As soon as Yan Hongbin’s words came out, the temperature in the air dropped by a few points.

Lu Shaoqing’s expression was cold, looking at Yan Hongbin like an idiot, his tone was not good, and he had the urge to hit people, “Do you think I have no brains like you?”

“Want to lie to me, think of a better reason, okay?”

Is this fool even stupider than my junior sister?

Lu Shaoqing had a faint murderous aura on his body, which made Yan Hongbin feel stunned.

He felt that he faced this ferocious beast and would swallow him alive at any time.

Lu Shaoqing’s tone was unhappy, and he said to Yan Hongyu, “Little chick, you’d better take your brother off the boat now, otherwise don’t blame me for being unkind.” ”

Along with fools, it’s easy to get infected.

Yan Hongyu subconsciously glanced at Ji Yan, and Ji Yan didn’t say anything there.

Yan Hongyu stepped forward and saluted Lu Shaoqing, “Gongzi, I, I apologize to you for my brother.”

She didn’t believe her brother either.

How could there be such a coincidence.

Brother, I know you hate him to the bone, but you shouldn’t lie to people like that.

Yan Hongyu shook his head at Yan Hongbin and signaled him not to mess around.

Lu Shaoqing and Ji Yan are very strong.

You can’t be offended easily.

“Apologize is not necessary, get off the boat.”

Lu Shaoqing’s tone was unquestionable.

Let Yan Hongyu know that Lu Shaoqing is not just talking, he is really ruthless.

Yan Hongbin hurriedly defended, and with a somewhat childish face with anxiety, he said, “Gongzi, no, I, I mean it seriously.”

“Bi Xiu really had one in his hand, we were exploring the secret realm together, there were two of these things, and he and I each took one.”

After speaking, he also raised his hand and was serious, “Gongzi, I can swear.”

Lu Shaoqing’s tone was still a little skeptical, “Really?


Yan Hongbin nodded seriously, he didn’t want to offend Lu Shaoqing, he didn’t dare to lie in this kind of thing.

Lu Shaoqing nodded and said casually, “You swear by your Dao heart.” ”

Yan Hongyu almost hit the deck, this guy.

What exactly is the origin?

Yan Hongyu’s perception of Lu Shaoqing was refreshed again.

Too cautious.

After Yan Hongbin swore an oath, Lu Shaoqing believed him.

Without rushing people, he sat down, patted the deck in front, and let Yan Hongbin sit down as well, “Tell me about the strength of the Wind Thunder Sect, how many Yuan babies are there, is there a god?” ”

If there is an avatar, he can only give up temporarily.

Yan Hongbin smiled bitterly, “The Wind Thunder Sect has two Yuan Babies, Xu Ji and Bi Ji, just now one has been killed by Jing Gongzi, and now the Wind Thunder Sect has another Yuan Baby, Bi Ji, but his strength is very strong.”

Lu Shaoqing was slightly relieved in his heart, there was no transformation of the gods, everything was easy to do, “Very strong? How strong is it? Late Meta Baby? ”

If it’s the late Yuan Infant period, he and Ji Yan can’t join forces.

I can only use what the ancestor gave.

“It’s not the late Yuan Infant period, Bi Ji just broke through to the middle Yuan Infant not long ago, which is why the Wind Thunder Sect suddenly made a move against our Yan family.”

Speaking of his own affairs, Yan Hongbin’s face was a little more hateful and sad.

“After he stepped into the middle stage of the Yuan Infant, he joined hands with the Yuan Infant of the Silver Moon Sect to deal with our Great Elder of the Yan Family, and let the Great Elder, who was also in the middle Yuan Infant Period, drink hatred, so that our Yan family suffered this catastrophe.”

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Just stepped into the middle of the Yuan Infant period, which means that it is only the Yuan Infant Four Layer realm.

Two small realms higher than him and Ji Yan.

A bit of a hassle.

Lu Shaoqing turned his head and asked Ji Yan, “Are you sure?”

“You can try, but you can’t join forces again.” Ji Yan’s faint voice came.

The tone was flat and unwavering, and it seemed that the opponent he was facing was a chicken, not a mid-Yuan infant power.

“You give strength when the time comes, I don’t want to join forces with you, I’m afraid I can’t help but backstab you when the time comes.” After Lu Shaoqing scolded for two sentences, he turned back and asked Yan Hongbin, who was already sluggish, “Are you sure that there is only one Yuan Infant left in the Wind Thunder Sect?” Is there no avatar?

Yan Hongbin’s tone was affirmative, “Gongzi, I can be sure.”

Yan Hongyu’s side also collected his mood and added, “Gongzi, don’t worry, the Wind Thunder Sect has been established for less than three hundred years, and the sect leader is Bi Jiao, and there is no transformation god. ”

Good,” Lu Shaoqing was relieved, as long as he didn’t transform into a god, he wasn’t afraid, “What about the Silver Moon Sect?” ”

Speaking of the Silver Moon Sect.

Yan Hongyu and Yan Hongbin obviously had a little more hatred on their faces.

“There is only one Yuan Infant in the Silver Moon Sect, he is the Great Elder of the Silver Moon Sect, his name is Tangtai Zhong, the Yuan Infant Second Layer Realm.”

Without the help of Tang Taizhong, Bi Ji, who had just entered the middle stage of the Yuan Infant, would not have been able to defeat the Great Elder of the Yan Family.

Therefore, they hate the immoral Tangtai Zhong even more.

After knowing the top combat power of the two sects of the Silver Moon Sect and the Wind Thunder Sect, Lu Shaoqing was satisfied.

If there is no avatar, you can do it.

That thing, the one in the hands of the young sect leader of the Wind Thunder Sect, he had to get it.

This is something that belongs to the little brother of the dead ghost, since he encounters it, even if it is murder and arson, he must get it.

Looking at the two siblings, Yan Hongyu and Yan Hongbin, both of them looked at Lu Shaoqing with expectation.

Looking forward to Lu Shaoqing’s action and avenging their Yan family.

Lu Shaoqing thought for a while, and said to the two, “Swear by Dao Heart, I want to make sure that you didn’t lie to me.”

Yan Hongyu and Yan Hongbin were so depressed that they wanted to vomit blood.

At this time, I still dare not fully believe them.

Seeing the two swearing, Lu Shaoqing was satisfied, and he went to Ji Yan and said, “Dare to go?” Ji

Yan did not open his eyes, with a faint smile at the corner of his mouth, “Is it shameful to pretend? Don’t cause trouble? Keep a low profile?

Yan Hongyu suddenly looked strange.

These words were spoken from Lu Shaoqing before, and Lu Shaoqing had been nagging about words.

As a result, he wanted to take the initiative to do something.

This face hurts.

Yan Hongyu felt that if he was Lu Shaoqing, he would have to fight with Ji Yan.

“No,” Lu Shaoqing did not have half an embarrassed look on his face, but instead cursed at Ji Yan, “The two siblings of the people were bullied into this, a huge family, only the two of them died, how pitiful they are, how miserable they are.”

“You met, and you didn’t plan to help?” Are you embarrassed? Are you still not a man? I see that you are mother’s, and you and your broken sword are mother’s.

“As a righteous cultivator, Lu Jian pulled out his sword to help, and under Lang Lang Qiankun, the way of heaven is clear, I will never allow such a terrible thing to happen. That’s what I’m sure about. ”

I want to ask for justice for their two siblings…” The

words were awe-inspiring, and the spirit of justice soared to the sky, moving the heavens and the earth.

Yan Hongbin was incomparably moved, is this the true face of Gongzi?

Only Yan Hongyu covered her face and couldn’t bear to look directly.

She still underestimated the thickness of Lu Shaoqing’s face.

She groaned in her heart, what the hell did she eat and grow up….

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