After two days, Fang Taihe was free and decided to come to see Lu Shaoqing.

Look at how this genius is.

Fang Taihe came to the place that Fang Xiao arranged for Lu Shaoqing.

Standing outside the door, looking at the familiar doorway, Fang Taihe revealed a retrospective gaze.

Yiren has passed away, and there is no time to remember.

I hope you bless Xiao’er. After Fang Taihe secretly recalled his lover in his heart, he stepped forward and planned to knock on the door and enter.

Lu Shaoqing is a Yuan baby, and it will be very abrupt to break in directly.

Knock on the door and enter, this is enough respect.

Fang Taihe was about to knock on the door, but the door inside suddenly opened.

Xiao Yi appeared at the door.

“Uncle Fang, hello, long time no see.”

Xiao Yi smiled very happily, making Fang Taihe feel as sweet as the manna after the rain, which made people feel good instantly.

“Xiaoyi niece, it’s indeed a long time since you can come to the Fang family, this is our Fang family’s honor.”

Fang Taihe held up his somewhat bulging belly, with a smile on his face, like a Maitreya Buddha, and said with a smile, “At the Lingxiao Sect ceremony, Xiao Yi’s niece was mighty, and her heroic figure still makes me unforgettable.

“This time again, Xiao Yi’s niece, you are better than you were then, presumably your strength has improved a lot, right?” Sure enough, a genius. A

few words, praising Xiao Yi’s face quickly smiled into a flower.

The favor of the other party Taihe surged upwards.

I was called a fool by the second senior brother every day, and I almost forgot that I was still a genius.

“Hehe,” Xiao Yi smiled proudly, “Uncle Fang has passed the award, it’s average, it’s not a genius.”

However, she did not forget the business, she said, “Uncle Fang, are you here to find the second senior brother?” Come on in. ”

The second senior brother said let me watch it, Uncle Fang is so good at talking, of course, he will let him in.”

Uncle Fang came here presumably for Sister Xiao’s affairs.

Fang Taihe followed Fang Xiao in, and as soon as he entered the door, he saw Lu Shaoqing lying under the pavilion.

Fang Taihe took the lead in saluting, “Young Master Lu, don’t come unharmed.”

Lu Shaoqing got up and simply replied, “Patriarch Fang.”

Then the two fell silent.

Lu Shaoqing was sitting in the pavilion, looking at Fang Taihe, Fang Taihe, standing in place, not knowing what to say for a while.

This is where his wife used to live, and it stands to reason that he is the master of the place.

However, Lu Shaoqing sat down at the pavilion, and Fang Taihe felt that he was the guest who came to the door.

Fang Taihe originally thought about waiting for Lu Shaoqing to ask him the purpose of coming to the door.

Lu Shaoqing did not intend to speak, and the two looked at each other like this.

Xiao Yi had already run to the side, brought a small stool to sit on the steps, and watched the two people in the courtyard look at each other.

In the end, Fang Taihe had to speak first.

Looking at each other like this, he felt a lot of pressure.

He showed a smile and laughed twice, making the laughter more natural, before saying, “I heard that Lu Gongzi has stepped into the Yuan Infant realm, which is gratifying.”

Lu Shaoqing did not speak, but stared at Fang Taihe.

The gaze made Fang Taihe couldn’t help but worry in his heart, this, I, said the wrong thing?

Fang Taihe hurriedly checked in his heart what he had just said.

I’m not wrong, but why such expressions and eyes?

Just when Fang Taihe was puzzled in his heart, Lu Shaoqing suddenly asked, “Gone?”

“No, no, ah, what’s gone?”

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Fang Taihe thought that his brain was spinning relatively fast, he was quite smart, and he was not confused.

But Lu Shaoqing’s sentence was gone, and he really didn’t understand what it meant.

In desperation, Fang Taihe could only ask, he smiled, pretending to be bold, “Lu Gongzi, I am a rough person, some things may not be done in place, Lu Gongzi, you may as well say it directly.”

“You are Xiao’er’s friend and a guest of the Fang family, what can you say directly.” If you don’t say it, it’s my faux pas.

When Lu Shaoqing heard this, he immediately said, “It’s okay.” ”

Alas, I also said that the head of the family did not indicate it.


Forget it, let’s let him go quickly.

“I wonder what happened when Patriarch Fang came to find me? If it’s okay, I have to rest, I came here from the Lingxiao faction, I traveled a long way, and I need to rest.

Fang Taihe complained in his heart.

Tease me, you are a meta-baby, do you need to rest?

Not to mention the long journey of more than a month, even if it is long, you will not feel tired.

Seeing that Lu Shaoqing was about to pick people, Fang Taihe hurriedly said the purpose of finding Lu Shaoqing.

“Young Master Lu, what do you think of Xiao’er?”

I rub.

Lu Shaoqing was shocked, shouldn’t this fat man want to recruit me as a son-in-law?

Xiao Yi’s eyes widened.

Has anyone finally discovered the advantages of the second senior brother?

However, it seems that Sister Xiao is a little unworthy of my second senior brother.

At least Sister Yu or Sister Yunxin.

Lu Shaoqing leaned back a few degrees behind him, stared at Fang Taihe warily, and said hesitantly, “Patriarch Fang, what are you going to do?”

“I haven’t planned to marry a Taoist couple yet.”


Fang Taihe vomited blood and was misunderstood.

He hurriedly said, “Young Master Lu, you misunderstood, I mean, do you think Xiao’er can be the head of the Fang family?”

Lu Shaoqing’s body instantly sat up straight and said dissatisfied, “Patriarch Fang, speak clearly next time, don’t be scared.”

Xiao Yi was also slightly disappointed, and thought that Uncle Fang would have the insight to know the extraordinary nature of the second senior brother.

Then, Lu Shaoqing said, “She is not the head of the family, you have the final say.”

Fang Taihe smiled slightly, and said more bluntly, “If Xiao’er becomes the head of the family, the Fang family is in danger, will Lu Gongzi lend a hand?”

Lu Shaoqing replied bluntly, “No.” ”

Just kidding, I’m here for that thing.

If not, I ran so far to eat?

Fang Taihe was so choked by Lu Shaoqing’s words that he didn’t know what to say for a while.

Seeing Fang Taihe’s silence, Lu Shaoqing asked Fang Taihe, “What do you think of your daughter?”

Fang Taihe said truthfully, “Xiao’er is my most beloved daughter, and the smartest and most capable of all the children.

Fang Taihe’s face was a little more relieved, Fang Xiao was his most beloved daughter, not only because Fang Xiao was the youngest, nor because of Fang Xiao’s mother.

Fang Xiao’s performance in his eyes was indeed the best among his children.

Lu Shaoqing stood up, his breath became mysterious, like a worldly master, “In that case, why do you have to do so many things?”

“You are not a person who is dying, you are not the head of the family, and the affairs of the family, do you leave it alone?”

“Do you think that the head of the family selected through the competition will convince the others?”

“You think the Fang family is royal? The emperor is not as troublesome as you…” Fang

Taihe’s body suddenly shook…

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