Guan Da Niu wanted to cry without tears, why did he provoke him?

Did the Celestial Mechanic provoke you?

I treat you with great respect these days, why do you have to turn your face, are you still human?

Doesn’t your conscience hurt?

Lu Shaoqing cleaned up the big cow and vented.

This resentment in my heart has been held for too long.

Today’s meal should be charged with interest.

Lu Shaoqing stared at Guan Daniu, his eyes still flashing with a dangerous light.

Tube big cow urine, sin, what did he do?

He cried with a sad face, “Brother, tell me, where did I offend you?”

“You tell me, I’ll change it.”

Lu Shaoqing sneered, “That’s right, you’re not wrong at all, what to change?” When

Guan Daniu heard this, tears flowed.

I didn’t do anything wrong, you are going to hit me, you really are not human.

You’re a demon clad in human skin, right?

The number one bully in the world is none other than you.

As the days passed, the city finally arrived.

Guan Daniu saw Chaocheng and left tears of excitement.

Is your hard life finally coming to an end?

From that day on, Lu Shaoqing beat him at every turn.

Fist to flesh, beating him to death.

On the other hand, he still can’t resist.

Even if Lu Shaoqing let him do it, he couldn’t beat Lu Shaoqing with the strength of his body, which made people even more desperate.

Fortunately, the city has arrived now.

He decided that after arriving in Chaocheng, he would run as soon as possible, far away from this guy, as far away as he could.

It’s best not to see each other again in this life.

This bastard is definitely a demon clad in human skin, extremely ferocious.

Whoever meets him will pour eight lifetimes of blood mold.

As soon as the ship arrived in Chaocheng, the official wanted to get off the boat and run away without saying a word, and here he didn’t want to stay much longer.

“Run what?”

Lu Shaoqing’s voice sounded, and Guan Daniu stiffened, “I’m new here, find me a place to live.” ”

Why the are you going to rely on me?

Guan Da Niu was angry, he pointed here, and said, “You lean the ship here, can’t you live on the boat?” ”

I’m not your father, I’m not your mother, and you want me to take care of you to eat and drink Lasa?

“On the contrary, you dare to talk to me in this tone?”

Lu Shaoqing glared, and Guan Daniu immediately reacted and took two steps back, looking at Lu Shaoqing in fear.

These days, Lu Shaoqing beat him at every turn, and he was really scared.

Guan Daniu was aggrieved and died, and he still doesn’t know how to offend Lu Shaoqing.

Is it jealousy that I am more handsome than him?

Guan Daniu pointed to the dock where the spaceship was moored aggrievedly, “It’s good here.”

Lu Shaoqing stared at him unpleasantly, “Three hundred spirit stones a day for parking, will you pay me?” ”

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For Lu Shaoqing, if he wants to hand over the spirit stone, he will not be killed, so he will not be wronged.

Guan Daniu was stunned, “Why is it so expensive?” Isn’t it a hundred and a day?

Lu Shaoqing snorted, “Haven’t you noticed that there are many people here?”

Lu Shaoqing swept his senses, and after eavesdropping again, he knew what was happening here.

As time passed, the news from the Tiangong Gate could not be concealed, letting people know the place where the Demon Race appeared, and as one of the closest cities to the place where the Demon Race appeared, countless cultivators flocked to it, thus causing the number of people in the city to skyrocket.

After all, the demon race that has been said for thousands of years has reappeared, making many curiosity explode.

They all flocked here to see what the Demon Race was like.

As for the horror of the demon race, no one cares, the horror of the demon race is recorded in the classics, and people in this era have not personally experienced the horror of the demon race.

Therefore, the number of people here in Chaocheng is more exaggerated than before in Xucheng.

Lu Shaoqing wanted to find a place to live, but it was already impossible.

Of course, this kind of headache, he is familiar with the road, relying on the big cow.

Lu Shaoqing did not intend to be considerate of Guan Da Niu, and the fierce god bully said, “Take me to your place of residence and arrange a place for me to live, otherwise I will beat you to death now.” ”

Met with bandits, it is reasonable to say.

Guan Daniu wanted to cry without tears, reluctantly, and finally took Lu Shaoqing to his place of residence.

Lu Shaoqing came to the place where Guan Daniu lived, and brought the house in the yard.

In a castle like Asashiro, he has his own house, but it is still a villa with a yard.

Lu Shaoqing praised, “I didn’t expect ah, you kid is really rich.”

“What about my 200,000 spirit stones? When will it be given to me?

Guan Daniu explained, “This is not mine, it is considered a sect, but it is for me to live.” ”

The house here is sold for a few million spirit stones, not to mention millions of spirit stones, and the big bull is not so powerful.

And Lu Shaoqing guessed a little more, “It seems that your kid’s identity is not simple.” ”

Guan Da Niu’s heart jumped, this bastard is so sharp?

He hurriedly smiled and changed the topic.

“Gongzi, you live here, I, I still have some things to do…”

After speaking, he hurriedly left here, and the chubby figure looked a little embarrassed and fleeing.

Lu Shaoqing walked around here and was very satisfied with the environment here.

A small courtyard, a few rooms behind, what is even more rare is that this place is far from the city center, which can be regarded as quiet.

Lu Shaoqing nodded and whispered to himself, “Live here for a while, now the demon clan is making a lot of noise outside, let’s go back in a few days.”

“Let’s take advantage of this time to improve your strength.”

“It’s really a headache to die, Senior Brother Erguo…” Lu

Shaoqing took Ji Yan to the Prisoner Soul Mountain Range, and Ji Yan’s role was to be a thug.

Now the thug is unreliable and runs halfway.

Lu Shaoqing could only go alone, but he knew without thinking that there must be many dangers there.

Lu Shaoqing decided that he had to strengthen a little before going, otherwise he would give away people’s heads.

Lu Shaoqing strolled in the courtyard, and the materials in his hand appeared one by one, while constantly throwing out.

It looks very casual and relaxed.

Under his feet, white light flickered continuously, countless formations flashed, and then disappeared into the ground, and there was no movement.

However, if anyone is here, they must be able to feel the changes around them.

In order to ensure safety, Lu Shaoqing was arranging various formations and prohibitions to prevent someone from breaking in without authorization.

The people who come to Chaocheng are mixed, good and bad, and there are everyone.

Lu Shaoqing didn’t want anyone to disturb his cultivation.

After a long time, Lu Shaoqing was very satisfied and clapped his hands, “Okay, in the next period of time, let’s be an otaku here…”

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