Lu Shaoqing glanced at it, and not far away, several people had just disembarked from a more luxurious and massive spaceship.

A young man at the head seemed to have heard Lu Shaoqing’s words with a disdainful smile on his face.

The young man wears a three-pin star feather crown on his head, wears a three-pin sock ancient xuan robe, a white jade bluestone belt tied around his waist, a cyan ink-colored three-pin jade pendant tied around his waist, and a pair of third-grade boots.

Lying groove, bright and blind.

Lu Shaoqing’s eyes widened, which family is this loser.

Dressed so richly, aren’t you afraid of being robbed when you go out?

The young man looked at Lu Shaoqing and his group, his eyes were full of contempt, and his attitude was high.

He didn’t put Lu Shaoqing in his eyes, especially looking at Lu Shaoqing’s gaze, as if looking at a countryman.

Of course, he couldn’t see Ji Yan, and Ji Yan automatically hid his figure after getting off the boat, and he couldn’t see him in that realm.

However, when his gaze fell on Yan Hong, it was a little hotter.

He smiled, his laughter was full of the smell of an upstart, and he said to Yan Hongyu, “This girl, what’s so good about you following this kind of man?” ”

Come on, follow me Jia Zun, and ensure that you have no worries for a lifetime.”

When Yan Hongyu heard his name, his face became a little more solemn, and so did Yan Hongbin.

“Are you Jia Zun of the Jia family in Xiangcheng?”

Jia Zun smiled more happily and more satisfied, “Not bad, you know who my Jia Zun is, right?”

“Follow me, it’s definitely better than you follow her.”

After speaking, he looked Lu Shaoqing up and down again, and the more he looked at it, the more unhappy Lu Shaoqing became.

What does this slut-like smile mean?

It’s annoying to watch.

He glared at Lu Shaoqing, “Poor ghost, what are you looking at?”

Lu Shaoqing still smiled, he ignored Jia Zun and asked Yan Hongyu, “Is there anything about the Jia family in Xiangcheng?”

Yan Hongyu whispered to him about the origin of the Jia family.

To sum up two words, there is money.

Four words, very rich.

The Jia family in Xiangcheng is the richest family in Dongzhou.

Because they were so rich, they gathered a lot of scattered cultivators under their command.

There were even three scattered cultivators who joined and became their guest secretaries.

A force with one Yuan Baby is already a hegemon, with three Yuan Babies, plus the ancestor of the Jia family, they have four Yuan Babies.

Similar to the Yuding faction, the Yuding faction only has four yuan babies.

Of course, there is a bit of a gap between the scattered cultivation Yuan Baby and the Great Pai Yuan Baby.

But it is undeniable that the Jia family is a hegemon, and its strength is only stronger than that of the former Yan family.

Yan Hongyu seemed to be full of jealousy towards Jia Zun in front of her, and she whispered to Lu Shaoqing, “Gongzi, Jia Gongzi is already a master of the Jiedan period when he is less than thirty years old.

“What’s more, there are also two mid-Jiedan masters accompanying him for protection. The average person can’t afford to provoke.

When Lu Shaoqing heard this, he immediately disdained.

Although she didn’t cut a word, Yan Hongyu looked at Lu Shaoqing’s expression, and the familiar laughter seemed to sound in her ears again.

Lu Shaoqing’s side just glanced at it, and he almost saw the situation of several people from Jia Zun.

Although Jia Zun exudes a powerful aura of the Jiedan period, his spiritual power is weak and not thick enough, and he can tell at a glance that it is the kind that comes from the drug.

The potential is so-so, not to worry about.

Then there are not two masters of the Jiedan period beside Jia Zun, but now there are three.

Yan Hongyu saw Lu Shaoqing’s disdainful look, of course he knew why.

She reminded in a low voice again, “Gongzi, Jia Gongzi’s temper is not very good, this is Xu Cheng, the territory of the Yuding faction, and if there is a conflict, I am afraid that it will provoke the Yuding faction.” Yan

Hongyu’s meaning was obvious, let Lu Shaoqing back down for the time being, don’t make trouble here.

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So as not to be right Yuding faction.

“Huh…” Jia Zun was very happy and laughed proudly, he heard what Yan Hongyu said to Lu Shaoqing, he liked this feeling.

“Poor ghost, if you know each other, let that chick come and accompany me.”

Jia Zun’s side had to step in, which made Yan Hongyu’s face change.

Yan Hongbin was furious, “Don’t deceive people too much.

“What’s wrong with bullying you?” Jia Zun was on his toes, arrogant and arrogant like a rooster, “You poor ghosts, can you do anything?”

Yan Hongyu’s face became a little more angry, “This is the place of the Yuding Sect, do you want to do it here?”

“You can try, we will accompany you to the end.”

Jia Zun is a rich second generation and is also very arrogant, but his brain is not stupid.

He didn’t dare to do anything here.

But it didn’t prevent him from despising the mockery and shaking his head, “You woman, I like it, you will be mine sooner or later.”

In a word, Yan Hongyu trembled with anger.


Jia Zun was about to leave, when he suddenly heard the blue-shirted boy ask, “Jia family, is there a god?” Jia

Zun turned around, but saw Yan Hongyu and Yan Hongbin with shocked faces.

Jia Zun snorted, “How?” Do you want to laugh at our Jia family? Transform God, our Jia family will have it sooner or later.

Then he saw that the smile on Lu Shaoqing’s face widened.

Of course.

“What kind of smile are you? It’s annoying, believe it or not, I clean you up? The more Jia Zun looked, the more he wanted to hit someone.

Lu Shaoqing approached slowly.

The three people behind Jia Zun immediately became alert and nervous.

Jia Zun didn’t think so, and waved his hand, “Don’t worry, what does this poor devil dare to do?” ”

This is the place of the Yuding Sect.”


Jia Zun laughed proudly.

In the place of the Yuding faction here, I don’t dare to do it in the city, can it be that you guy dare?

“Come on, let me see what the hell you’re going to do.”

Jia Zun had a smug look in his eyes, of course, he was also vigilant.

“I met you as soon as I saw you, there are some things, let’s talk about it.”

Lu Shaoqing’s smile remained unchanged, very cheap, and it still made Jia Zun want to hit someone.

“you, who did you see at first sight? You poor devil dares to say these things in front of me?

“By the way, I’ll show you a baby.”

Lu Shaoqing stepped forward and stretched out his hand towards Jia Zun, clenching his fists.

This immediately attracted the attention of Jia Zun and the guards around him.

Next moment!

Lu Shaoqing opened his palm, empty.

Jia Zun was furious, “Bastard…” The

next moment, a powerful divine consciousness struck.

As if the sky collapsed, Jia Zun didn’t have time to react, and Zhihai was like being struck by lightning, snorted, rolled his eyes, and passed out.

The faces of the three Jiedan period masters behind him changed drastically, and they just wanted to do something.

But a cold snort sounded in their ears, and the same powerful divine consciousness struck, and the divine consciousness contained terrifying sword intent.

The three of them also snorted and passed out one after another.

Lu Shaoqing waved his big hand, and there were dark ripples in the air….

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