After Lu Shaoqing drove Xiao Yi out, he immediately felt that his ears were extremely clean.

He lay on the bench and looked at the roof of the gazebo.

“After waking up the Fang Patriarch with a few words, there shouldn’t be any competition.”

“It depends on who he chooses to be the head of the household.”

“However, if you dare to choose someone who is supported by

the Yuan Pavilion as the head of the family, you can only secretly kill it…” It doesn’t matter who is the head of the Fang family, but only the person who returns to the Yuan Pavilion cannot.

The people of Guiyuan Pavilion acted domineeringly, and the people they supported became the head of the Fang family, and the Fang family would soon become the vassals of Guiyuan Pavilion.

Fangjia Restaurant is all over Qizhou and is a good hand in doing business.

They are used by the Guiyuan Pavilion, which will greatly increase the strength of the Guiyuan Pavilion.

Guiyuan Pavilion had already offended him Lu Shaoqing, and even if Guiyuan Pavilion received one more spirit stone, Lu Shaoqing could not accept it.

“This time I came here mainly to exercise and exercise the stupid junior sister.”

“It’s been six months, and there is still one layer left, and I can’t be cleaned up by the senior brother when I go back?”

Speaking, speaking, Lu Shaoqing changed his posture again to make himself more comfortable, “Hey, I didn’t have a fart around with the insect, just clean, sleep first!”

But after not long sleeping, Lu Shaoqing suddenly opened his eyes.

“I’m going, Xia Yu is also coming?”

Fang Xiao and Xia Yu were close, and Lu Shaoqing instantly felt it.

Sensing that the two of them were coming here, Lu Shaoqing disappeared without saying a word.

He left here and appeared on the street outside.

At the same time, hide his own breath, the people around him cannot see him, come and go, subconsciously avoid him.

Lu Shaoqing touched his chin and looked at Fang Xiao, who was knocking on the door in the distance, and Xia Yu, who was standing indifferently next to him.

Lu Shaoqing had a headache, “Didn’t you say that Xia Yu didn’t have time to come?” I thought about it when I knew she was coming. Lu

Shaoqing didn’t want to have too much contact with Xia Yu.

The sequelae are too big, and they haven’t gotten better until now.

“But,” Lu Shaoqing held his head with his right hand, looking at Xia Yu standing there quietly, like a moving magnolia flower, very depressed, “I have to run into her next.”

“It’s really troublesome to die.”

Suddenly, Xia Yu seemed to be aware of something, and his eyes looked towards Lu Shaoqing.

Too sharp!

Lu Shaoqing complained again and quietly disappeared.

Xia Yu thoughtfully watched as the flow of people filled the gaps in the street, and she said to Fang Xiao, “Sister Xiao, no need to knock, guess well, Junior Brother Lu, they should be out.”

Fang Xiao thought about it, as usual, Xiao Yi would run out as soon as possible.

“Strange, where will they go?” Fang Xiao was a little confused, Laicheng is so big, there is no way to find someone for a while.

Xia Yu was not in a hurry, and said with a smile, “Let’s leave first, and wait until Junior Brother Lu and them come back.” ”

Anyway, here in Lae, don’t worry about not seeing you.

After Lu Shaoqing’s side left, his divine sense swept away, and he quickly found Xiao Yi’s trace.

A flash flashed and appeared near Xiao Yi, and he did not alarm Xiao Yi, but saw what Xiao Yi planned to do.

If you want to find the people of Guiyuan Pavilion, it is very simple, just go to Fang Xiao’s second brother Fang Lin.

Lu Shaoqing followed Xiao Yi and recalled in his mind the information that Fang Xiao had mentioned Fang Lin.

Fang Lin, forty-two years old, in the early stage of the Jiedan realm, is the only one of Fang Taihe’s several children to enter the Jiedan period.

His mother was an inner disciple of Guiyuan Pavilion, so although Fang Lin could not worship in Guiyuan Pavilion, he was taken care of by Guiyuan Pavilion.

Fang Lin’s master is the inner gate elder of the Guiyuan Pavilion, the first floor of the Yuan Infant.

Therefore, even Fang Taihe had to be polite to his son.

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No way, the forces behind Fang Lin are very large.

According to Fang Xiao’s words, Fang Lin is the most likely to take over Fang Taihe’s position this time and become the new head of the Fang family.

Regarding this, Lu Shaoqing would not agree.

“I hope he can get acquainted, he is so old, and he doesn’t understand things like a child, it’s not good…”

Xiao Yi had a little red on her head, running around the street, and she also knew where to inquire.

Soon, he found Fang Lin’s residence.

Fang Lin, as the only one of Fang Taihe’s many children, enjoyed many privileges.

He does not live in the Fang family’s inner house, but has his own independent place to live in Lai City.

Lu Shaoqing followed, looking at the huge residence, the building was tall and domineering, revealing a style of Guiyuan Pavilion inside and out.

No other houses were allowed in the surrounding area of open space, as if it were an independent kingdom.

There are also warning signs around it.

“Anyone else who enters without permission will be killed!”

Murderous and overbearing.

Feel it carefully, there are various formations around it, full of murderous intent.

Lu Shaoqing frowned, and really entangled himself with Guiyuan Pavilion very deeply.

And looking at it like this, it seems to be more defensive than the Fang family’s main mansion.

Xiao Yi came here, looked at the warning sign, and hesitated.

When I came here, I found that it was not so easy to find out the intelligence.

Fang Lin’s residence was far away from the residence outside, and there was a blank space in the middle.

It’s hard to blend in.

“Oh, what to do?”

Xiao Yi looked very distressed, she squatted on the side of the road, looking at the gate of Fang Lin’s residence.

This gate is not easy to enter, and it is not easy to inquire when entering.

Xiao Yi, who was holding her chin, was frowning and thinking of a way, and suddenly, she thought of a way.

She took Xiaohong off her head and shook Xiaohong, “Xiaohong, how about you go in and inquire?”

Xiaohong opened her eyes, shouted at Xiao Yi, and continued to sleep with her eyes closed.

Don’t bother me with this kind of thing.

Xiao Yi immediately shook even more, and said breathlessly, “You can’t be as lazy as the second senior brother.”

“You have to be diligent, don’t eat and sleep, what good do you think the second senior brother is like a wasted person?”

Phew, a breeze blew through, and Xiao Yi felt a little chill in his body.

Xiaohong seemed to be moved, and it opened its eyes, stood on Xiao Yi’s palm, and looked at Xiao Yi for a while.

Xiao Yi was panicked by a pair of bird eyes.

“Xiaohong, you, what are you going to do?”

Xiaohong opened her mouth and chirped, then pointed her wings into the distance and called again.

Xiao Yi’s eyes lit up, “You mean, can you take me in?” ”

It’s okay, I’ll go in quietly to see who is inside, and then I’ll go back secretly…” In

the end, Xiao Yi became proud and said proudly, “It’s really a perfect plan, Uncle Fang is right, I really am a genius.”

Just do it, Xiaohong flew in front, and Xiao Yi secretly followed behind, executing the infiltration plan.

Xiao Yi followed Xiaohong to enter from the side and sneaked in smoothly.

Xiao Yi is very satisfied, everything is difficult at the beginning, the most difficult step has passed, and the next step is easy to do.

Suddenly, Xiao Yi’s heart was full of feelings, she suddenly raised her head, and a huge fireball appeared in the sky…

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