In the courtyard of the inner courtyard of the Xiao family, Lu Shaoqing was lying on a chair, leisurely basking in the sun.

The warm sunlight shone on his handsome face, and Lu Shaoqing showed a pleasant expression.

It has been half a month since I came to Xiao’s house.

After making a fuss on the first night, he got what he wanted, and never left here.

He gave Xiao Yi enough time to accompany his parents.

Because of his reasons, Xiao Ziming removed Xiao Yun’s power, allowing Xiao Yong to control the entire Xiao family.

Xiao Yong is also very busy these days.

Therefore, no one from the Xiao family came to disturb him, allowing him to live a leisurely and comfortable life here for a few days.

But at this moment, Lu Shaoqing’s expression moved, and someone came.

The people came and walked, the strength under their feet was calm, the speed was fast, and after the wind and fire came to the outside of the yard, they stopped.

After two breaths, he spoke, “Is Lu Gongzi there?” ”

The person who came is Xiao Yi’s father, Xiao Yong.

Xiao Yong shouted outside, and after waiting for a long time, he didn’t see a voice coming out of it.

Strange, he called again, but still no one spoke.

Xiao Yong didn’t wait and broke in directly.

After the establishment, he saw Lu Shaoqing lying in the courtyard basking in the sun, and he had the urge to vomit blood.

You are here, shouldn’t I mean a few?

Taking a deep breath, Xiao Yong smiled and came to Lu Shaoqing, “Young Master Lu!”

Lu Shaoqing opened his eyes, “Hey, Patriarch Xiao, when did you come?” ”

Pretend, don’t pretend to me.”

When did I come, don’t you have a point in mind?

You are powerful, and you should have discovered me from far away.

“Young Master Lu, today, I came to you to talk to you about something.”

Xiao Yong’s face was tangled, since his wife had told him about Xiao Yi and Lu Shaoqing that day, he had been sleeping.

There was even the urge to drive Lu Shaoqing away.

He had worked hard for sixteen years, and the flowers of almost seventeen years would be taken away by someone, and he was the first to refuse.

Lu Shaoqing sat up, looked at Xiao Yong’s tangled expression, and muttered in his heart, what do you want to do?

Do you want me to help get someone?

Lu Shaoqing hurriedly gave Xiao Yong a preventive injection, “Patriarch Xiao, my time here is not short, it’s time to leave.” ”

Leaving so soon?

Xiao Yong was even more worried.

The daughter and this kid are senior brothers and sisters, and the two will only spend more time together.

What should I do if I am cut by this kid first?

No, you have to find out with him.

You kid almost wants to be my son-in-law.

In my brother’s mouth, you kid is not a good guy.

Thinking of this, Xiao Yong’s face turned pale, his attitude became a little fiercer, quite like the taste of a strict father, and said to Lu Shaoqing, “Young Master Lu, I only have such a daughter.” ”

I know, I know you’re tracheitis.”

Lu Shaoqing smiled gently, making people feel good, and he said to Xiao Yong, “Don’t worry, I won’t let her be in danger.”

Lu Shaoqing also thought that Xiao Yong was worried that Xiao Yi would encounter danger if he followed her.

This was even more difficult to accept in Xiao Yong’s ears, and he wanted to tickle people.

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He simply said it a little more bluntly, “Young Master Lu, Xiao Yi is still young, and he should concentrate on cultivation at this time, instead of being delayed by the relationship between men and women. How

clever Lu Shaoqing was, he understood this.

Ma Yay.

Lu Shaoqing’s eyes widened and he looked at Xiao Yong in disbelief.

Sure enough, it is the biological father of the stupid junior sister, and it is definitely pro.

The brains of the two are similar.

If it were someone else, Lu Shaoqing would not bother with it, whether he had caused himself much trouble, and explained too much would be troublesome.

However, the person in front of him was the father of his junior sister, and Lu Shaoqing said to Xiao Yong, “Master Xiao, you misunderstood, in your eyes your daughter is a baby, in my eyes, she is just my

junior sister…” After a pause, he felt that he still added a few words, “It’s a bit stupid junior sister.” ”


Xiao Yong was not happy, and no father could stand others calling his daughter stupid.

Xiao Yong snorted, his face was a little more dissatisfied, and his tone was unpleasant, “Xiao Yi has always been very smart, few people in her generation are smarter than her, and talent is even rarer.” ”

Xiao Yong is not bragging, among his peers, Xiao Yi’s talent is indeed outstanding and smart.

But it depends on who you compare with.

Lu Shaoqing laughed, “How about her comparison with my senior brother?”

“My senior brother is only twenty-two years old now.”

Xiao Yong shut up and had nothing to say.

He suddenly reacted too.

The daughter also told him about Lu Shaoqing’s age, and he is not yet twenty years old.

Xiao Yi is only about three years younger than Lu Shaoqing.

Lu Shaoqing is already a yuan baby, and his daughter is still only in the foundation building period, can it be compared?

In front of Lu Shaoqing, saying that his daughter is talented, isn’t this self-inflicted humiliation?

Xiao Yong was speechless, and after a while, he curled his neck and said, “Hmph, love is not about talent, but about feelings.” ”

Young Master Lu, I warn you, don’t delay Xiaoyi.”

Seeing the seriousness on Xiao Yong’s face, Lu Shaoqing laughed, “What if it’s delayed?” Patriarch Xiao, what are you going to do? Want to clean me up? ”

Xiao Yong’s strength is only in the Jiedan period, and it is not self-sufficient to deal with Lu Shaoqing.

Xiao Yong saw Lu Shaoqing’s indifferent attitude, and he was a little annoyed in his heart.

Huffing, he huffed, “My brother Xiao Chuang can clean you up, right?”

Lu Shaoqing was silent for a while, rolled his eyes, and said to Xiao Yong, “Patriarch Xiao, haven’t you heard that I already have someone I like when you go to the ceremony?” ”

Xuanyunxin of the Dian Xing Sect, that’s someone I like, I swore with my Dao heart at that time.”

Hearing Lu Shaoqing mention this, Xiao Yong also remembered, and there was indeed a lot of noise at that time.

“Hmph,” Xiao Yong was relieved, but still felt a little unsafe, “I am also a man, and I know that men like three wives and four concubines.

“I won’t believe you until you swear by your heart again.”

Lu Shaoqing dispersed his smile, and his tone was a little more displeased, “Patriarch Xiao, must it be?”

Xiao Yong had a tough attitude and did not back down, “That’s right. ”

This is for his daughter, although he has offended, but he is not forced to do so.

I don’t allow anyone to take my flowers away.

“I hope you will forgive Lu Gongzi.”

“Bastard!” Suddenly, a voice sounded.

Su Yunyu’s figure appeared, she came in angrily, came to Xiao Yong, and began to hammer Xiao Yong without saying a word.

“I just said why let the two of us go out shopping today, it turns out that you came to find Lu Gongzi’s trouble, I see that you have itchy skin…”

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