Tube the big cow that is desperate.

I was just trying to ask something, I didn’t provoke you, why did you hit me too?

One day, after four beatings, this place could not stay.

Guan Da Niu was beaten to the head and fled here in embarrassment.

After fleeing here, Guan Daniu reacted and sighed again to the sky, wanting to cry without tears.

Marde, that’s my home, how can I, the master, be chased away like a thief?

Doves occupy the Magpie’s Nest, anti-guest dominance, noisy domination….

It was so miserable that Guan Da Niu shed tears and left.

Meng Xiao beat the big cow, and the shyness in his heart dissipated, but looking at Xiao Yi’s smiling appearance, his face returned to blushing again.

At the same time, she glared at Yu Ling, dissatisfied with why Xiao Yi didn’t ask Yu Ling.

Meng Xiao had to change the topic and asked Xiao Yi, “How does your senior brother plan to deal with the Tiangong Gate?”

Xiao Yi shook her head, the second senior brother’s mind could not guess, she said truthfully, “I don’t know, I can’t guess.”

“But the second senior brother decided to make a move, and the Tiangong Gate will definitely be unlucky.”

Meng Xiao didn’t believe this very much, “The Tiangong Gate is not easy to mess with, they are very strong, and they are called the Yanzhou Two Gates Sect together with the Dian Xing Faction.”

She secretly complained in her heart, really, the strength of the Tiangong Gate is even stronger than your Lingxiao faction.

You Lingxiao faction is poor, I have heard about it here in Dongzhou.

Xiao Yi was not convinced, “Cut, it’s just the gate of the Heavenly Palace, my senior brother is not there, if he were here, he would all take the sword and cut the door.” ”

Bullying my master, ten lives are not enough.

Meng Xiao thought of Ji Yan’s divine martial arts, and wanted to refute a little, but he couldn’t.

“Your second senior brother is very strong, but does he dare to go to the Tiangong Gate…”

Lu Shaoqing came to the city, bustling and crowded, so it was not lively.

Streamers streaked through the sky, and the monks’ various flying vehicles were varied.

On the ground, the monks and mortals got along well and peacefully.

The divine sense swept away, and Lu Shaoqing’s figure disappeared and came to the center of the city.

Lu Shaoqing stood on top of a building, his figure hidden in the air, quietly looking below.

Here is a huge square, where the disciples of the Tiangong Gate recruit manpower and hire cultivators to deal with the demon race.

Lu Shaoqing looked at it for a while, cursed in a low voice, and his tone was envious and jealous, “A hundred spirit stones a day, really rich enough.”

“The most annoying thing in my life is this kind of rich person.”

One hundred spirit stones a day, when he was in the sect, he was still one hundred spirit stones a month.

There are not only thousands of scattered cultivators who signed up below, and the Tiangong Gate spends hundreds of thousands and millions of spirit stones a day.

Lu Shaoqing touched his chin and swallowed his saliva, “The Tiangong Gate seems to be very rich, do you want to go to the Tiangong Gate to take a look?” ”

But now that there is no detailed information about the Tiangong Gate, he does not dare to go to the Tiangong Gate rashly.

At this moment, Lu Shaoqing’s divine sense captured the conversation of the disciples of the Tiangong Gate below.

“It’s true, the third senior brother will spend time and wine by himself, let us work here.”

“No way, who made him the third senior brother?”

“Che, doesn’t he have a good father, a good grandfather, can he be the third senior brother?”

“Looking for death, you dare to say such things? In case he hears it, you will suffer. ”

Alas, Senior Brother and Second Senior Brother are on the front line, he is good, hide

here…” “Don’t say it, let’s work, who makes us have different lives…”

Lu Shaoqing listened, touched his chin, smiled, and then disappeared here and returned to where he lived.

Within a few days, Guan Daniu sent him the information of the Tiangong Gate.

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And said with a pained face, “For your information, my contribution points are almost spent.” ”

O cattle, O beasts.

How many articles I wrote to accumulate my contribution points are now almost gone.

Lu Shaoqing was very satisfied and comforted him, “You also have benefits.”

“Benefits? What are the benefits? “Guan Da Niu is stunned, can I still not know if there are benefits?

“Isn’t it good that I won’t hit you?”

Guan Da Niu burst into tears and left resentfully, he was afraid that if he stayed with this bastard for a while, he would not be able to resist hammering people.

Lu Shaoqing pinched the information and looked silently.

Xiao Yi, Meng Xiao, and Yu Ling appeared in the distance, looking at Lu Shaoqing and not bothering.

Xiao Yi’s face was full of expectation, the information of the Tiangong Gate was obtained by the second senior brother, how did the second senior brother plan to deal with the Tiangong Gate?

After Lu Shaoqing put away the jade Jane, Xiao Yi ran over like a puppy again.

“Second Senior Brother, how is it?” Xiao Yi asked expectantly, his face full of smiles, “Have you found a way to deal with the Tiangong Gate?”

Lu Shaoqing slapped her on the head and scolded angrily, “What nonsense? The Heavenly Palace Gate is dealing with the Demon Clan, how can we make a stumbling block behind our backs? Xiao

Yi rolled his eyes, I’m your junior sister, I still don’t know your mind?

The more you say this, the more miserable the Tiangong Gate will die.

Meng Xiao also came over and shook two balls, “What are you going to do?”

Lu Shaoqing didn’t bother to pay attention to them and stood up, “I’m going out, you guys stay here.”

Xiao Yi didn’t say a word, raised his hand, “Where to go?” I’m going too. ”

Didn’t I come here to follow the second senior brother to all kinds of waves?

There’s no fun in staying here.

Meng Xiao was naturally not far behind, shouting, “If you don’t take me, I’ll beat you.”

Yu Ling didn’t speak, but his expression said it all.

Lu Shaoqing didn’t plan to take the three of them with him, and the figure disappeared directly, “What to follow, stay here, I’ll go back.” Xiao

Yi jumped to his feet in anger in place, it was really abominable, what the second senior brother was going to do.

Why not take me with you.

Sure enough, when he came out, the second senior brother changed.

He used to take me everywhere he went.

Now the senior brother doesn’t know where to go, and the second senior brother has also begun to become mysterious.

“It’s true, it’s too disappointing to do something to the Tiangong Gate and not tell me.”

Xiao Yi’s heart itched, only followed the second senior brother for a few days, my curiosity was seduced, uncomfortable.

Meng Xiao was not too optimistic about Lu Shaoqing, although Lu Shaoqing was very powerful, but for such a behemoth as the Heavenly Palace Gate, Lu Shaoqing’s strength had not yet reached the realm that could crush the Heavenly Palace Gate.

Meng Xiao shook his head, “What can he do?”

“We can only wait here, waiting for my master to leave with your master.”

In Meng Xiao’s opinion, this is the best way.

At that time, he killed a few demon races, and he wanted to leave with his own strength, and the Tiangong Gate did not dare to stop it.

This is the best result for everyone.

As for using other methods to deal with Tiangong, Meng Xiao did not think that Lu Shaoqing had this ability.

After Lu Shaoqing left, he went straight to the north.

He hurried unhurriedly, and just teleported and appeared thousands of miles away.

Soon, in less than a day, Lu Shaoqing arrived at his destination.

In front, as far as the eye can see, deep in the clouds and mountains, there are majestic buildings, white mist, cranes soaring into the clouds, like a fairyland.

Tiangong Gate, arrived…

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