When he saw the person coming, his expression was still unhappy, and he roared, “Ou Ming, your formation, okay?” ”

The person who came is Ou Ming.

When Ou Ming heard this, his face became unhappy, his hazy expression, like a dark cloud in the sky, his narrow eyes stared at the torture, “Lord Torture, what do you mean by this?” ”

Dare to question my formation attainments?

The careful Ou Ming immediately remembered the torture in his heart.

Torturer pointed to the formation behind him and snorted, “See for yourself.” ”

Then the formations in one area were all destroyed, and from a distance, it looked like a huge gap.

Ou Ming’s heart jumped, “Who did this?” The

torture was not concealed, and he said truthfully, “A human being, a human whose strength is not weak.”

“How is that possible?” Ou Ming didn’t believe it, and he asked again, “What about people?” Did you kill it? Thinking

of the anger of the torturer just now, Ou Ming sneered, “You shouldn’t let him go, right?” ”

The human cultivators who know the formation are also the most feared by the demon race now, and they must be killed.

Otherwise, let it destroy the great array, and when the time comes, the human cultivators will kill in, although these people are strong, but the number is ultimately inferior.

The torturer did not speak, and his expression said it all.

Ou Ming yin and yang became angry, just now he dared to laugh at his formation is not good, now give me a chance, right?

“Your strength is not very good.”

“Can a single human let him escape?”

The torturer snorted coldly, after all, it was to let people escape, this face is not good-looking, but Lu Shaoqing’s strength is indeed very strong, he did not react for a while, let him go.

He warned Ou Ming, “Don’t underestimate him, his strength is much stronger than yours.” ”

Ou Ming is just the second layer of the Yuan baby, and the torture is stronger than him, and the criminal suo feels that Ou Ming has met that person, and the criminal suo does not think that Ou Ming can fight it.

Ou Ming suddenly seemed to hear a big joke, “Terran cultivator, how strong can it be?” Not to mention the same realm, even if it is a few realms stronger than me, I am not afraid. ”

Can’t beat it, I still can’t hold out for a while?

Even if it is the ninth layer of the Yuan Infant, he is not afraid.

This is the strength of the Holy Family.

Ou Ming despised the torture, “You shouldn’t let him escape, feel faceless, so deliberately exaggerate his strength, right?” ”

It is useless to say anything now, the enemy fled or fled, and no matter how much he said, he could only be taken as a defense.

The Holy Family never disdained to justify.

“You mend this place.” I don’t want to stay here, this guy is really hard to like.

“If there is a problem with the formation, explain it to the chief guard and the Holy Lord yourself.”

Ou Ming sneered, “You yourself went to explain to the chief guard why you let an enemy who understood the formation run.”


The torturer snorted coldly and disappeared here.

Ou Ming was squeezed away by the torture, proud in his heart, small, fight with me?

Even if you are stronger than me?

Looking at the destroyed large array, Ou Ming’s smile disappeared, and he had to start repairing the formation.

Soon, people who knew the news arrived.

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A woman with dark skin, long flowing hair, and a somewhat similar face to Ming appeared.

She floated from afar and came here.

Her eyes are equally narrow and long, her expression is cold, like a 10,000-year-old iceberg, and her chin is pointed, giving people a strong pressure.

Ou Ming noticed the person coming, hurriedly stopped, and saluted the woman, “Sister.” The

woman’s face showed displeasure, she snorted coldly, and her eyes were a little cold.

Ou Ming hurriedly changed his title, “Lord Ou.” ”

The woman is Ou Ming’s sister, Ou Qing, both in strength and formation attainment, is stronger than Ou Ming.

She glanced around and slowly spoke, “What’s going on?” The

sound was equally cold, like the sound made by the mixed ice slag, which made people chill in their hearts.

Ou Ming actually didn’t know, it could only be said that someone suddenly destroyed the Great Array.

As for who, he also did not know.

“A young human?” When Ou Qing heard this, his face showed displeasure, and he even didn’t believe it a little, “How young?” Younger than you?

“You can’t do that yet, humans can?”

Ou Ming is now less than thirty years old, which is already young and very talented.

But even so, he was still a formation master, not a grandmaster.

The geniuses of the holy race can’t do it, and the geniuses of the Terrans have such geniuses?

Ou Qing pointed out coldly, “There must be other people together, otherwise it will not cause such great damage.”

Ou Ming was very convinced of his sister’s judgment, and nodded in agreement, “That’s right, there should be several talents.” The torturer actually said that he was just one person, and his strength was stronger than him.

“Isn’t that a joke?”

“Does he think there are people in the Terran race who are compared to the Holy Son?”

Ou Qing was noncommittal to her brother’s words, and she did not believe that a young man would be so strong.

But in the end, it is her sister, who is not as completely arrogant as Ou Ming, she reminds, “Be careful and pay attention to yourself, once you encounter an enemy that is wrong, send a signal as soon as possible.” Ou

Ming hehe Yile, “Don’t worry, how big is we here?” The enemy dares to come, and a sneeze can be heard. ”

It’s only ten thousand miles here, and although the Yuan Infant realm is in retreat, once there is a little big movement, it can come immediately.”

Ou Qing nodded, this was the truth, she didn’t say anything more, but mended the formation with her younger brother.

Ou Ming said, “Master Ou, just let me come.”

Ou Qing glanced at him, so that Ou Ming couldn’t help but lower his head before he said coldly, “This is not your personal matter, if something goes wrong, it doesn’t matter if you die, even the tribe is affected, you don’t have a pity to die.” ”

With the addition of Ou Qing, the formation here was quickly patched up.

After Ou Qing left, Ou Ming breathed a sigh of relief.

After glancing at this, he said coldly, “Hmph, it’s best not to let me know who you are, otherwise I will definitely slaughter you.” Ou

Ming, who had just left, didn’t take a few steps, and suddenly felt that there was a problem with the formation behind him.

Without saying a word, he turned back in an instant and saw a blue-shirted boy standing with a smile.

And the formation here has failed, just like just now, revealing a huge gap.

“Damn humans.” Ou Ming was furious, do you think the big array doesn’t need to be repaired?

Lu Shaoqing was not in a hurry, and asked him with a smile, “Are you Ou Ming?”

Ou Ming was already angry and roared, “It’s your grandfather and me, who suffered death…”

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