
Like the Xiao family, Laicheng is also owned by the Fang family.

The people living here have a close connection with the Fang family, and going back a few generations, the ancestors may still be who is from the Fang family.

Tracing back, in terms of generation, maybe the head of the Fang family still has to call the little devil in the next room a cousin.

The spacecraft landed slowly in a square, and Fang Xiao took Lu Shaoqing and Xiao Yi to disembark.

Before Lu Shaoqing could take a good look around, a yin and yang strange voice sounded.

“Yo, little sister, you’re back? I haven’t seen you back for so long, and I thought something was wrong with you.

Lu Shaoqing looked up, and a woman with a somewhat similar appearance to Fang Xiao was standing not far away with several people.

Although it was a greeting, everyone could hear the thorn in the words.

When Fang Xiao saw the person coming, his heart suddenly became a little worse.

Even Xiao Yi could feel that Fang Xiao’s interest was not high.

Xiao Yi couldn’t help but be curious and asked, “Sister Xiao, who is she?”

Fang Xiao said lightly, “My ninth sister, Fang Zhi, has a better relationship with my third brother. Fang

Taihe’s ninth daughter, Fang Zhi, her gaze fell on Xiao Yi, and then looked at Lu Shaoqing, a trace of contempt flashed in her eyes.

Whether it is Lu Shaoqing or Xiao Yi, the breath of the two is very ordinary.

She smiled contemptuously, “Little sister, this is the helper you got back?”


laughing a few times, he continued, “Xia Yu can’t come to help, you asked these two people to help, are you planning to give up?”

Between the words, there is a sense of contempt.

Seeing that the foreign aid her sister had found was so unbearable, Fang Zhi was happy.

She also wants to compete for the position of the head of the family, and Fang Xiao’s competitiveness is small, which is naturally a good thing for her.

In a happy mood, she simply said to Lu Shaoqing and Xiao Yi, “You two don’t know the current affairs, are you here to suffer?”

“Listen to my sister’s words, hurry up and go home, don’t lose sight here.”

Xiao Yi was angry, pointing to prevent Xia Yu from asking, “Sister Xiao, can I scold her?”

Fang Xiao was silent for a while, and said lightly, “You are guests, not inferiors.”

Xiao Yi’s eyes lit up, and the meaning of these words could not be clearer.

This is to allow her to curse.

Swearing, I like it the most.

Following the second senior brother, scolding people has made rapid progress in this aspect.

Three-eight, look how I spray you to death.

Xiao Yi pulled his sleeves, his small hands crossed his waist to make a spraying posture, and when the words of justice blurted out, he was hit on the head.

Lu Shaoqing slapped Xiao Yi’s head and scolded, “Don’t embarrass people here, don’t let people laugh at the etiquette we don’t understand.”

Fang Xiao was stunned.

Has this been taken away?

In such a situation, Lu Gongzi, you either split out with a sword or let Xiao Yi’s sister out.

Otherwise, you can scold the dead.

Is it for my sake, to give me face?

Fang Xiao was puzzled.

Lu Shaoqing is not such a good person to talk to.

Xiao Yi was even more surprised, unable to understand what medicine was being sold in his second senior brother’s gourd.

If you encounter such a person and don’t spray her to death, do you still have to say hello to her obediently?

“Let’s go, why bother talking here? That’s what kids do.

Lu Shaoqing said to Fang Xiao, “As a family leader, you should know how to be tolerant and have a sense of responsibility, otherwise how will others obey you?”

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Fang Xiao’s heart was shocked, and he looked at Lu Shaoqing in disbelief.

This remark made her understand a lot in her heart.

Lu Shaoqing carried his back and slowly left here, Xiao Yi was very puzzled, and he was confused and followed Xiao Hong.

Fang Xiao, who remained in place, looked at Lu Shaoqing’s back, and his eyes showed admiration.

Thinking of what Lu Shaoqing meant, she glanced at Fang Zhi and laughed.

The smile was full of sunshine, which Fang Zhi couldn’t understand.

“Ninth sister, I’ll go first.”

Fang Zhi was also confused.

Fang Xiao’s actions, she saw in her eyes.

She felt that Fang Xiao seemed to have changed somewhat, but what had changed, she couldn’t understand.

Finally, Fang Zhi muttered, despising Lu Shaoqing, “A man in a nest.”

Fang Xiao took Lu Shaoqing to Fang’s house, his tone respectful, “Young Master Lu, do you need to meet your father?” Lu

Shaoqing’s words just now made Fang Xiao think through many things.

Therefore, he has more respect for Lu Shaoqing.

Before she respected Lu Shaoqing, it was because of Lu Shaoqing’s strength and identity.

But now she respects Lu Shaoqing more from the heart, and in a word, let her know why Lu Shaoqing can become a powerful Yuan baby at a young age.

Lu Shaoqing waved his hand, not interested in this, and said, “No need, you can find us a place to stay.”

“I’m here as your foreign aid.”

He and Fang Taihe are not acquainted, what can he say when they meet, and talk about how to marry so many Taoist couples?

“Good.” Fang Xiao did not force it, and took Lu Shaoqing to a courtyard of some ages, which was some distance away from the Fang family’s courtyard and belonged to the periphery.

When Fang Xiao came here, his face showed a bit of longing.

“Young Master Lu, sister Xiaoyi, temporarily wronged you to live here.”

“Although the conditions here are a little simpler, the victory is in the purity, and this is my real home.”

Fang Xiao was worried that Lu Shaoqing would complain about it here, so he explained.

This is where her mother used to live, where she lived most of her time as a child.

“Very good,” Lu Shaoqing was very satisfied here, “Boss Fang, you go and get busy, we will do the rest ourselves, you can just call for anything.” Fang

Xiao did have a lot of things to do, at least she had to go to see her father now.

Lu Shaoqing didn’t go to see her father, and she had to tell her father about Lu Shaoqing’s coming here.

Lu Shaoqing can not care about red tape, she can not be rude.

After Fang Xiao left, Xiao Yi pulled Lu Shaoqing’s clothes, his eyes shining, “Second Senior Brother, what’s wrong with you today?” ”

According to Fang Zhi’s behavior just now, her second senior brother has given her face for eighteen generations.

In the face of provocation, the second senior brother actually endured it, which was strange.

Lu Shaoqing put his hands behind his back, looked around, and finally found a suitable position to lie down in the pavilion.

With his hands on his head, his eyes closed, he scolded, “Stupid, don’t you understand this?”

“What are we here for?”

Xiao Yi didn’t think about it, and replied directly, “Come and help Sister Xiao sit in the position of the head of the family.”

“I ask you, are you familiar with the situation here?” What is the current situation, do you grasp it? ”

Acting rashly without knowing the situation, you want to die, don’t you?”

Xiao Yi understood why the second senior brother would do this.

“Second Senior Brother, how do you plan to help Sister Xiao?”

Lu Shaoqing pondered for a while, shook his head slightly, and seemed to be too lazy to use force, “Anyway, listen to her, I’m too lazy to think about it.”

Xiao Yi said with a grin, “Second Senior Brother, how about beating all her brothers and sisters to death?”

Xiao Yi could only think of this method, which was convenient and simple.

Lu Shaoqing opened his eyes and looked at her, “Do you believe it or not if I beat me to death first?” ”

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