There were five people in total, four men and one woman, dressed in uniform black spirit armor.

They are burly and exude a powerful aura.

After appearing, they first looked around in confusion, and after a while, their faces showed excitement, and some even roared up to the sky.

“Ancestral land, ancestral land!”

“Haha, our holy clan is back, back to our ancestral land.”

“Haha, the plan that has been planned for thousands of years has finally succeeded, and our holy clan has returned to the place that belongs to us again.”

“Die, cowardly human beings, all deserve to die…” The

excited voices of the five people shook thousands of miles, making the faces of the disciples of the Tiangong Gate who were dozens of miles away turn pale.

Ancestral lands, holy families, human beings.

From these words, it can be heard that these five people are from outside the thirteen states.

Some people wondered and didn’t know what these people meant.

But the reactive is a little more sensitive, knowing that the face of a little more is pale, and the body can’t help but tremble.

At least Guan Daniu’s body, who was staying with Lu Shaoqing and Ji Yan, was already trembling.

The teeth are crunching and fighting, and the fat all over the body is screaming.


, demon, demon…” Lu Shaoqing said coldly, “Demon!

Looking at the five excited people in the distance, Lu Shaoqing’s face became gloomy again, and his heart was very irritable.

He is very upset, why does the demon clan also have to come to make fun?

Thousands of years ago, a great war broke out between humans and demons, and humans finally drove demons away and banished them beyond the thirteen states.

Since then, there have been no demons in the thirteen states.

Humanity has also been at peace for a long time.

In fact, the so-called war with the demon race was just a difference in the concept of the two sides, and finally a conflict broke out.

Humans and demons share the same roots.

Later, a group of radical cultivators believed that since they had cultivated and gained extraordinary power, they would break away from the human category and become a new race.

They call themselves the Holy Race, while others call them the Demon Race, the demons who go crazy.

The monks of the Holy Race regarded mortals as slaves, and mortals were ants in their eyes, and they killed mortals only in a single thought.

There were more and more monks with this kind of thinking, and finally, mortals could not bear the oppression and rebelled against the holy family, and the monks who sided with the mortals joined in, helping the mortals to deal with the monks who claimed to be the holy family.

The so-called Immortal Demon War was formed.

The natural end result is that good triumphs over evil and triumphs.

But in Lu Shaoqing’s view, if it is a real victory, it will cut the grass and remove the roots, rather than banish the demon race.

The human side only took advantage of a little and could not destroy the demon race, so it made the act of banishment.

As for what has the same root and same origin, I can’t bear to kill more is just to beautify myself.

Lu Shaoqing covered his head and felt a headache.

These damn guys, don’t come early, don’t come late, just come at this time.

Isn’t this pure heart to block him?

Lu Shaoqing didn’t need to look at what kind of state the plan around him was.

He meowed, like a sun, desperately exuding fiery energy, about to burn people.

There is no way to stop it, Lu Shaoqing shouted to Ji Yan, “Pay attention, converge a little, and wait for it.” ”

The person who came is not good, the strength is unknown, and the information is insufficient, let those people from the Tiangong Gate test it first.

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Chao Kai took the disciples of the Tiangong Gate to board a spaceship, and also looked at the Great Array from a distance.

Five people with powerful auras who claimed to be saints suddenly appeared, making his face extremely gloomy.

This time it was a disaster.

The Saint Race is the self-proclaimed name of the Demon Race, and they are stronger, stronger than cultivators of the same level.

Chao Kai immediately ordered, “Go, immediately report the situation here to the sect, and let the elders of the sect come.” ”

Things here are too strange and must be handled by the upper echelons of the sect.

Otherwise, the Tiangong Gate is a sinner of the Terran race.

However, he was stopped by his junior brother, Feng Guanyu.

“Senior brother is in no hurry,” Feng Guanyu said with an indifferent smile, seemingly not taking the matter in front of him to heart, very indifferent, “Let’s figure things out first.”

“They call themselves the Holy Family, and they are?”

“The demon race has been expelled and will never come back, and suddenly a few people who claim to be demon races appear, no matter how strange they look.”

“Maybe it’s fishing in troubled waters.”

Chao Kai is not as relaxed as Feng Guanyu, his face is solemn, once the matter here is not handled well, the impact on the Tiangong Gate will be too great.

Chao Kai said in a deep voice, “If it’s true, we can’t bear this responsibility.” Feng

Guanyu smiled and disagreed, “Will they know?” ”

Besides,” he took two steps closer and whispered, “if it’s really the Demon Clan, catching them and bringing them back will be of great benefit, and it will be a great opportunity for us.” ”

Feng Guanyu’s eyes shone with ambition, the demon race was banished to the land of nothingness, and the Tiangong Gate mastered the passage to the demon race, and the benefits were unimaginable.

The strength of the Tiangong Gate is growing, and as a disciple of the Tiangong Gate, it will also follow to obtain great benefits.

After speaking, Feng Guanyu did not wait for Chao Kai to object, he rushed to the sky, “I’ll go meet them.” Feng

Guanyu came to the five people like a humble son, with a smile on his face, but with a bit of pride, “Several, I am the second senior brother of the Tiangong Gate, Feng Guanyu, I don’t know how to call them?”

“Where did it come from?”

Five gazes fell on Feng Guanyu, and Feng Guanyu’s smile suddenly froze.

At close range, he felt the horror of the five people in front of him.

The eyes were cold, and looking at him was like looking at an ant, full of ruthlessness.

Just at a glance, his heart couldn’t help but tremble.

He only realized that he had underestimated these five people, and they were even more powerful than he had imagined.


Feng Guanyu still wanted to say something, but the only woman on the other side asked lightly, “Which of you is on top?”

“Leave him alive and ask for some intelligence.”

“I’ll do it!” A man with an inch head and a face with a national character walked out.

In Feng Guanyu’s senses, he seemed to face a fierce tiger walking towards him.

The man with the face of the national character grinned at Feng Guanyu, and his breath erupted, which was shocking, “My name is Cha Xi, a member of the Holy Clan.” Boy, count you lucky, the captain said spare your life.

“I don’t want to suffer hardships, surrender obediently, and become a dog of my holy family.”

The attitude was very arrogant, and he did not put Feng Guanyu in his eyes.

Feng Guanyu was furious, and without saying a word, he shot at Cha Xi, “Find death!” ”

The sixth layer of Jiedan also dares to be arrogant in front of me? Let you know how good I am. However

, in less than ten rounds, Feng Guan Yukou sprayed blood and fell heavily to the ground.


Cha Xi laughed proudly, Feng Guanyu’s attack made him a little injured, but it was only a little injured.

“Human beings, as weak as ever…”

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