Xiao Yong arrived with a group of people, including Su Yunyu and Xiao Yi.

Xiao Yi was startled when he saw his second senior brother here.

Is this something that his second senior brother provoked?

What is he going to do?

Planning to take advantage of the dark moon and wind to come here to destroy Xiao Qun?

When Xiao Yong saw Lu Shaoqing, he suddenly had a headache.

He knew that Lu Shaoqing was not a master of peace.

I didn’t expect to make trouble on the first day I came here.

Xiao Yong could be regarded as understanding why when his brother talked about Lu Shaoqing, he gritted his teeth and was full of resentment.

I also understand why my younger brother has always wanted to clean up Lu Shaoqing.

Big brother, this is not the Lingxiao faction, let alone the Tianyu Peak, what are you going to do?

After seeing Xiao Yong coming, Xiao Yun immediately aimed his spearhead at Xiao Yong and shouted, “Family master, this is your guest, he came here indiscriminately and hurt me, you must give me an explanation.” ”

Xiao Yun and Xiao Yong already have a conflict, so naturally they have to make good use of this opportunity to hit Xiao Yong.

The clansmen belonging to Xiao Yun’s family came out to help.

“Yes, master, your guests can’t be so excessive, can they?”

“Master, don’t you give everyone an explanation this time, so how can everyone obey you?”

“Yes, master, don’t let everyone chill.”

“Believe in the family master, believe that the family master will definitely give us a everyone, everyone don’t be impatient…”

Xiao Yun’s clansmen made Xiao Yong’s head grow big.

This is the clansmen and must be pacified.

Over there is his daughter’s senior brother, his brother’s junior nephew, and the personal disciples of the Lingxiao Sect also have to take care of it.

Xiao Yong wanted to give up the position of the head of the family to Xiao Yun at this moment.

It’s hard to do.

Under the pressure of everyone, Xiao Yong could only ask Lu Shaoqing, “Young Master Lu, what happened?”

Lu Shaoqing spread his hands, looking very innocent, his expression was as innocent as he was, he asked rhetorically, “Patriarch Xiao, I still want to ask you, what are so many of you gathered here for?”

“I didn’t do anything.”

I rub!

This cheek is thick out of the sky.

The walls of Yangcheng are not as thick as this guy’s face.

“Bastard, bastard…” Xiao Yun felt that every cell in his body was vomiting blood, he had seen shameless, and he had never seen such a shameless person.

Xiao Yun was so angry that he couldn’t speak.

Seeing so many people coming, Xiao Qun’s courage recovered, she was like a little hen who had been bullied, and angrily reprimanded Lu Shaoqing, “It’s not you who did it, who did it?”

“Are you a man, dare to do it?”

Lu Shaoqing stood up, Xiao Qun was startled, and hurriedly took two steps back.

Seeing this, Xiao Yun gritted his teeth in anger, and his daughter was actually scared like this.

I secretly made up my mind in my heart that I would make Lu Shaoqing suffer a little and help his daughter get justice if he said anything today.

Lu Shaoqing, who stood up, carried his hands behind his back, faced everyone directly, and was calm, “Do you have any evidence?” Someone

shouted angrily, “At this point, I am still quibbling, how did the injuries on the city lord’s body come from?”

“He walked unsteadily and fell.”

Lu Shaoqing’s face was displeased, and he seemed to be a little angry, “You are a big family, you have to talk about evidence when doing things.” This

bastard is so shameless, Xiao Qun stepped forward two steps and pointed at Lu Shaoqing, “I saw with my own eyes that you started to hurt my father.

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“You are father and daughter, and your own people are speaking for your father, and this is not evidence.”

Lu Shaoqing’s words made everyone speechless for a while, and Xiao Yun and Xiao Qun were so angry that they couldn’t speak.

Xiao Yong saw Xiao Yun like this, and secretly said in his heart, even my brother can’t take him, what can you do?

But there must be an explanation for this matter, and he said to everyone, “Let’s disperse, just leave a few people here.” ”

Xiao Yong is thinking of fewer people so that the two sides can better solve things.

But in Xiao Yun’s opinion, Xiao Yong was planning to shield Lu Shaoqing.

Marde, is this the adulterer brought back by your daughter, and you want to shelter him like this?

I’m especially your eldest brother, I was bullied, you actually want to calm people?

Why did I call so many people here? Do you think you are called here to watch a play?

The angry Xiao Yun seemed to have lost his mind, and shouted, “He came here to bully our Xiao family’s people and kill him.”

Xiao Yong was shocked and hurriedly stopped, “Don’t come nonsense.” ”

It’s hard to be the head of the household.

However, Xiao Yun’s people did not listen to Xiao Yong’s words, and after receiving the order, they decisively attacked Lu Shaoqing.

In an instant, a wave of spiritual power fluctuations converged, red, yellow, white, etc., and various attacks of various colors roared towards Lu Shaoqing.

Like fireworks, it is beautiful and moving, but it is also very dangerous.

Seeing that the attack on his side was so fierce, Xiao Yun showed a vicious smile and became proud, “Look how you die!” In

the face of these attacks, Lu Shaoqing’s expression did not change in the slightest, did not retreat, but advanced, stepped forward, and waved his hand.

More majestic spiritual power roared out, and Lu Shaoqing was like an erupting volcano, and his breath was breathtaking.

The spiritual power that erupted from his body was like a jet of magma, and the attack sent out by the Xiao family was instantly destroyed.

The powerful fluctuation slammed into the Xiao family members who dared to attack him.


The Xiao family members were struck by lightning one after another, spraying blood from their mouths and flying out upside down.


those Xiao family members screamed miserably, but more of them fainted directly.

With one move, he defeated more than ten Xiao family members with a wave of his hand, including many two Jiedan masters.

At this moment, everyone did not dare to move.

So strong?

Besieged by so many people, even a strong person in the Jiedan realm could not do it so easily.

What is his strength?

Su Yunyu was also surprised, pulled her daughter, and asked in a low voice, “Xiao Yi, what is the strength of your second senior brother?” Su

Yunyu had a guess in her heart, but she couldn’t believe it, it was too scary.

His own daughter Senior Brother is the Yuan Infant Realm, and the second Senior Brother is also the Yuan Infant Realm?

What shit luck did his own daughter go to have such a senior brother.

Xiao Yi saw that the Xiao family was shot away, not only was he not angry, but his heart was very happy.

are all people from Xiao Yun’s family, usually follow Xiao Yun specifically against her father, and today I ran into the hard nail of the second senior brother.

Lu Shaoqing’s face was expressionless, and his breath did not change by the slightest, as if he really just waved his hand just now.

Such Lu Shaoqing frightened the other Xiao family members, and no one dared to speak up.

Lu Shaoqing stretched out his hand to grab Xiao Yun, and Xiao Yun seemed to be grabbed by a big hand.

Everyone felt Lu Shaoqing’s killing intent, and the chilling killing intent made everyone shudder.

In front of this killing intent, Xiao Yong couldn’t help but feel numb in his scalp.

Just when everyone thought that Lu Shaoqing was going to kill Xiao Yun, a powerful aura came from the back mountain of the Xiao family, and the soul was dementoring……

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