Seeing Lu Shaoqing pointing at Cai Mei, naming Cai Mei to follow to the Lingxiao faction, everyone was stunned again.

Everyone didn’t understand what Lu Shaoqing meant.

“Young Master Lu, this…” Cai

Kan didn’t understand, and at the same time couldn’t help but guess.

Shouldn’t this guy think that the spirit stones are not enough and want to sell my daughter?”

The more I think about it, the more I feel that this possibility is very likely.

Lu Shaoqing likes spirit stones, his daughter is not the most beautiful, but she is also a beauty, and her talent is also good.

The beautiful female monk in the Yudan period is liked by many people with psychological problems.

Cai Mei was his only daughter, and when Cai Kangang wanted to refuse, Lu Shaoqing said lightly, “Cai City Lord, you killed the people who returned to Yuange, in case Guiyuange took revenge and came back, you couldn’t hold it alone, right?”

“It’s best for Thousand Bandit City to remain neutral, but it also needs some help to be able to remain neutral, don’t you say?”

Cai Kan’s heart was shocked, his pupils shrank sharply, he lived until now, and he has been a city lord for so long.

If he still didn’t understand Lu Shaoqing’s words, he would be a pig.

And it’s still an ordinary pig, not a spirit pig.

His gaze became deep, and he looked deeply at Lu Shaoqing, “Young Master Lu, is this what you mean, or is it the meaning behind you?” ”

Is the Lingxiao faction going to reach into the Thousand Bandit City?

Lu Shaoqing saw that Cai Kan understood what he meant, he smiled, and the strange atmosphere just now disappeared instantly, and he said, “I don’t understand what Cai City Lord said.”

“Because of your daughter and apprentice, my ship was damaged by someone, a million spirit stones, or send someone to explain it to my master.”

“Is it difficult to choose one of the two?”

Cai Kan is silent, your sister’s choice of two, this is simply difficult for strongmen.

Cai Kan understood that what ship was broken was just an excuse, and it was the real purpose of needing a thousand bandit city to send hostages to the Lingxiao faction.

Even if he brought a million spirit stones, Lu Shaoqing would still have other excuses.

The ultimate goal is his daughter.

He didn’t want his daughter to go, he only had such a daughter.

But Lu Shaoqing personally designated Cai Mei, which means that neither he nor Gu Junhao is worthy of being a hostage.

Cai Kan is struggling, making a final effort, “Since it is neutral, it should not be mixed into any forces.”

Lu Shaoqing replied lightly, “Neutrality without strength, but a flower in the mirror, a moon in the water, an illusory one.”

Cai Kan was silent.

Indeed, Guiyuan Pavilion has already attacked Thousand Bandit City, no matter how powerful Thousand Bandit City is, it is just him, this late stage of Jiedan, how to deal with Guiyuan Pavilion who has Yuan Baby?

Before Fan He did not immediately kill him, it was considered that his ancestral grave was smoking green and took shit luck.

Lu Shaoqing floated down from the pole and came to Cai Kan.

Looking at the boy with deep eyes and a smiling smile on his face, it gave him a strong sense of oppression.

Lu Shaoqing smiled and said, “Cai City Lord, you are the Jiedan Period, I, the Yuan Infancy Period.”

“Awesome, huh? Am I a genius? ”

It looks like a show-off, but it’s actually a threat.

Cai Kan couldn’t help but swallow a mouthful of spit, Lu Shaoqing meant that he wanted to make a move, and Cai Kan couldn’t resist it.

After a difficult choice, he finally gave the choice to his daughter.

“I can’t force my daughter to do something she doesn’t want to do.” Cai Kan arched his hand to Lu Shaoqing, “If my daughter doesn’t agree, I still hope that Lu Gongzi will raise his noble hand.”


Lu Shaoqing agreed and turned to Cai Mei.

The conversation between Lu Shaoqing and Cai Kan was almost point-to-point, and the deeper meaning was only understood by themselves.

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Cai Mei still thought that Lu Shaoqing cared about a million spirit stones, and she didn’t give Lu Shaoqing a good face.

Such a guy, it is difficult to have respect.

She had a cold face, anger between her eyebrows, and her tone was resolute, like a sunflower that refused to bow her head, “I won’t go back with you.”

Lu Shaoqing smiled, “Don’t rush to refuse, there are some things that can’t be relied on just on the surface.” ”

All I see is that you guy is mean, greedy, and doesn’t know what his face is.

Follow people like you to the Lingxiao faction, I’m afraid I will be sold by you halfway.

Cai Kan laughed secretly in his heart next to him, hmph, my daughter’s personality is the same as mine, strong and unyielding, and will not bow to you.

For Cai Mei, who refused, Lu Shaoqing was not angry, he had trump cards.

“Do you want to see Ji Yan? The kind of meeting up close.

“You follow me, I can let you live in Tianyu Peak and live with him up close, such an opportunity is rare.”

Lu Shaoqing smiled, like a big bad wolf seducing the little white rabbit.

Xiao Yi covered his face next to him, and at the critical moment, he pulled the senior brother out again to sell.

Senior brother’s profane pants are almost lost by you.

I wipe, mean, so mean.

Cai Kan, who was next to him, cursed in his heart and kept greeting Lu Shaoqing.

Cai Kan knew how much his daughter adored Ji Yan.

Sure enough, as soon as Lu Shaoqing’s words came out, Cai Mei’s expression changed.

Become emotional.

Who wouldn’t want to be with idols?

I know that Qi Zhou is three years old, and no one up to the limit is not like the bastard master brother.

Lu Shaoqing sighed in his heart, I don’t come out, he is the first beautiful man in Qizhou.

Well, in my place, the proper first cowherd in Qizhou, when he meets a woman, as long as he pulls him out, he will be invincible.

Lu Shaoqing mended the knife with a smile, “Living together, getting along day and night, maybe rubbing the spark of love and becoming my sister-in-law.” ”

Cai Mei is not the kind of person who loves the brain, and she fights fiercely in her heart.

It’s so hard.

Cai Kan still scolded Lu Shaoqing in his heart for being despicable.

This is not to sell one’s own daughter, this is to kidnap one’s own daughter.

Cai Kan wanted to say something, he had to stop this bastard’s despicable behavior.

Lu Shaoqing pointed at Xiao Yi and said to Cai Mei, “It’s also a good thing to follow the senior brother for nothing else, and to be able to quickly improve your strength.”

“Did you say so?” Miss Cai!

Cai Kan’s words changed instantly, “Mei’er, you go.” Listening

to Lu Shaoqing say this is not a bad thing for Cai Mei.

Plus the daughter is already moved.

Cai Kan could only push the boat along the water and help persuade his daughter to come.

Cai Kan wanted to cry without tears in his heart, this face hit himself, it hurt.

In the end, Cai Mei agreed to follow Lu Shaoqing to the Lingxiao faction.

Watching the spacecraft go away, Cai Kan was speechless for a long time.

Gu Junhao didn’t know how to comfort the master, and this time he not only lost the spirit stone, but also took a junior sister.


Cai Kan was silent for a long time, and finally let out a long sigh and said to Gu Junhao, “Pass on the order, and if you encounter him in the future, you can hide as far as you want.”

“He is a terrible bandit, and all the bandits in our Thousand Bandit City combined are less than one ten-thousandth of him…”

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