A few days after the spacecraft left Lae, Lu Shaoqing walked out of the cabin, stood at the bow, and looked outside.

Outside is already a lush jungle that is inaccessible to people, and the nearest city is more than 200,000 li away.

The weather is clear, and the sunlight in the sky shines softly on the green through the light clouds, emitting a silvery glow.


Lu Shaoqing said secretly in his heart.

Along the way, his speed was not fast, and he deliberately left some traces.

If Cui Hun wants to keep up, unless he is blind, he will not miss these traces.

Lu Shaoqing took out the Mo Jun sword, and after the Mo Jun sword came out, he buzzed and happily circled around Lu Shaoqing a few times.

At the same time, it exudes resentment.

Lu Shaoqing flicked it, “Isn’t it good to let you sleep in the storage ring?”

Xiao Yi poked out from inside the cabin, “Second Senior Brother, are they coming?”

Lu Shaoqing shook his head, “I don’t know, you fly farther, I’m waiting for them here.”

After speaking, he set up the Mojun sword and rushed up to the sky.

Cui Shun took his apprentice Cha Liangjun and several disciples of Gui Yuan Pavilion on a spaceship on their way.

After chasing for a few days, Zha Liangjun was a little worried, “Master, will he already run away?” ”

Of all the people, Cha Liangjun’s killing intent towards Lu Shaoqing is the strongest, even stronger than Master Cui Lun.

Cui Hun didn’t have this worry, “Don’t worry, he can’t escape.”

“I already know his whereabouts. There are many cities on the road these days, and after today, you will enter the jungle where there are few people, and you will just catch up with him at that time.

Zha Liangjun felt a little relieved in his heart, “It’s so good, I wonder which elder the sect will send here?”

“Shall we wait?”

Cui Wei opened his eyes and snorted, “What are you waiting for him for?” Could it be that you don’t believe in my strength as a master?

Cha Liangjun hurriedly bowed his head, “Don’t dare.” ”

Put away your unnecessary worries,” Cui Ran said with a bit of dissatisfaction in his tone, “I said I could kill him if I could.”

Cha Liangjun was trained not to look up, and he made an excuse for himself, “I’m just worried about whether there will be some traps.” ”

Trap?” After Cui Lun listened, he felt even more funny, “If he knew that I was behind, he would only run away in embarrassment, where would he dare to face me?”

However, as soon as Cui Hun’s words fell, his face suddenly changed, and with a wave of his big hand, he rolled up Cha Liangjun and disappeared in place.

A violent sword qi descended from the sky, and the big ship of Gui Yuan Pavilion instantly fell apart, and then it was strangled into countless fragments.

The screams of several Guiyuan Pavilion disciples who did not have time to escape did not have time to shout out, and they also became countless fragments.

Cui Shun escaped with Cha Liangjun, looking at the spaceship that had become fragments, his face was livid.

The sword intent carried in the sword qi was very familiar to him, and it was Lu Shaoqing’s.

Just said that Lu Shaoqing would run away in embarrassment, and the next moment Lu Shaoqing gave him a sword.

It doesn’t hurt much, it’s extremely insulting.

He raised his head and looked at Lu Shaoqing in the sky, tens of thousands of meters above Lu Shaoqing, like the size of an ant.

In Cui Lun’s line of sight, he could clearly see the sneer on Lu Shaoqing’s face.

He is waiting for me here.

Cui Huang had this thought in his heart, and a bad premonition came out of his heart.

“Master, Master…”

Cha Liangjun was also frightened.

If Cui Lun hadn’t brought him out, he would have become a slag like those junior disciples.

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“You go and stay!”

“I’ll go kill him.”

Cui Wei gritted his teeth, killing intent.

Lu Shaoqing, who was regarded as his prey, not only did not escape, but also dared to wait for him here, nakedly provoking.

Cui Lun came to Lu Shaoqing, staring at Lu Shaoqing like a pair of jackal’s eyes, “What a big bold, you dare to wait for me here.”

Lu Shaoqing pointed down, “Look, how about the burial place I chose for you?”

Cui Lun sneered twice, like a cunning jackal, staring at Lu Shaoqing fiercely, “It’s a pity, this is where you are buried.”

“Young and frivolous, I don’t know that the sky is high and the earth is thick, do you think that if you step into the Yuan Baby, you will be invincible to the world?”

“Tell you, there is also a difference between the Yuan Baby and the Yuan Baby.”

After speaking, Cui Huang drank loudly, “Death!” ”

The Origin Long Sword appeared in his hand, the sword light suddenly rose, and the furious spiritual power filled the square circle for several miles.

The green light flashed, and a cyan dragon appeared.

Sword intent incarnated.

The green dragon formed by the sword intent of the wood attribute roared, and a huge dragon groan sounded, and then opened its teeth and danced its claws towards Lu Shaoqing.

Lu Shaoqing shook his head slightly, and the confidence on his face was even more sufficient.

Mo Jun’s sword slashed, and it was also a sword intent.

An even larger divine bird appeared, carrying a roaring fire, hovering between heaven and earth.

From the sky, a pair of sharp claws firmly grasped the roaring

green dragon, and the flames transformed by countless sword intent erupted like real flames, instantly devouring the green dragon.

Just now, the majestic figure turned into a wisp of white smoke and dissipated between heaven and earth in the blink of an eye.

It was as if what had just been transformed was not a green dragon, but a green worm.

Cui Xun’s face changed drastically, he knew that Lu Shaoqing was a fire attribute, but his self-sustaining realm strength was stronger than Lu Shaoqing, and he never thought that his sword intent would not play a role at all in front of Lu Shaoqing’s sword intent.

Lu Shaoqing held the Mo Jun sword and said to Cui Wei with a smile, “You are right, there is a difference between the Yuan Baby and the Yuan Baby.

Cui Yuan’s face changed drastically and reacted.

Pointing at Lu Shaoqing, “You, you, you deliberately hid your strength in Lai City before?”

Lu Shaoqing smiled even more happily, like a mischievous bear child, “Otherwise, will you catch up?”

“You people who return to the Yuan Pavilion are the most disgusting, bullying the soft and afraid of the hard, how dare you come if I don’t show weakness?”

“How? How am I acting? Can I win a prize? When

Cui Huang saw Lu Shaoqing’s smile, he suddenly felt so sick that he wanted to vomit a few mouthfuls of blood.

In Laicheng, Lu Shaoqing fought with him, and he thought that he had seen through Lu Shaoqing’s strength.

Unexpectedly, Lu Shaoqing was so cunning and deliberately acted for him.

Cui Lun is almost two hundred years old, and a two-hundred-year-old person was actually deceived by a hairy boy who was less than twenty years old.

Say it, this face can’t be wanted.

Now, only by killing this bastard can his face be saved.

“Go and die!”

Cui Wei roared angrily, and no longer competed with Lu Shaoqing for sword intent, “I will come up with my strongest move to kill you.” ”

The majestic cyan spiritual power spread, the trees in a radius of ten miles grew wildly, and countless trees grew wildly as if they had eaten an aphrodisiac.

“Wood Spirit Evil!”

A huge figure slowly appeared….

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