Lu Shaoqing and Ji Yan quickly disappeared into the sky.

The sound of the battle between the two became farther and farther away, and finally disappeared.

Xiao Yi stretched his neck, and he couldn’t see any movement.

Xiao Yi muttered, “I really want to go and see it.” ”

The two senior brothers love and kill each other, and they never tire of watching each other.

However, Xiao Yi did not dare.

Senior Brother said that she was not allowed to leave here, and she did not dare to disobey Senior Brother’s words.

I could only sit down with my mouth deflated and depressed.

Forget it, it’s better to practice obediently and get out of here as soon as possible.

After another month, Xiao Yi, who was cultivating, opened his eyes.

She felt exhausted.

Starting with Second Senior Brother Lu Shaoqing back to Tianyu Peak, she had been cultivating for two months.

Constantly fighting against the sword intent left in her body, she felt mentally tired and physically and mentally exhausted.

If it is an ordinary cultivation, the movement is calculated in years and months.

Xiao Yi can sit for a year, or even more.

But all she had to do now was to fight against Ji Yan’s sword intent.

It is equivalent to Ji Yan being her opponent and sparring with her.

The opponent is Jiyan, and whoever comes will feel a strong oppression.

She has been able to practice continuously for a month in a row, which has surpassed many people.

Feeling that the sword intent in his body was as dazzling as the sun, burning and burning in his body, Xiao Yi had a headache.

“I don’t know if I can wear it off for half a year, it’s too difficult.”

Xiao Yi stood up and prepared to walk around here.

Senior Brother said that he could not leave here, but did not say that he could not take a walk here.

Flipping through his storage ring, Xiao Yi couldn’t help but sigh again, depressed.

“If only I knew I had more food in stock.”

Xiao Yi took out a little spirit bean from it at will, which was still when he helped Lu Shaoqing peel it before, he didn’t finish peeling it and took it in.

Xiao Yiba chirped two, and then felt strange.

Ji Yan is not here.

Where did the master brother go?

Xiao Yi muttered in her heart and wiped

her head, “Xiaohong, you…” The next moment, she was stunned, her head was empty, and Xiaohong, who had been treating her head as a bird’s nest, didn’t know where to fly.


Xiao Yi muttered.

Suddenly, a figure appeared.


Seeing the person coming, Xiao Yi exclaimed in surprise.

“Well,” Shao Cheng nodded, his face showing a bit softer, “How is the cultivation?”

“Hehe, soon I will be able to solve the sword intent that Senior Brother gave me, and I will be able to leave soon.”

In front of Master, Xiao Yi was more relaxed.

She knew Master’s temper and was very good to her three apprentices.

Only the second senior brother usually makes the master so angry that he wants to beat people.

“By the way, Master, where is Senior Brother?” Xiao Yi asked curiously.

Usually, Ji Yan spends most of his time cultivating here in the wooden house.

Shao Cheng sighed, a little more worried, like an old father, “They went out.” ”

They?” Xiao Yi keenly grasped the words, “Senior brother and second senior brother?

“That’s right.”

Xiao Yi froze, his face was unbelievable, the senior brother and the second senior brother went out together?

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What are you going out for?

It is said that the second senior brother is unwilling, can’t swallow that breath, and leads the senior brother to continue to find trouble in Gui Yuan Pavilion?

But why not take me?

You kill and set fires, I shake the flag, how good is that?

And when he learned that the two were going to Yanzhou, Xiao Yi’s mouth deflated.

Depressed, hateful, are you going to amphibious flight?

And he still took advantage of the fight to leave, actually hiding from me.

“Why don’t you take me?” Xiao Yi was unhappy, and his small face bulged.

Seeing this, Shao Cheng also sighed and gave Xiao Yi two things, “This is given to you by your two senior brothers.” ”

They don’t even want me to be a master, what a bastard, but I’m stronger than both of you, and I’m a little higher than you.”

“Cultivate well and try to catch up with them, so as not to be disliked by them in the future.”

A small wooden sword that implied the sword intent of the master brother, and a jade pei that could withstand the blow of the Yuan baby.

Xiao Yi’s heart was warm

… Dongzhou.

A ship streaked across the sky like a shooting star, speeding off into the distance.

The white-clothed Ji Yanpan sat on the bow of the boat, closing his eyes and fixing, like the most dazzling sword prince in the world.

Lu Shaoqing was lying in the cabin, holding the Tianji card and watching the news.

Lying casually, lazily, without the slightest appearance that a Yuan Infant cultivator should have.

Xiaohong stood on Lu Shaoqing’s shoulder and slept peacefully with her eyes closed.

On the top of the ship, Wuqiu and Mojun’s two swords were together, shaking gently from time to time, like two elves talking secretly.

Lu Shaoqing looked at the Tianji card, and his brows couldn’t help but wrinkle.

Most of the news seen on the Tianji sign is news from Dongzhou.

Reading these news, Lu Shaoqing couldn’t help but scold in a low voice, “Trouble.” Ji

Yan did not open his eyes, and the voice came from the bow of the boat.


Lu Shaoqing put away the Tianji card, walked out to the deck, and said to Ji Yan, “As long as you don’t cause trouble, there will be no problem.”

“This time, you give me a little restraint, put away your unnecessary compassion and sense of justice, the matter here in Dongzhou has nothing to do with us, we are just passers-by.”

From choosing to take the road of Dongzhou, Lu Shaoqing naturally avoided intersecting with the Dian Xing Faction as much as possible.

Alas, there is no way, there is a sect of the gods, and it is impossible to provoke.

Lu Shaoqing planned to walk a little way from Dongzhou, first to the west, and then to the north, to reach the Chaocheng of Yanzhou, from the Chaocheng to the Prisoner Soul Mountain Range, get what he wanted, and then return to the Lingxiao Sect from the same road.

After entering Dongzhou, I searched and found that Dongzhou has not been calm recently.

Dongzhou is a little different from Qizhou.

Dongzhou is adjacent to Zhongzhou, and the strength of the big families and sects here in Dongzhou is almost the same, and there are many of them.

Unlike Qizhou, the three main factions have the advantage, and several major families can only be the second oldest.

There are big families here in Dongzhou, and the number of sects is large, and the competition for resources is fiercer than that of Qizhou.

The cultivation environment in Qi Prefecture is more peaceful than that in Dongzhou.

The Three Gates faction did not allow Qi Zhou to be chaotic.

Dongzhou is different here, lacking a sect or family with sufficient strength, everyone’s strength is equal, and no one obeys anyone.

The struggle between the two sides was fierce.

No, Lu Shaoqing, who had just entered Dongzhou, saw the news on the Tianji card that a family here in Dongzhou had been destroyed by two sects.

Now there is a search for people whose families have been exterminated.

Lu Shaoqing hated this unstable situation.

If this is encountered and a misunderstanding occurs, you can only do it in the end.

With this action, trouble will ensue.

Moreover, he knows very well the urine nature of his own master brother.

Lu Shaoqing once again solemnly instructed, “If you encounter something, don’t do it, let me speak, you know?”

“The two of us came out, the strength was weak, on the territory of other people’s houses, if you can not do it, don’t do it, pretend not to be shameful…”

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