It is not strange that the people in Zhongzhou came to find Ji Yan, what Xia Yu cared about was, “Junior Brother Lu, did they give you this entrance certificate for exemption from examination?”

Xiao Yi said with a grin, “Second Senior Brother has one in his hand, but he snatched it.” ”

Robbed, snatched?”

Xia Yu, hearing this, couldn’t help but be taken aback.

So bold?

People in Zhongzhou also dare to rob?

But when he thought of Lu Shaoqing, Xia Yu felt that this was normal.

Don’t be alarmed.

Xia Yu’s stunning face showed a wry smile, shook her head slightly, and said to Lu Shaoqing, “Junior Brother Lu, if you do this, when the time comes to go to Zhongzhou, I am afraid it will bring you trouble.” ”

The people from Zhongzhou are not ordinary, they are all people from five families and three factions.

Arriving in Zhongzhou is equivalent to reaching people’s territory, and the arm can’t reach the thigh after all.

Lu Shaoqing was not worried about this at all, he said disapprovingly, “Zhongzhou, who loves who goes, I won’t go anyway.” ”

To form Zhongzhou Academy, the teachers are at least above the level of Huashen level.

It’s not a good thing to think with your ass to know it.

He pumped his brain before going to Zhongzhou.

Isn’t lying a corpse in Tianyu Peak fragrant?

“Junior Brother Lu, aren’t you planning to go to Zhongzhou?” Xia Yu was stunned, when she heard about Zhongzhou Academy, she couldn’t help but be moved, Lu Shaoqing actually didn’t have that plan?

“But why are you snatching up credentials?”

Xia Yu expressed puzzlement, if you don’t want to go, why risk offending the people of Zhongzhou?

“Grab and sell, Senior Sister Xia Yu, do you still want it, I have a lot here.”

Lu Shaoqing smiled heheily, very proud.

I have a long-term vision and my business acumen is no worse than that of the Fang family.

“Sell? And quite a few? Xia Yu couldn’t react a little.

Then, after she saw seven token credentials exactly like those in her hand appear in Lu Shaoqing’s hand, even Xia Yu, at this moment, her mood couldn’t help but be confused.

The whole person also wants to go up to the roof to blow the wind and calm down.

Xia Yu’s white jade hand concealed his slightly open little mouth, and looked at the seven token credentials in Lu Shaoqing’s hand with an incredulous gaze.

She was surprised, she never expected that Lu Shaoqing would have so much in her hands.

As for Xiao Yi, he was more direct than Xia Yu, his eyes widened, and two black beads almost fell to the ground.

After the shock for half a ring, Xiao Yi was short of breath, jumped on the roof again, pulled Lu Shaoqing’s clothes and asked urgently, “Second, second senior brother, you, where did you rob it?” ”

Curious, curious.

Very curious, curious to death.

Where did the second senior brother get so much.

Xia Yu also came to her senses, but she was still shocked and looked at Lu Shaoqing with a bitter smile.

“Junior Brother Lu, this…”

She didn’t know what to say.

Xiao Yi was still jumping next to him, like a monkey scratching his head, jumping up and down, “Second Senior Brother, let’s talk about it, why do you have so many?” ”

I’m bored,” Lu Shaoqing kicked her off the roof again, “Give you one, go aside, don’t bother me.”

Xiao Yi held one and ran to the side with a smile.

Xia Yu was even more speechless about this.

The admission voucher is very valuable, and even if she gets it, she will keep it carefully.

But in Lu Shaoqing’s hands, he threw it at will, as if it was used to tease the bones of the puppy.

Lu Shaoqing still had six pieces left in his hand and promoted them to Xia Yu, “Senior Sister Xia Yu, look, is there a demand?”

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“You and I are old acquaintances, how about one 300,000 spirit stones?”

Shuangyuegu is all rich and can be sold, Lu Shaoqing will only leave one more to Ji Yan, and all the others will be sold.

However, Xia Yu shook his head and refused.

Lu Shaoqing was stunned, and then persuaded bitterly, “Senior Sister Xia Yu, can’t you feel sorry for the spirit stone and not buy it.”

“You can enter without examination, what about your junior sister?” What about Bian Rourou? She’s not up to the mark, is she?

“When the time comes, I went to Zhongzhou and was brushed off, how shameful is this?”

“What’s so good about spirit stones? Keep and not be able to have a son.

Xia Yu looked at Lu Shaoqing, and suddenly showed a sly smile, “In that case, you might as well send me?”

“Don’t get entangled in the spirit stone…”

However, before her words were finished, Lu Shaoqing instantly put away all the tokens.

The speed and decisiveness of the action made Xia Yu full of black lines.

Lu Shaoqing said to Xia Yu seriously, “Senior Sister Xia Yu, we are familiar with it, but we are not yet familiar enough to give hundreds of thousands of spirit stones.

Xiao Yi prompted next to him, “Senior Sister Xia Yu, in the matter of the spirit stone, even if it is me, the second senior brother will not give face.

Xia Yu recovered his indifference and shook his head slightly, “If the strength is not enough, the entrance without examination will only harm them.”

Lu Shaoqing couldn’t help but think highly of Xia Yu in his heart.

Being able to see this is a good eye.

Lu Shaoqing shouted to Xiao Yi, “Did you hear that?” Give me back the token credentials. ”

Don’t give!” Xiao Yi hurriedly put it away, patted his chest and said, “Second Senior Brother, don’t worry, if you go to Zhongzhou at that time, I will definitely not disgrace you.”

“You lose face and shut up on my, just let Master kill you when the time comes.”

“That…” At

this time, someone cautiously spoke, “Senior, can you sell me a token?”

Everyone looked at it, and saw Tang Ce standing next to him like a quail, looking at Lu Shaoqing cautiously.

Seeing the gazes of everyone, especially Lu Shaoqing, Tang Ce was even more afraid in his heart.

But just now, he listened to Lu Shaoqing and Xia Yu’s words, and he clearly felt that this was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for him.

The people of Zhongzhou, Zhongzhou College, are tall when they hear it.

The future is limitless.

“Yes.” To Tang Ce’s surprise, Lu Shaoqing readily agreed.

So happy that Tang Ce couldn’t believe it.

“Really, really?”

“Nonsense, who to sell is not to sell?” For Lu Shaoqing, even if it is the Guiyuan Pavilion and the Dian Star Sect, as long as the spirit stones are enough, they can also be sold.

Tang Ce was pleasantly surprised, he didn’t expect Lu Shaoqing to be such a good person.

In this way, Tang Ce felt that Lu Shaoqing was also a kind and kind senior.

“Great, I, I’ll give it right away.”

The resources of the Tang family are all concentrated on Tang Ce’s body, so it is appropriate to bring 300,000 spirit stones on his body.

“What? Do you have 300,000 spirit stones on your body?

Lu Shaoqing was shocked.

If you don’t know Tarzan, this one in front of you is actually fatter than those guys in Zhongzhou?

Lu Shaoqing could have covered his chest, so distressed.

Lu Shaoqing felt that his heart was like being eaten by ten thousand ants, and he was extremely distressed.

“Damn it,” Lu Shaoqing roared at Tang Ce, “Why didn’t you tell me earlier if you had so many spirit stones?” ”

When you meet these guys in the future, you must first grab the storage ring.”

Lu Shaoqing looked up to the sky and sighed, misstep…

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