Cai Mei looked at Shao Cheng in disbelief, Shao Cheng had kind eyebrows, giving people an approachable feeling.

Cai Mei subconsciously asked, “Senior, didn’t you give him this ship?” Where

do I have this financial strength, Shao Cheng shook his head, “Of course not. ”

Cai Mei wants to tickle Lu Shaoqing.

Bastard, at that time, I thought it was true, but it turned out to be not?

He glanced at Cai Mei, “Girl, are you?” My name is Shao Cheng, Heavenly Royal Peak Peak Lord.

Cai Mei hurriedly saluted, “The daughter of the city lord of the Thousand Bandits City, Cai Mei has seen Senior Shao. ”

Thousand Bandit City?” Shao Cheng was strange, he glanced at Lu Shaoqing, “What are you going to do?”

Lu Shaoqing laughed twice, “It’s a long story, I’ll just say it once, Master, you remember.”

When Shao Cheng heard this, his expression became serious.

“Say, you shouldn’t have broken the sky, right?”

Lu Shaoqing was still smiling, which made Shao Cheng feel a lot at ease, and it didn’t seem to be a very serious matter.

“I had a little skirmish with the people of Guiyuan Pavilion, and I made a little unhappy.”

So it is, it doesn’t sound serious.

Shao Cheng completely let go in his heart, “Hmph, the people of Gui Yuan Pavilion deceive people too much, and when you meet them in the future, I will help you clean them up.” ”

You can bully anyone, but you can’t bully my apprentice.

Xiao Yi was next to him, fearing that the world would not be chaotic, tugging at Shao Cheng’s sleeves, and said, “Master, the second senior brother killed the elders Cui Huang and Cang Zhengchu of the Guiyuan Pavilion. ”

I wipe!

Shao Cheng suddenly felt that the sky was about to fall.

Shao Cheng covered his chest with his left hand, and pointed at Lu Shaoqing with his right hand, “You, you call this a skirmish?” ”

Cang Zhengchu, Cui Lun, they are the core of Guiyuan Pavilion, the upper level of Guiyuan Pavilion.

You bastard kid can’t kill one, and you actually killed two.

Are you supposed to be a pheasant? Kill when you say it.

Lu Shaoqing said indifferently, “What are you afraid of?” The soldiers will block the water and cover the soil, only allow them to kill me, and do not allow me to kill them? ”

Panicked about what?” At the same time, he also changed the tone of a lesson, “How old is it?” Don’t get so excited.

“Master, are you all right?” Xiao Yi hurriedly patted Shao Cheng’s back to slow him down.

Shao Cheng took a few deep breaths before he could barely calm down.

No way, what the apprentice did was too shocking.

Guiyuan Pavilion is not an ordinary small sect, it is a gate sect with the same name as the Lingxiao faction, and its strength is not weaker than the Lingxiao faction.

Their elders are in a high position, and stomping their feet can make Qi Zhou shake the existence.

Now he was slaughtered two like chickens by his own apprentices.

The sky in Qi Prefecture has to change if it does not fall.

“Bastard, do you know how much trouble you have caused?”

Shao Cheng glared at his apprentice, and then said, “But they dare to attack you without permission, and they deserve to die.” ”

My apprentice can not be bullied.

As a senior to bully the junior, he deserved to be killed.

Lu Shaoqing thought deeply, “That’s right, if you don’t measure yourself, you deserve to die.”

“However,” Shao Cheng asked, pointing at Cai Mei, who had fallen into sluggishness, “What does this have to do with her, and with Thousand Bandit City?”

Lu Shaoqing shrugged and probably said the reason why Gui Yuan Pavilion wanted to make a move on the Thousand Bandit City.

Shao Cheng understood the meaning of the apprentice, and the words were too dazzling, which made Gui Yuange have a sense of crisis, so as to strike at the Thousand Bandit City, and the final purpose was to deal with the Lingxiao faction.

“So it is.” Shao Cheng understood.

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But Shao Cheng still doesn’t understand, you can help, what are you doing when you bring people’s daughters back? Remuneration?

“Why brought her back?”

Xiao Yi also hurriedly pricked up her ears, which she couldn’t figure out why after thinking about it all the way.

“The wife you found for Senior Brother, how? Still satisfied? As

soon as the words fell, everyone present felt a sense of sharpness.

Ji Yan’s figure appeared opposite Lu Shaoqing, standing on a tree, dressed in white and flowing, like a sharp sword, with a sharp edge.

Lu Shaoqing saw Ji Yan, waved his hand, and pointed at Cai Mei, “How?” The Taoist couple you found can be seen?

Cai Mei lowered her head in shame, looking for a crack in the ground to get into.


Ji Yan’s voice is simple and melodious, just hearing the voice, it has already made people portray a handsome and elegant image in their minds.

“Can’t you see it? People come from thousands of miles, and the worst thing is to give people a smile. When

Cai Mei heard this, she couldn’t help but raise her head, just in time to meet Ji Yan’s line of sight.

Cai Mei had already heard the plopping heartbeat, and her heart was beating violently, as if it would pop out of her chest in the next moment.


Ji Yan’s back Wuqiu sword was half exposed, and the cold light was radiant.

Seeing this, Lu Shaoqing also took out the Mojun sword and pointed at Ji Yan and shouted, “Don’t use this trick to scare me, do you really think that you are a heifer going to the sky?”

“Believe it or not, I beat you up today? Let you know what the three days of Shibetsu are and why the flowers are so red. When

Ji Yan heard this, his fighting spirit skyrocketed, and his eyes seemed to be burning, burning incomparably.

“Come on!”

“Slow, slow!” Shao Cheng hurriedly shouted to stop it, “Stop first.” ”

Two guys, how long have they only met, are they going to fight?

Can you die after a break?

Lu Shaoqing pointed at Ji Yan and said, “Master, don’t blame me, it’s this guy who is too arrogant.”

“Three days without hitting the house, I will teach him a lesson for you.”

Shao Cheng had a headache, his brows furrowed deeper than the trench, and he drank, “You shut up for me, don’t think about doing it until things are clear.”

Lu Shaoqing closed his mouth, spread his hands, and shook his head without speaking.

“What for? Make it clear to me.

Shao Cheng blew his beard and glared, the middle-aged man’s face had the sorrow of an old man, and he looked very troubled in the face of this problem apprentice.

Lu Shaoqing still spread his hands and did not speak.

“What are you doing? Say. Shao Cheng had a headache, and he suddenly missed the months when Lu Shaoqing was not at Tianyu Peak, what a beautiful pure and leisurely fairy day.

“Master, you said to shut me up.”

Lu Shaoqing looked very innocent.

“.” Shao Cheng couldn’t be calm, and wanted to find a stick to beat someone.

“Okay,” Lu Shaoqing saw that the joke was almost open, and he didn’t dare to sell it, “Cai City Lord of Thousand Bandit City said that he wanted to remain neutral, and he was worried that his daughter would be in danger, so he begged me to bring her to the Lingxiao faction. In case Gui Yuan Pavilion came to retaliate, the Lingxiao faction couldn’t sit idly by. ”

It’s better for the Thousand Bandit City to become a three-dimensional zone, no matter how bad it is, it can’t fall to the Guiyuan Pavilion.”

Everyone understood that Cai Mei came here as a proton.

Shao Cheng glanced at Cai Mei, who reacted, sighed, a little more sympathetic, was calculated by his own apprentice, if he didn’t say it, it was estimated that this girl would not understand.

However, the stakes are high, and it is not for him to decide.

He said to Lu Shaoqing, “Follow me to meet the leader.”

“I don’t want it, why am I telling you, you still don’t understand?”

“You’re really lazy, I’ll go back.”

After Shao Cheng left, Ji Yan’s long sword couldn’t wait to be unsheathed, and without saying a word, he slashed towards Lu Shaoqing…

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