There is a rouge smell in the air, and the aroma is rich.

The three-story building in front of him, carved fence jade, red lantern hanging high, the gate is open, and the three big characters leaning on the green building on it are shining.

What makes people’s eyes shine even more is the enchanting beauty standing on both sides of the doorway, red, fat, green and thin, with flowery branches.

Xiao Yong looked at his eyes, sniffing the alluring smell, and his heart was excited.

This is the Qinglou, is the hook, what kind of wine do you come here to drink?

Flower wine?

I would also like to see what flower wine tastes like.


“How? Didn’t the Xiao family master dare to go in?

Lu Shaoqing smiled, like a little fox, “I think the wine here is even more delicious.”

“Say, say what?”

Xiao Yong noticed the gazes of those beautiful women coming over, and quickly straightened his chest, showing his masculinity.

“It’s just, it’s just…” Xiao Yong’s

chest slowly bent back.

This is the place where Xiao Yong dreams of entering, but he can only dream.

He used to find a concubine, but before he could enter the subject, he was hammered away.

If his wife knew that he entered such a place, I was afraid that he would be hammered to death, right?

“Just what?” Lu Shaoqing followed the guidance, and his tone was full of temptation, “When you get here, you can completely relax, and you don’t have to think about anything else.”

“The grievances received before can be vented here.”

“Only here can you feel the true happiness of men.”

Xiao Yong was greatly moved, this is the truth.

Although he is a Jiedan monk, in the end, he is still a man.

Seeing Xiao Yongyi move, Lu Shaoqing continued to tempt, “But I heard that there are beautiful women who are cultivating inside.”

“Qinqi calligraphy and painting, all proficient, doesn’t the Xiao family master want to see it?”

The divine sense swept by, and it was clear what was going on inside.

“However, this is always bad, in case…” Xiao

Yong really wanted to go in, if he was discovered, the little brother would be cut.

“Don’t worry,” Lu Shaoqing knew what Xiao Yong was worried about, he raised his hand and stretched out three fingers, “I swear with a Dao heart, I will never tell my aunt and junior sister.”

“Patriarch Xiao, if you are still afraid, you can change your face without worrying about being bumped into by acquaintances.”

Xiao Yong was even more moved, and he swore that if he didn’t go in, I’m afraid he wouldn’t give face, right?

Madame said that I could not offend him.

Seeing Xiao Yong like this, Lu Shaoqing beckoned to the beautiful woman at the door, and suddenly a group of enchanting beauties surrounded him, waving all kinds of handkerchiefs.

“Guest officer, I haven’t been here for a long time.”

“Guest officer, come

in…” “Guest officer, what kind of girl do you want…”

Yingge Yanyu, rouge scent, Xiao Yong fell in an instant.

Surrounded by many girls.

Lu Shaoqing smiled, and a paper crane with a backhand staggered and flew out.

Finally, he followed slowly, shaking his head proudly, “Serve well, this is a master, the spirit stone is very big…”

Xiao Yi accompanied his mother here to walk around Yangcheng, as if returning to the time when he was a child, he was so unhappy.

“Mom, where did you go just now?

Xiao Yi was curious about the period of time when Su Yunyu left halfway.

Su Yunyu’s face did not change, took her daughter’s hand, and said, “Go back and talk to your father, let him not snub Lu Gongzi.”

Xiao Yi expressed a hundred consents to this, “Yes, without the second senior brother, I would not have been able to progress so fast.” ”

Lu Shaoqing’s kindness to Xiao Yi, Xiao Yi is in his eyes and remembers it in his heart.

In her mind, Lu Shaoqing was equivalent to her own brother.

Be nice to your brother, that’s a must.

“However,” thinking of the character of the second senior brother, Xiao Yi reminded his mother again, “Let the father not offend the second senior brother, otherwise he will be miserable.” ”

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Second Senior Brother is the least angry.

The master brother offends him, he takes revenge, let alone others.

Su Yunyu nodded, “Don’t worry, he won’t.” ”

I’ve already hammered him, if you still don’t obey, then you will hammer again.”

“That’s good,” Xiao Yi was relieved, “I’m afraid that my father will offend the second senior brother, and the second senior brother will clean up my father.” ”

Is that so?” Su Yunyu was strange, chuckling and quipping, “He doesn’t even give you face?”

“It won’t.” Xiao Yi shook his head, thinking in his heart that my face was worthless in front of the second senior brother.

The second senior brother cleaned up the people, and no one’s face was good.

“In short, just don’t offend the second senior brother.”

Xiao Yi said seriously.

Su Yunyu squeezed her daughter’s hand and said with a smile, “Don’t worry, you have said this several times.” I know.

Xiao Yi nodded, and suddenly, a paper crane fell from the sky and came to her.

Xiao Yi also reacted, and Xiao Hong, who was standing on her shoulder, opened her eyes.

Xiaohong grabbed the paper crane, and then flapped his wings and flew in one direction.

“Huh?” Xiao Yi snorted and reacted, “Xiaohong, is the second senior brother looking for you?”

Xiao Yi hurriedly followed behind, and Su Yunyu naturally followed.

Xiao Yi and Su Yunyu followed Xiaohong and soon came to a building.

“Yicui Lou?”

Seeing this, Su Yunyu’s brows furrowed, and a trace of displeasure flashed.

Xiao Yi was also surprised, this is the Qinglou.

The second senior brother could not be inside.

Seeing Xiaohong fluttering and flying in, Xiao Yi followed in without saying a word.

It’s true, the second senior brother is actually such a person.

As a junior sister, I have to stop it.

Cultivators cannot be delayed by beauty.

Xiaohong was flying in front, the speed was not fast, and Xiao Yi’s mother and daughter could easily keep up.

After entering, I saw the men and women hugging each other around, the sound of obscenity was endless, and the air was up and down, inside and out.

Su Yunyu wanted to blow up this place.

Su Yunyu’s impression of Lu Shaoqing has fallen to the bottom.

Unexpectedly, looking at Sven alone, it turned out to be such a vulgar person.

Her gaze couldn’t help but fall on her daughter.

Will this bring my daughter to the detriment?

Xiao Yi would be like a hunting dog, following Xiaohong everywhere sniffing the breath of her second senior brother, turning a deaf ear to the surroundings.

Soon, Xiaohong stopped in front of a door on the third floor.

“Is the second senior brother inside?”

Xiao Yi asked Xiaohong carefully, and Xiaohong nodded.

Xiao Yi kicked the door without saying a word.

But he was pulled by his mother who followed him.


Su Yunyu made a silent gesture to her and said in a low voice, “Look what your second senior brother is going to do inside?”

“Don’t be impulsive, after all, it’s your second senior brother.”

Alas, at this point, she still had to hope that her second senior brother was not that kind of person. Or what’s hidden in it.

I still hope that the image of her second senior brother will not be destroyed.

Xiao Yi pricked up his ears, and Lu Shaoqing’s voice came out from inside

, “Hey, men and women are not intimate, we are not familiar, don’t beat me, you just go and serve him.”

“Leave me alone, I’m here to drink with him today.”

Xiao Yong’s voice came out from inside, “Haha, brother, they’re all here, don’t pretend to be pure love…”

Su Yunyu kicked violently, and the gate instantly fell apart….

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