Zang Shao didn’t need to guess to know what Yan Chun was worried about.

The Xiao family sent someone to come, and a jade talisman told Gui Yuan Pavilion a lot of things.

What shocked the upper echelons of Gui Yuan Pavilion, and even frightened, was that Lu Shaoqing was actually also a Yuan baby.

This is what the people of Guiyuan Pavilion never expected.

Before, they didn’t know about Lu Shaoqing’s existence, so they were too low-key.

Lu Shaoqing’s existence was also known after going to the Lingxiao Sect Ceremony.

Shao Cheng’s personal disciple, Ji Yan’s junior disciple.

I thought that people were like their nicknames, which was the shame of the Lingxiao faction.

Even if Zhang Conglong said that Lu Shaoqing was hiding his strength.

At that time, neither Zang Shao nor Cang Zhengchu thought so.

With their gaze, they could naturally see that Lu Shaoqing was hiding his strength.

But they felt that no matter how much Lu Shaoqing hidden, he could not be stronger than Zhang Conglong.

The Xiao family came to let Gui Yuange know that they thought wrong and guessed wrong.

Lu Shaoqing actually stepped into the Yuan Infant realm.

Zhang Conglong is still in retreat, and he doesn’t know when he will be able to step into the Yuan Infant realm.

In comparison, the big disciples they were proud of and had high hopes for were weak.

After calculating it, the Lingxiao faction actually had eight Yuan Babies, two more than Gui Yuan Pavilion.

If Gui Yuan Pavilion fights with the Lingxiao faction, Gui Yuan Pavilion will still play a fart.

Of course.

What scared Gui Yuan Pavilion the most was that the Lingxiao faction had a plan not to say, and there was actually a Lu Shaoqing who was no worse than Ji Yan.

The talent of the two is too terrifying.

In the future, the two of them grew up, even if Zhang Conglong of Yuan Pavilion grew, he was at a disadvantage in terms of numbers.

When Cui Lun replied, he bluntly said that he would kill Lu Shaoqing.

The upper echelons of the Guiyuan Pavilion all agreed to this method.

Also let Cang Zhengchu personally go, the two Yuan babies came out, Zang Shao felt that unless someone helped Lu Shaoqing, Lu Shaoqing would die.

Although Cui Huang is only one layer of Yuan Baby, he is a veteran Yuan Baby, strong in strength, and one of the six Yuan Babies of Guiyuan Pavilion.

It is impossible for Lu Shaoqing to become a Yuan baby longer than Cui Lun to become a Yuan baby.

Zang Shao knew that Yan Chun was worried about this action.

He smiled softly and touched his beard, like a kind old man, only his cold gaze could let people know his extraordinary.

He said to Yan Chun, “Chief, even if Junior Brother Cui can’t beat it, isn’t there still Senior Brother Cang?” ”

Senior Brother Cang is in the middle of the Yuan Infant Period, even Ji Yan can’t take advantage of him, I don’t believe Lu Shaoqing will be stronger than Ji Yan?”

“Lu Shaoqing, you will die!”

When Zang Shao said this, his tone was gloomy, and there was a little more hatred.

His apprentice fell after going to the city of Thousand Bandits.

It is not difficult to guess who the murderer is.

Yan Chun knew that Zang Shao was telling the truth, but he just couldn’t calm down.

The matter is too serious.

Once the Lingxiao faction knows, it is bound to make the two factions fight.

But if you don’t kill it, you can’t kill Lu Shaoqing or Ji Yan, and those waiting for Gui Yuan Pavilion can only die slowly.

“Do you say Fang Taihe will help?”

Although Fang Taihe, the Yuan Baby, relied on a lot of pills to enter, it was somewhat moisture.

Not put in the eyes of Gui Yuange.

But after all, it is the Yuan baby, he intervened to help Lu Shaoqing, and the matter will not be so easy to solve.

Zang Shao smiled, still showing a light and cloudy manner, without the slightest worry.

“Didn’t Junior Brother Cui say that? He would leave the Fang family far away and start again in a rare and uninhabited place.

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Yan Chun sighed, saying so, but he just couldn’t calm down in his heart.

“Chief, don’t worry…”

After Zang Shao’s persuasion, Yan Chun gradually calmed down and sat down.

“Hope there is good news coming back.”

As soon as the words fell, an elder hurried outside.

Zang Shao saw it from a distance, and smiled, “Look, Elder Chen is here, it must be good news.”

However, Yan Chun’s face changed suddenly, “I asked Elder Chen to guard the secret room where the life Jane was stored…”

The news brought by Elder Chen was like a thunderbolt on a sunny day, which shocked Yan Chun and Zang Shao dizzy.

“This, this…”

Zang Shao pulled a few white beards in his hands, his mind was confused, and he didn’t know what to say for a while.

Yan Chun hurriedly asked, “What about Junior Brother Cang’s?” Elder

Chen shook his head and said, “Elder Cang’s okay. ”

Long exhale.

Yan Chun and Zang Shao looked at each other, and both exhaled in unison to relax.

If Cang Zhengchu died, it would definitely be a heavy blow to Guiyuan Pavilion.

Although Cui Huang died, although he was distressed, he was not too hurt.

“No,” Yan Chun was still uneasy in his heart, and he stood up, “Go to the order room, I want to see it with my own eyes.”

Zang Shao persuaded, “Chief, Senior Brother Cang is in the middle of the Yuan Infant, so there is no need to worry. ”

In the middle of the Yuan Infant, even if it is the existence of the late Yuan Infant, it is still easy to escape.

“If the gods can’t come out, who can help Senior Brother Cang?”

Yan Chun, Cui Lun, and Elder Chen all came to the secret room where the life was stored.

The stakes are high, and no ordinary disciples are allowed to watch here.

However, as soon as he opened the Dharma Array, when he entered, a crisp sound entered the ears of Yan Chun and the others.

In their horrified gazes.

Cang Zhengchu’s life was broken….

Cui Huang and Cang Zhengchu died.

Yan Chun blocked the news for the first time, and absolutely did not dare to disclose it, otherwise Guiyuan Pavilion would fall into great panic.

Only the upper echelons of the Guiyuan Pavilion knew the news.

The trusted upper elders of the Guiyuan Pavilion gathered.

When they knew that Cui Huang and Cang Zhengchu had fallen, countless people’s heads were as if they had been smashed hard by a big hammer.

Is the sky going to change?

The elders became furious.

“Who is it?”

“Who did it?”

“Revenge, absolutely revenge, otherwise what face do we have in Gui Yuange?”

When they knew what Cui Huang and Cang Zhengchu were going to do, they were silent at first.

The two Yuan babies went to bully a junior Yuan baby, and they were also killed back, shame.

But soon, they roared angrily again.

“Kill, you must kill Lu Shaoqing and Ji Yan of the Lingxiao faction, you can’t let them grow up.”

“Kill them, we will have a way to live when we return to the Yuan Pavilion.”

“What to hit? We still have four Yuan Infant powerhouses left, what about the Lingxiao faction? Now there is one more, and when the time comes, it will be two to one. ”

No revenge? When did we Guiyuan Pavilion suffer such a loss?

“It’s not that there is no revenge, but the time has not come…” Facing

the polarizing elders, Yan Chun was silent for a long time, and finally stood up and disappeared into the council hall.

He appeared in a forbidden place and knelt down in front of a stone cave.

“Lao Zu…”

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