The girl’s expression was full of sadness, and her face was full of hatred and worry.

A photo stone appeared in Lu Shaoqing’s hand, and the image on the photo stone looked exactly the same as the girl in front of him.

Beautiful appearance, coupled with her current state, has a little more distressing temperament.

There is an urge to hold it in your arms and soothe it.

Compared with the first beauty Xia Yu in Qizhou, it is a little worse than others.

Lu Shaoqing turned around and ran to angrily snort, “Bastard, are you blind or deaf? What I said should be a wind in my ears? Do you have amnesia or Alzheimer’s?

“What did you put her on board for?”

Ji Yan never got off the boat, and it is absolutely impossible to say that the girl sneaked up without alerting Ji Yan.

The only possibility is that Ji Yan did not stop him, allowing the girl to sneak onto the boat.

Ji Yan’s figure remained motionless, and said calmly, “Why not raise your hand?”

“I’m a dead head for you.” Lu Shaoqing had a headache, he knew the character of his senior brother.

Like him, he couldn’t get used to the so-called Silver Moon Sect and Wind Thunder Sect’s practices.

He Lu Shaoqing is not used to the arrogance of the two factions, and Ji Yan is not used to the two factions bullying a weak woman.

In other words.

“You fucking sense of justice, I bah.”

Lu Shaoqing cursed, and then went to say to the girl, “Girl, now that you are out of town, get off the boat, I won’t charge you a boat fee.” ”

Of course, the girl does not want to go down at this time, now it is not far from Pingcheng, as soon as she gets off the boat, she may be discovered by people from both factions.”

She saluted the two, “My name is Yan Hongyu, I am the daughter of the Yan family, the Silver Moon Sect and the Wind and Thunder Sect collude with each other…”

Lu Shaoqing interrupted her, he didn’t want to listen to this, “Your Yan family’s affairs are related to me, hurry down.”

“If you don’t go down, I’ll take you to exchange spirit stones.”

Yan Hongyu was stunned.

So desperate?

She thinks that she looks good and is a famous beauty of the Yan family.

This time it happened, and part of it was due to her beauty.

Lu Shaoqing in front of him actually ignored her appearance.

Or not a man?

When a normal man sees her like this, he won’t say kneeling and licking her, but he won’t behave like Lu Shaoqing.

“Gongzi, I hope to help.”

Yan Hongyu saluted Lu Shaoqing again.

“No negotiation, go, don’t go, I’ll call the police.”

Lu Shaoqing was upset to death, so he entered Dongzhou, how could he encounter this kind of thing?

And it’s not good, why did you get on your own ship.

Isn’t this ship a little bigger and better-looking?

What are you running up for?

Don’t know that a ship of ours is the most noticeable?

Seeing Lu Shaoqing’s resolute attitude, Yan Hongyu could only retreat, “Gongzi, I only want to reach the next city, when I will take the initiative to leave, it will definitely not cause trouble to you Gongzi.” ”

The attitude is very sincere, the tone is pleading, and he looks very pitiful.

Ji Yan spoke, “So be it, disembark from the next city.”

Lu Shaoqing turned around and waved his fist at Ji Yan, “I’m bored, I really want to kick you off the boat.”

However, when Ji Yan spoke, Lu Shaoqing knew that it was no longer possible for him to drive Yan Hongyu off the ship in front of him.

Ji Yan’s character is very clear, he has a sense of justice, and he can’t see others bullying the weak.

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When this happens, he doesn’t mind helping out.

Yan Hongyu was overjoyed when she heard this, and saluted Ji Yan, “Thank you Gongzi for your great grace, Hongyu is toothless and unforgettable.” For

Ji Yan, who had been sitting cross-legged at the bow of the boat, Yan Hongyu’s good feelings increased greatly.

She sneaked up, maybe she had already been discovered, but Ji Yan did not stop her, but chose to help her.

Lu Shaoqing said to Yan Hongyu, “What about me? Thanks to me too.

Looking at Lu Shaoqing’s praiseworthy look, Yan Hongyu felt her heart congested.

What exactly is the origin of this guy?

Sorry too?

But now on the other person’s boat, after thinking about it, he said with difficulty, “Thank you Gongzi.” Facing

Lu Shaoqing, it was difficult for her to feel grateful.

Lu Shaoqing was disgusted and stretched out his hand, “What is your tone?” It’s not sincere at all, forget it, I don’t want your thanks, I want spirit stones, give me spirit stones, or I’ll leave you behind. ”

Spirit, spirit stone?”

Yan Hongyu was stunned, and he couldn’t react a little.

“Don’t you have to give spirit stones on the boat?” Lu Shaoqing was righteous, like a bully, “Don’t give it to me, I’ll leave you down.”

At the same time, Lu Shaoqing’s gaze fell on Yan Hongyu’s storage ring, which made Yan Hongyu feel stunned.

“You, how much do you want?”

“One hundred and eighty thousand is not too much, one or twenty thousand is fine, of course, the more the better.”

Yan Hongyu looked at Ji Yan, Gongzi, don’t you care about this guy?

Noticing Yan Hongyu’s gaze, Lu Shaoqing shattered her hopes, “What to see?” This ship is mine, and he has to obediently give me spirit stones when he gets on board. ”

No way, Ji Yan doesn’t speak, Yan Hongyu can only take out a little spirit stone to use as a ship’s salute.

Although there were only a few hundred, it was better to talk than nothing, Lu Shaoqing put it away in disgust, and then ignored Yan Hongyu.

He collected the spirit stone in order not to let himself feel a loss.

Otherwise, being whitely prostituted on his own ship may bring trouble to himself, and Lu Shaoqing will go crazy.

“Hide for me, don’t let others see, if you cause me trouble, I will kill you.”

After Lu Shaoqing’s fierce and vicious intimidation, he also ran to the bow of the boat, sat next to Ji Yan, and chattered, “Big brother, we have something to do when we come out.”

“Can you put away your unnecessary sense of justice and compassion?”

“Count me begging you, you have to do good deeds, can you do it yourself next time?” Don’t get involved with me.”

“Don’t forget, the two of us are on the blacklist now, it’s dangerous outside, low-key, okay, can you instigate a little?”

“Ma De, don’t cause me trouble…” Yan

Hongyu, who was in the cabin, felt speechless when she heard Lu Shaoqing’s nagging words like an old woman.

Ji Yan gave her a good feeling.

Sunny and handsome, silent and silent, he is like a warm and thick jade, arrogant, cold, white clothes fluttering, elegant as the wind.

But Lu Shaoqing gave her a bad feeling.

There are many nonsense thieves, verbose, do not understand customs, greedy for money, timid, etc., these are her impressions of Lu Shaoqing in her heart.

It was really difficult for her to have a good impression of Lu Shaoqing.

Both of them are obviously very handsome, but why is there such a big difference in the personalities between the two?

Alas, Yan Hongyu finally sighed softly.

It’s a pity that the breath of these two people is too ordinary, if only they were masters.

The heavens and the earth are big, where should I go?

My brother doesn’t know what’s going on?

Soon, as time passed, the next city was in sight….

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