Chen Cheng, the former Yan family back mountain.

The two old men sat opposite each other, and in front of them were hot spirit tea.

An old man pursed his lips and smiled without saying a word.

A pair of eyes hidden under the white eyebrows hides a fierce gaze.

An old man with a thick face smiled like a Maitreya Buddha, like a kind old man.

The two were Bi Ji, the sect leader of the Wind Thunder Sect, and Lantaizhong, the Great Elder of the Silver Moon Sect.

Bi Ji’s thin face smiled slightly, his gray lips, like two willow leaves, revealed a bit of meanness, he took a cup of spirit tea, took a deep breath, and revealed satisfaction, “This tea is really good.” ”

The Yan family will also enjoy it.”

Tangtai Zhong also stood up, smiling lightly, and the smile made people feel very good.

But only those who know him know his cunning and ferocity.

“Hey, it’s not the two of us yet?”


“The Yan family has been destroyed, and now the eastern part of Dongzhou is the world of our two factions.”

The smile on Bi Ji’s face was sincere, without the Yan family, the Wind Thunder Sect and the Silver Moon Sect could be called big forces here.


Bi Ji’s gaze was a little more colorful, and the strongest person in the Silver Moon Sect was now sitting in front of him.

Tangtai’s loyalty is only the second-layer realm of the Yuan Infant, not his opponent in the middle of the Yuan Infant period.

In the future, it must be the world of his Wind and Thunder Sect.


The color in Bi Ji’s gaze was a little more ruthless.

If the time is right, eradicate the current Tangtaizhong, and the Wind and Thunder Sect will definitely become the only hegemon here.

It’s a pity!

Bi Ji’s ruthlessness quickly faded.

The Yan family had just eaten it, and they hadn’t had time to digest it.

Turning heads with the Silver Moon Sect will only allow others to sit on the benefits of the fisherman, and now is not a good opportunity to attack the Silver Moon Sect.

Tang Taizhong’s face was also smiling, but there was no smile in his eyes, “Brother Bi, your face is not very good, how is it?” The injury is better, right?

Bi Ji sneered in his heart, he waved his hand, took another sip of tea, and said without caring, “It’s okay, it’s just a small injury.” It’s not okay to deal with that old thing without paying a price.

“Thanks to your help, Brother Tangtai, otherwise it would be difficult…”


“Father, father!”

“Big things are not good, big things are not good…”

his son Bi Xiu’s voice sounded, and he hurriedly came in from outside.

Bi Ji glanced at Tang Taizhong, very dissatisfied with his son, and shouted sharply, “What happened?” Panicked, what kind of system? ”

The Wind Thunder Sect destroyed the Yan family this time and occupied the territory of the Yan family.

The future can go further.

With more resources, he can also go further, and in the future, the Wind and Thunder Sect will be one of the largest sects in Dongzhou.

As his son, the heir of the Wind Thunder Sect, he should learn from now on and learn how to be a great faction heir.

Don’t panic when you encounter a little thing.

Moreover, Tangtai Zhong is still here, can the face of the Wind Thunder Sect still be wanted?

Bi Xiu is in his thirties, and his lips are a little genetic, showing a bit of meanness.

But now his face was full of panic, as if something big had happened.

After coming here, he saw Tangtai Zhong here and hesitated.

Seeing his son like this, Bi Ji was even more angry, “What’s the matter, say!”

But Bi Xiu’s gaze still fell on Tangtaizhong, and the meaning was obvious.

Tang Tai Zhong smiled and stood up, “Brother Bi, I’ll leave first, so I won’t hinder you.” ”

No need,” Bi Ji stopped Tang Taizhong, but disagreed, “Can the sky still fall?” Say. ”

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It’s okay to have a big day, the most important thing is that you can’t let Tangtai Zhong look down.

The future big faction can’t be laughed at by the little Silver Moon Sect.

Under his father’s stern gaze, Bi Xiu swallowed and spoke.

“Something happened in Jicheng, and the disciples of our two factions died, and they suffered heavy casualties.”

Bi Ji listened to it, and wanted to grab his son over and beat him, this kind of thing also needs to be covered up?

He glared at his son viciously again, isn’t it just the death of some disciples? What’s the big deal.

We will be a big force in the future, and the gate is faction, and this loss does not need to be cared about.

In the future, we must be calm.


When Bi Ji heard that Xu Ji was also dead, he couldn’t calm down.


Bi Ji jumped up, his face changed greatly, and shouted angrily, “Xu Ji is also dead? You’re not kidding? ”

You dare to joke with me, I will destroy my relatives today, and destroy you rebel.

“Father, where do I dare, this is the news from the sect, Elder Xu’s life is broken.”

After Bi Ji listened, he stood in place, unable to accept.

Although Xu Ji is a new Yuan baby, no matter how good he is, he is also a Yuan baby, how can he be easily killed.

Even if he encounters an opponent who is stronger than him, even if he can’t fight, there should be no problem in escaping.

How did you die?

However, the fate of Jane is broken, which is an ironclad fact.

Biji didn’t want to believe it, and finally had to believe it.

After the death, the other Jiedan elders and elite disciples were fine.

Only Xu Ji, the Yuan Infant cultivator, died, which made him feel distressed.

Yuan Baby is not so easy to break through.

The Wind Thunder Sect with one more Yuan Baby and one less Yuan Baby are two different Wind Thunder Sects.

“What’s going on?” Tang Tai Zhong asked softly next to him, squeezing a bit of sad expression on his face.

However, only those who pay attention to his eyes will find that there is no sadness in Tangtaizhong’s eyes, but a little more schadenfreude.

Good death.

If I die, my Silver Moon Sect will have a chance.”

The strength of the Wind Thunder Sect that lost Xu Ji was greatly reduced, narrowing the gap between the two factions.

“Damn it,” Bi Ji returned to his senses, his hair wide open, and his murderous aura pervaded, “I must smash the murderer’s corpse into ten thousand pieces.”

Tangtai Zhong was very happy in his heart, if the time did not allow, he would laugh twice, on the surface he was also pretending to be sad, and said to Bi Ji, “Brother Bi is angry, since this happened, all we can do is avenge Elder Xu.”

“Let the people below investigate, we will wait here, and none of the people who dare to help the Yan family can be let go.”

Tang Taizhong’s words are sincere, the fall of the Yan family has his credit, and he will never allow the Yan family to resurrect.

“The two of us join forces, even if the enemy who comes is strong, we are not afraid…”

Suddenly, Bi Ji and Lan Taizhong’s faces changed, and they all flashed out of here and appeared here at the gate of Chen Cheng.

And here, a young man in white stands suspended in the air with a sword.

Bi Ji and Tang Tai Zhong looked at the boy in white with shocked faces.

The faces of the two were solemn, although the boy in white was only faintly suspended here, his breath was ordinary.

But it gives the two a sense of sharpness.

Like a sharp sword with a hidden edge, the momentum is imposing.

The two looked at each other, Bi Jiao stepped forward and asked in a deep voice, “Who are you?” ”


Thinking of Lu Shaoqing’s instructions, Ji Yan fell silent.

He doesn’t reveal his identity, but he doesn’t want to use someone else’s name either.

He simply didn’t bother to report his name, and Wuqiu Long Sword pointed at Bi Ji and Tang Taizhong, and a sharp sword intent erupted.

Like that crazy growing weed, it quickly filled the entire sky and filled the entire Chen City…

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