing is behind.

Lu Shaoqing glanced back, dozens of miles behind him, there were no lights there.

The condensed aura was like a white mist in the morning sun, shrouding that piece of heaven and earth, filled with a sense of mystery.

There is the back mountain and forbidden place of the Xiao family, the Great Elder Retreat, the Xiao Family Ancestral Hall, the Library Pavilion and so on.

Houshan is the best place for the Xiao family, full of spiritual energy, cultivate there, behavior can be thousands of miles a day, and progress is rapid.

Even without using divine sense, Lu Shaoqing could feel that there was a powerful aura hidden in the rich aura.

The breath is melodious and thick, giving people a deep depression, and it seems to have a sleeping demon beast.

That breath should be the Great Elder.

It seemed that he felt someone watching, and the spiritual energy that had been flowing slowly suddenly turned rapidly.

Lu Shaoqing withdrew his gaze and secretly said in his heart, it was indeed the middle of the Yuan Infant period.

If it was before, knowing that the Xiao family had a mid-Yuan Infant, and he still didn’t deal with himself, he wouldn’t come to the Xiao family to kill him.

But now, he is not afraid.

He himself is a yuan baby, even if he can’t fight, he can escape.

Not to mention that he still has hole cards.

This is also one of the reasons why Lu Shaoqing did not hesitate to slaughter Du Jing and Cangling after seeing him.

The strength becomes stronger, and the confidence is stronger.

Lu Shaoqing withdrew his gaze and ignored the Great Elder.

He swept his mind towards the city lord’s mansion, and a smile appeared on his face, “Found it!” Then

, the figure flashed and disappeared in place.

This side of the City Lord’s Mansion.

Xiao Qun was in his backyard, gritting his teeth with a few companions, angrily denouncing Lu Shaoqing.

“Damn it, you dare to come to my Xiao family to spread wilderness, damn it…” After

Xiao Qun was taught a lesson by Lu Shaoqing today, he immediately ran back to the city lord’s mansion from the inner courtyard of the Xiao family.

During this time, she did not dare to stay in the inner courtyard of the Xiao family.

Lu Shaoqing frightened her today.

That’s when she felt dead.

In front of her, she didn’t dare to scare Lu Shaoqing, but now this is her own place, can’t beat Lu Shaoqing, scold a few words, right?

Don’t scold a few words, don’t denounce it, and the breath in your heart can’t be vented.

“Yes, that bastard is so hateful, is this the Lingxiao Sect Heavenly Imperial Peak?”

“He really damn it…” Several

of Xiao Qun’s companions had been taught by Lu Shaoqing with Xiao Qun before.

Everyone also hated Lu Shaoqing in their hearts.

“Sister Qun, why don’t you ask your grandfather to teach him a lesson?”

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Some companions made such a suggestion.

Xiao Qun’s face showed a look of intent.

Her grandfather is in the middle of the Yuan Infant period, and once he makes a move, no matter how powerful Lu Shaoqing is, it will not be her grandfather’s opponent.


Xiao Qun quickly showed embarrassment, and said in a hesitant tone, “Grandpa is in retreat, I’m afraid it will be difficult to invite him.”

As soon as the words fell, her father’s voice sounded, “Good daughter, what’s going on?”

Then a tall, sturdy man strode in.

Looking at his appearance, you can tell that this is a simple-minded man with well-developed limbs.


The person who came was Xiao Qun’s father, Xiao Yong and Xiao Chuang’s cousin, and the city lord of Yangcheng.

Xiao Yun, in the early days of Jiedan, a layer of realm.

Xiao Yun’s talent is even more unbearable than Xiao Yong’s.

Without his father’s help, whether Xiao Yun could enter Jiedan was still a question mark.

After seeing his father coming, the grievances in Xiao Qun’s heart welled up again.

Eyes turned red and tears flowed.

“Whew… Father, I, I was bullied. ”

Who?” Xiao Yun was furious when he heard this, and his murderous aura was overflowing, like an angry lion, “Who dares to bully my precious daughter?” I slaughtered him. Xiao

Yun’s wife died early, leaving only Xiao Qun a daughter to him.

The only heir, Xiao Yun regarded Xiao Qun as a pearl in his palm and was very pampered.

Reluctant to scold, and reluctant to hit.

Now he actually said that someone bullied his daughter, which undoubtedly touched his anti-scales.

Xiao Qun was about to say today’s events.

When Xiao Yun heard this, he was furious, “Damn, is it him again?” ”

Xiao Qun went to Tianyu Peak before, but he was bullied by Lu Shaoqing, and even his profane pants were almost ripped off.

“I haven’t gone to him to settle the account, he actually dares to bully him now, do you really think that my Xiao Yun’s daughter is a bully?”

“I’m going to kill him.”

Xiao Yun’s eyes were red, and his breath soared, setting off a storm in the courtyard.

“Who are you going to slaughter? Me?

Suddenly, a playful voice sounded in the sky.

Everyone looked up and saw a young man suspended above the sky, condescending, like a god in the sky looking down on them.

Seeing the person coming, Xiao Qun’s voice was sharp, like a hen being pinched by the neck, screaming, “Is it you?” The

voice was mixed with fear, anger and other emotions in it, just like Xiao Qun’s expression, which was very complicated.

She never expected that Lu Shaoqing would actually dare to kill here, what did she want to do?

Murder or burglary?

Lu Shaoqing slowly fell under everyone’s astonished gaze, greeting Xiao Qun with a smile, like a girlfriend coming to the door, “Hey, I’m coming.”

“You, you still dare to come?” After Xiao Qun came back to his senses, he pointed at Lu Shaoqing and shouted, “Aren’t you afraid of death?”

Lu Shaoqing smiled widely, looking peaceful and approachable, harmless to humans and animals, “I’m afraid, but can you kill me?” ”

Damn,” the ignored Xiao Yun shouted angrily, “dare to bully my daughter, look for death!” When

her daughter was bullied like this, Xiao Yun immediately went up and blatantly shot at Lu Shaoqing.

A powerful storm of spiritual power gathers.

However, Lu Shaoqing just waved his hand, the spiritual power storm dissipated, Xiao Yun’s body flew upside down, smashed several rockeries one after another, and finally fell heavily on the ground, blood spurting directly.

“Hey, there were flies calling just now, did you hear that?”

Lu Shaoqing asked with a smile…

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