Lu Shaoqing slipped away and met Master and Yongyu halfway.

“Master, Senior Yong, no need to go, it’s over, let’s go back.”

Shao Cheng and Yong Yi looked at each other, not understanding Lu Shaoqing’s words.

The two heard that there was a battle with the demon race and rushed to follow, but halfway through, they were stopped by Lu Shaoqing.

“Shaoqing, what’s wrong?”

Lu Shaoqing said, “It’s okay, their demon clan has died a person, and now they are furious, and they are looking for someone to take revenge with red eyes.”

“But now that the fight is over, you don’t have to go.”

Shao Cheng and Yong Yi were half-convinced.

“Along the way, we met a lot of people who fled back from the rout, what happened?”

“Haven’t you seen this before?” When the people on our side fight with the demon race, how can they take advantage? Saying

this, Shao Chengyong nodded repeatedly, which is also true.

In the low-end combat power, the cultivators of the Terran race and the cultivators of the Demon Race are completely incomparable.

This time, most of the cultivators here are scattered, without unified command and scheduling, and they can’t beat the uniform demon cultivators.

“Let’s go, let’s go, just go back.”

Lu Shaoqing asked Shao Cheng and Yong Yi to go back, as for the life and death of the Tiangong Gate, what did it matter to him?

Lu Shaoqing did not make a move on Gu Jingxuan, and it was inconvenient in the daylight.

Therefore, he deliberately attacked the cultivators of the demon race, and went down with a sword, killing and wounding most of them.

As the personal soldiers of the Holy Lord’s guards, his strength is definitely one of the best, and at the same time, it is extremely precious.

With so many deaths and injuries, it was enough to arouse the monstrous anger of the demon race.

Just look at the reactions of the two demons who pressed the formation behind just now.

Their reaction was as if they had killed their father.

It can be imagined the fate of Gu Xiu’s father and son and other Tiangong Gate disciples.

Well, if they are killed here, it can save Lu Shaoqing a lot of effort.

Killing them can be considered to be an outlet for Master.

Lu Shaoqing and they returned to their side, and Xiao Yi came up without saying a word.

“Second Senior Brother, did something big happen?”

Surrounded by a gathering place for scattered cultivators, the movements of the scattered cultivators who fled back did not hide Xiao Yi from them.

Xiao Yi was curious about what had happened in front of him.

Lu Shaoqing said casually, “It’s okay, it’s just a fight with the demon clan, and those scattered cultivators were beaten to cry and cry and flee back.”

“Really? Why the sudden fight? Xiao Yi’s eyes were bright and thieves, and he couldn’t wait to personally run to the front to watch the battle, and even participate in it.

“I accidentally got a Demon Yuan baby.”

Lu Shaoqing fluttered lightly, and said indifferently.

It attracted everyone’s attention, but only Xiao Yi and Shao Cheng believed this.

Yong Yi, Meng Xiao, and Yu Ling did not believe a word.

Just kidding, is the Demon Yuan Baby so easy to kill?

Yongyu is now a hundred to look at Lu Shaoqing unfavorably, this kid will brag.

My well-behaved apprentice was deceived by your guy’s rhetoric.

I really want to beat this kid.

Meng Xiao leaned over and looked at Lu Shaoqing suspiciously, “Are you bragging?” How long have you only been out? Meng

Xiao’s height was the shortest of all the people present, and she was dangling in front of Lu Shaoqing with two ball heads, and Lu Shaoqing reached out and pinched it again.


When Yong Yi saw it, he immediately became angry, “Boy, what are you doing?” ”

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Looking for death?”

This is my apprentice, not your apprentice, not who you are, what are you pinching her hair for?

Indecency or flirtation?

Lu Shaoqing glanced at Yongyu strangely, “Senior, what are you nervous about?” ”

Isn’t it just pinching your hair, what’s the tension?

Won’t eat her again.

Then he squeezed it hard and asked Meng Xiao, “Did you stuff something into it?” ”

I pinched it once before, and it was empty, only hair.

Now I pinched it, stuffed something in it, and I don’t know what it is.

Wouldn’t it be meatballs?

Meng Xiao’s face was slightly red, and he didn’t react as fiercely as last time.

She took two steps back, broke free from Lu Shaoqing’s claws, wrinkled her nose, and snorted, “Don’t mess with my hair.” But

he was proud and smiled on his face.

Yong Yi saw the apprentice’s smile, and immediately covered his heart, he felt that he had a heart attack.

Yong Yi wanted to stab Lu Shaoqing very much.

Bastard, teasing my apprentice in front of me, the key is that my apprentice is still laughing very happily.

I really want to destroy the world and blast this bastard boy into slag.

Xiao Yi next to him looked at him and whispered to himself, “Soon, soon, the second senior brother is going to give birth to a monkey.” When

Yong Yi heard this, his heart became even more tired, this world should be destroyed as soon as possible.

Shao Cheng knew the character of his apprentice, he must have done something, and Gu Xiu and Gu Jingxuan were estimated to be killed.

Shao Cheng didn’t care about the life or death of the people of the Tiangong Gate, he only worried about whether he would bring trouble to his apprentice.

Shao Cheng asked, “It won’t get you into trouble, right?”

Lu Shaoqing shook his head, smiled, and smiled indifferently and confidently, “What trouble can you cause me?” Master, you know who I am. ”

That’s right, my apprentice hates trouble the most.

Even if you shoot, you will try to reduce the trouble as much as possible and not make yourself uncomfortable.

Shao Cheng didn’t bother to ask, his apprentice had never let himself down.

Seeing this, Yong Yi was not happy, Brother Shao, how can you do this?

Your apprentice said a word, and you believed it?

Your apprentice looks like a slippery guy, and you have to clean up.

You are reluctant to clean up, let me come, I will be happy to serve.

Yong Yi said to Shao Cheng, “Brother Shao, you have to ask clearly, maybe he will go out to cause trouble and bring you trouble.”

Shao Cheng shook his head, very disagreeing with Yong Yi’s words, “Brother Yong, don’t worry, my apprentice is thoughtful and will not have trouble.” ”

Well, it won’t cause trouble for himself.

Shao Cheng’s trust in Lu Shaoqing made Yong Yi feel uncomfortable.

An old face was flushed and uncomfortable.

Seeing this, Lu Shaoqing said with concern, “Senior Yong, are you okay?” Your face is so red, it can’t be a fever, right? ”

I’m burning, not fever, it’s angry burning, I really want to burn you bastard boy to death.”

Also, even if I’m sick, what does it have to do with you?

Fake, you know at a glance that you kid is hypocritical.

Meng Xiao was very happy, and she knew how to care about my master, she felt sweet in her heart, and said to Lu Shaoqing with a smile, “You are stupid, my master’s strength is so strong, how can he catch a cold and fever?” Not mortal again. ”

You’re stupid,” Lu Shaoqing shook his head and said seriously, “Once a cultivator gets sick, it’s even more troublesome.” You see, your master’s face turned even redder, like a monkey’s ass.

“Boy, I’m going to kill you…”

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