Lu Shaoqing’s breath was so weak that he was not even as good as a three-year-old child, but he was still so arrogant.

Not only did it make Qiu Long vomit blood in anger, but even Guan Daniu wanted to leave Lu Shaoqing alone and run away directly.

This bastard is too arrogant.

Is this a long life?

If you are like this now, I can clean you up.

Not to mention that the other two demon races are the existence of the ninth layer of Jiedan.

They can’t beat you before, and it’s easy to kill you now.

Qiu Long’s face was gloomy, and the killing intent was overflowing, even if he was far away, Guan Da Niu could feel it.

Guan Daniu persuaded Lu Shaoqing in a low voice, with a crying in his voice, “Gongzi, you, you should say two words less.” ”

If you want to die, you will send it to death yourself, don’t drag me.”

Guan Daniu was prepared in his heart, and if something was wrong, he would leave Lu Shaoqing as soon as possible and run first.

Dead Daoist friends are not dead and poor, and he can’t catch himself for Lu Shaoqing.

Lu Shaoqing not only did not listen to the advice, but also scolded back, “Dead fatty, don’t you grow bold flesh and don’t you grow guts?”

“Aren’t they the two so-called little demon clans? It’s all brainless things, what are you afraid of?

“Don’t disgrace us humans, I’m here, I’m afraid of hair.”

“Besides, my senior brother is coming back soon, afraid of a fart?”

Guan Da Niu cursed in his heart, bastard, are you stupid?

Is your senior brother back?

Besides, what if you don’t come back?

If you can’t come back, it’s hard for you to choose a cemetery yourself.

Guan Daniu carefully reminded, “Gongzi, if Gongzi can’t come back…”

Lu Shaoqing interrupted him unceremoniously, “You know a fart, he will definitely be able to kill that old fellow.”

“I have absolute confidence in him, you can rest assured.”

Lu Shaoqing’s tone was thick with undoubtedness, and he was full of confidence in Ji Yan.

Guan Daniu was stunned in his heart, he didn’t expect Lu Shaoqing to have such sufficient confidence in Ji Yan.

Guan Daniu couldn’t help but ask, “What if a young son hasn’t come back yet, what if they kill it?”

“You block them, I’ll run first.”

If the big cow vomits blood, I will block your sister.

At the same time, I was more determined to wait for the first to run, absolutely regardless of whether this bastard was dead or alive.

After Qiu Long heard Lu Shaoqing’s words, his killing intent became even stronger.

He stepped forward and prepared to walk out and leave here to strike at Lu Shaoqing.

Yu Ling noticed Qiu Long’s actions, and she couldn’t help but persuade, “Young Master Qiu, be careful and deceitful.

When Qiu Long heard this, he disdained, “Fraud? What’s the scam? ”

Captain Yu Ling,” Qiu Long’s tone was stern, his eyes were like swords looking directly at Yu Ling, as if to see her face under her mask clearly, “You are a genius of the Yu Clan, and you are the captain of this striker.

“You are here to become the honor of the Yu tribe and shelter the clansmen, not to become a shame of the Yu tribe and even the Yu clan.”

“Now is the best chance to kill this fang, but you are cowering, are you still a Saint Clan?”

“Do you think the Holy Lord won’t know about things here? What you do, the Holy Lord will not see?

Qiu Long’s tone was very stern, making Yu Ling’s face turn white.

She couldn’t help but panic in her heart.

That’s right, in the face of the enemy, she cowered, which was an act spurned by the saints.

She couldn’t help but defend, “Special Envoy Qiu, he, he is the Yuan baby.” ”

Yuan baby?” Qiu Long was more stern, “Just because he is a Yuan baby, if he doesn’t do it now, when will he stay?” Waiting for his senior brother to come back?

“Are you going to be a shrunken-headed turtle here for the rest of your life?”

After Qiu Long finished speaking, he was already full of disgust for Yu Ling and flicked his sleeves away.

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“Weak humans, suffer death!”

Qiu Long shouted, broke away from the shelter of the statue, and came out of the large array.

Guan Daniu was cold, and without saying a word, he left Lu Shaoqing and ran.

Lu Shaoqing was speechless, dead fat, actually had a bit of my style.

The woman did not come out, and such a special envoy came out, which can be considered okay.

Lu Shaoqing’s gaze became sharp, but the next moment, a bit of depression flashed on his face.

And Qiu Long’s attack had already been killed, Lu Shaoqing deliberately shouted, ate Qiu Long’s blow, and flew upside down.

And at this time, Ji Yan returned.

White clothes fluttered, appearing above the sky.

When Qiu Long saw the immortal-like plan, he was unscathed, and his face suddenly changed.

“No, it can’t be!”

When Ji Yan comes back, what is the end of Kan Haokong, it goes without saying.

Qiu Long couldn’t believe it, this was the existence of the five-layer realm in the middle of the Yuan Infant period.

This is the existence that can impact the elders of the Holy Land.

It is also a well-known existence among the holy family.

Thinking about how shocking it was to be a dual-element baby, even the Holy Land had to pay attention to them.

If it weren’t for the suspicion that they were connected to rebellion, they would have made an exception to let Kan Haokong enter the Holy Land as an elder.

In the Saint Family, Kan Haokong, who was majestic and famous in the Saint Family, was defeated in the hands of a human cultivator.

When this news was transmitted back, it would definitely cause a big shock in the Holy Family.

Ji Yan’s eyes were cold, staring at Qiu Long.

Although Ji Yan’s breath was not good, it was enough to make Qiu Long’s heart tremble.

At this time, Qiu Long understood that Yu Ling’s words were not false, these two humans were really strong.

Lu Shaoqing hurriedly reminded Ji Yan to let him leave Qiu Long with his life, he was useful.

Lu Shaoqing got up slowly, still pretending to be injured.

Not only did he want to deceive the people of the Demon Clan, but even his own senior brother also deceived him, otherwise how could he let his senior brother contribute?

He got up, the villain was proud, and shouted at Qiu Long, “Demon boy, you know the face to surrender quickly, or my senior brother will kill you.” Lu

Shaoqing was very satisfied, he pretended to be injured in order to trick Yu Ling or Qiu Long.

Whoever it is, he only needs a prisoner.

Ji Yan said to Lu Shaoqing, “Why don’t you make a move?”

Lu Shaoqing was righteous, “I was injured and spanked.”

“Do you think that demon clan is easy to clean up?”

“Hurry up, hurry, you’re already addicted, it’s time to go.”

Of course, Ji Yan knew that his junior brother was lying.

Ruan Shun is powerful, and it is not enough to seriously hurt Lu Shaoqing.

However, as the junior brother said, he has already passed the addiction, and he has benefited a lot from fighting with the five-layer Yuan Infant of the Demon Clan.

Forget it, let him be.

Ji Yan’s aura suddenly changed, and he shot out at Qiu Long.

In view of Lu Shaoqing’s request, Ji Yan did not intend to slash Qiu Long with a sword, which was the prisoner named by his junior brother.

As a senior brother, of course, you must fulfill this little wish of your junior brother.

However, Qiu Long saw Ji Yan shoot at him and scared him to death.

He knew that his strength was not as good as Ji Yan, and without saying a word, he took out what the Holy Lord had given him.

This is a magic weapon given to him by the Holy Lord, which can be used against a human infant.

A magic weapon like a pocket appeared from Qiu Long’s hand, and after injecting spiritual energy, he threw it at Ji Yan and shouted, “Go!” ”

In an instant, the sky and the earth were dark, and a huge pocket appeared above the sky…

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