Yongyu now doesn’t know how to express his feelings.

There are 10,000 grass and mud horses galloping past.

Did this kid really slaughter a demon baby?

How did he do it?

Although there are thousands of miles of places where the demon turtle shrinks, the distance of ten thousand miles is only a breath for the Yuan baby.

If you want to kill a Yuan Baby in such a short time, even the weakest Yuan Baby is impossible.

Unless the difference in realm strength is huge, crushed, and there is no way to fight back.

But this kid is full of age, not even a fraction of his own age.

Does he have such terrifying strength?

Yongyu’s heart is complicated.

But he was also angry, he actually helped him back the black pot?

Would love to hit someone.

When facing Ling Hu, Yong Yu was even more disable.

Compared to this kid, the guy from the Tiangong Gate is even more hateful.

He snorted coldly, “I didn’t kill it, you love to believe it or not.”

Ling Hushi was surprised.

He just arrived here today, and he happened to encounter the demon race to kill it in a big way.

If he hadn’t arrived in time, Gu Xiu’s father and son and the other disciples of the Heavenly Palace Gate would have been in danger.

The other party is that there are three demons.

Under his attack, the three demon races also retreated with people under the support of other demon races.

Ling Hushi came here mainly to warn the two Yuan babies of Yongyu and Shao Cheng.

When you come here, you should help, not hide and watch a play in the back.

He thought that Yong Yi did it, after all, only Yong Yi here had this kind of strength and could easily kill the Demon Race Yuan Baby.

Yongyu said it wasn’t him.

Ling Hushi’s brows furrowed for a moment, and Yong Yi said that it was not him, and it was most likely not him.

With the status of Yongyi, there is no need to lie.

Could it be him?

Ling Hushi’s gaze fell on Shao Cheng.

Shao Cheng looks thick, and his body exudes the breath of an old good man.

Such a person does not look like a master, and even less like the kind of person who pokes a basket and runs to hide.

Who else could that be?

Ling Hushi remembered everyone’s performance just now, and his gaze moved to Lu Shaoqing.

This kid.

Seeing Lu Shaoqing, Ling Hushi hesitated.

Lu Shaoqing’s breath is ordinary, and the feeling he feels is not strong, and he is very weak.

But his intuition told him that this kid was not simple.

However, Ling Hushi couldn’t see anything, and he didn’t bother to ask.

He came here just to warn Yong Yi Shao to inherit these two yuan babies and not let them be lazy.

Then Ling Hushi left and returned to the Tiangong Gate.

This time, the Tiangong Gate still suffered a little loss.

Gu Jingxuan was injured, and it was difficult to recover in ten days and a half months.

His two apprentices, Chao Kai and Feng Guanyu, were also injured not lightly, and they didn’t think about fighting for the time being.

As for the other ordinary disciples of Jiedan and Zhuji, several were also killed and injured.

Ling Hushi was glad that he came in time, otherwise he would have to continue to cry behind closed doors.


Chao Kai and Feng Guanyu were excited, as if they had seen their father’s child.

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Ling Hushi wondered in his heart, why were the two apprentices so excited?

As if I haven’t seen it for a long time?

Also, how do you feel like you’ve been bullied, and you see yourself as if you see your own father?

Chao Kai and Feng Guanyu now want to cry a few times, but today they were bullied miserably.

If Gu Xiu hadn’t appeared in time, the two of them would have been torn to pieces by the Demon Race.

Ling Hushi keenly sensed that the mood of the two apprentices was a little wrong, the smile disappeared, and he asked with a calm face, “What’s wrong?” Did the Demon Clan scare you today? ”

If so, it’s too disappointing for him.

Is he also a disciple of the Great Sect, or is his apprentice so daring?

Chao Kai and Feng Guanyu looked at each other, and for a while they didn’t know how to say it.

Demons, they are not afraid.

Having fought with the demon race, even if they are beaten half to death, they are not afraid.

They are like this now, mainly because they are being bullied today.

Remembering what Lu Shaoqing did to the two of them, the two of them gritted their teeth with hatred, especially Chao Kai, and they crunched their teeth even more.

He couldn’t wait to smash Lu Shaoqing’s corpse into ten thousand pieces.

Ling Hushi felt that something was even more wrong, what were the two apprentices doing?

“What’s going on?” Ling Hushi shouted, “Tell me clearly.” Chao

Kai and Feng Guanyu were silent, and they couldn’t say anything about being bullied by Lu Shaoqing.

When it comes to vows, they dare not easily reveal a word, they dare not risk this.

Thinking of this, Chao Kai hated it even more.

The eyes turned red, and the killing intent could not be suppressed.

Ling Hushi got angry and fought with the demon clan, your wings hardened, and you didn’t even listen to my words?

“Make it clear!”

Ling Hushi drank again, his anger swept over, and the faces of the two apprentices turned pale.

But the two apprentices remained silent.

“How? Can’t say? “Ling Hushi is in charge after all, cunning as a fox, and he quickly noticed that something was wrong.

It is impossible for their own apprentices to be disobedient, the only possibility is that they are coerced and cannot speak.

Ling Hushi couldn’t help but scold in a low voice, “Damn, you guys are coerced, you can’t say, right?” Feng

Guanyu’s eyes rolled around, and he decided to adopt a roundabout strategy.

“Master, this time the demon race was angry, and the two of us were almost caught up by the demon race and fell into the hands of that female demon race.”

Ling Hushi understood that his apprentice must have seen something, was threatened, and could not tell the matter.

“Hmph,” Ling Hushi snorted coldly, “I know who it is.” ”

Chao Kai and Feng Guanyu are overjoyed in their hearts, that’s right, Master, it’s him, go, help us clean him up and avenge us.”

“Yongyi, old thing, think you are from the Yuding faction, don’t I dare to touch you? This is Yanzhou, not Dongzhou.

Chao Kai and Feng Guanyu were stunned and wanted to cry in their hearts.

Master, you guessed wrong.

Not him, it’s the bastard.

Feng Guanyu could only detour again, “Master, those young people among them also have to be careful.

“They’re not weak.”

Ling Hushi didn’t think so, and didn’t pay much attention to it, “Although those little guys are good, you are not bad. ”

Ling Hushi is the ninth layer of the Yuan Infant, and it is the existence of the Impact Transformation God.

did not put young people such as Xiao Yi and Meng Xiao in their eyes.

The ninth layer of the Yuan Infant is afraid, to beware of such a young man, does this face still want?

Chao Kai and Feng Guanyu really wanted to cry.

Master, we didn’t mean that.

There is a young, hateful bastard who is very strong, and kills the demon race like a chicken.

Feng Guanyu said again, “Master, you have to be careful, otherwise they will easily cause trouble to our Heavenly Palace Gate.”

Ling Hushi felt that he had guessed who was targeting his apprentice, he snorted and said confidently, “Okay, I know, with me here, what can they do…”

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