Meng Xiao heard this over there, and ran over, and the two ball heads were like two question marks, shaking in front of Lu Shaoqing, “Go for a walk?” What to do?

Xiao Yi also followed behind, his little short legs were fast, like a hot wheel, coming to this side, his big eyes flashed.

Has the second senior brother opened the ropes?

Is this a tryst?

Unexpectedly, such a beautiful person as Senior Sister Xia Yu did not get the favor of the second senior brother, but it was Sister Meng Xiao who was able to capture the heart of the second senior brother.

Xiao Yi was excited in his heart, is the second senior brother going to start a family and have monkeys?

But what about Senior Brother? What about the master brother?

When the time comes, will he slash Sister Meng Xiao with a sword?

Senior brother is going to split Sister Meng Xiao, I don’t dare to open my mouth to help Sister Meng Xiao intercede.”

Yong Yi saw the happy expression on his apprentice’s face, he was sad and understood.

His own apprentice was not depressed because of that incident before.

This is because of lovesickness to be sullen.

After understanding it, Yongyu cursed himself in his heart, I’m really a, why did I bring a good apprentice out, isn’t this a sheep into the mouth of the tiger?

And, good boy, what do you mean by looking happy?

Don’t girls know how to be reserved?

Yong Yi pounded his chest, heartbroken.

Lu Shaoqing deliberately said to Meng Xiao, “I want to ask your master for a favor, but your master is unwilling.” So that I have time, I can simply accompany you for a walk.

“After all, the two of us can be regarded as having a deep friendship.”

Meng Xiao loves to hear this, but no, he has dealt with Leng Yuechuan’s bastards together, and the battle friendship is very deep.

Meng Xiao didn’t ask what he was going to do, but said happily, “Okay, let’s go for a walk.” ”

No, no,” Yong Yi couldn’t sit still, jumped up, and stopped it at the first time, “Who said I didn’t want to?”

Yong Yi glared at Lu Shaoqing fiercely, and said to Meng Xiao, “You stay here, I’ll go out with him.”

Meng Xiao was curious, “What are you doing out for?” I also want to check it out.

When Xiao Yi heard this, he also hurriedly ran a few steps closer, “Second Senior Brother, I want to go too.” ”

Yong Yi is even more angry, this bastard obviously has a junior sister, and he came to seduce my good apprentice and use it as a knife!”

Lu Shaoqing shouted to Xiao Yi, “Shao Hulai, stay here.” ”

Just kidding, this is to find trouble with the demon race, and when I meet the demon race, it’s too late to run, where will you take care of her.”

When Xiao Yi heard this, he could only pout and stay on the side sullenly.

Yong Yi also said to Meng Xiao, “Good apprentice, you are here, I will go back.”

“No, I want to see it too.” Meng Xiao’s gaze fell on Lu Shaoqing.

Lu Shaoqing said to Meng Xiao, “What are you cumbersome people doing?” Show me my junior sister here, don’t run around. ”

Okay.” Meng Xiao promised to come down.

No, my heart is so uncomfortable.

Yong covered his chest and choked speechlessly.

What about his own well-behaved apprentice?

Why not listen to yourself, listen to this bastard brat?

How long has it been?

Have you been there for three months?

Contact with this bastard boy is spoiled in this little time.

Along the way, Yongyi’s eyes were fierce and stared at Lu Shaoqing viciously.

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Very impulsive to kill people halfway and kill this guy who beat his apprentice’s idea.

“Boy, what do you want me to do?”

Lu Shaoqing smiled slightly, “Help me suppress the formation, if someone comes, help me block it, I will kill a demon clan.”

Yongyu seemed to hear a big joke, “Kill? Do you think the Demon Race is a chicken?

“If you say you will die, you will die, I don’t know how high the sky is and the earth is thick.”

When you seize the opportunity, you naturally have to criticize fiercely and despise this bastard boy fiercely.

Yong Yi relied on the old and sold the old and taught Lu Shaoqing a lesson, “Do you think the demon race is so easy to kill?” Be careful to put yourself in it.

“Also, this is a matter of the Tiangong Gate, what are you so focused on?”

Yong Yi only hated that his saliva was not poisonous enough, and sprayed on Lu Shaoqing’s face, poisoning this place.

Lu Shaoqing was awe-inspiring, and the spirit of justice rushed straight into the sky, “Dealing with the demon race is everyone’s responsibility.

“The demon invasion, how can I, as a righteous man, stand idly by?”

Yong Yi was stunned by Lu Shaoqing’s words, and for a while he couldn’t understand whether Lu Shaoqing’s words were sincere, or he was fooling him.

“You boy, are you serious?” Yong Yi was stunned for a long time before hesitating to speak.

If it’s true, then this kid is a stunned, brainless person.

If it’s fake, this kid is stupid, the same brainless person.

Well, in any case, this kid just can’t harm my good disciple.

Lu Shaoqing had a faint smile on his face, making people unable to understand what was in his heart and unable to see his face clearly.

He said to Yongyi, “In front of the demon race, personal grudges are not worth mentioning. Be atmospheric, have a bigger pattern, don’t make people laugh.

“As the head of the Yuding faction, you should lead by example and don’t let people underestimate the Yuding faction.”

Yong Yi was stunned for a long time, and what he said was a little wrong.

Half a day later, the reaction came, and Yong Yi was angry, “Are you kid teaching me a lesson?” ”

Bastard, it’s already disrespectful to me like this before you go through the door.

When you pass the door, won’t you sweep me out?

Ahhh, what was I thinking?

Yong Yi blows his beard, and the white flower beard straightens up angrily, and reverses you.

Lu Shaoqing hurriedly said, “Don’t dare, where do I dare to teach you a lesson, you are so strong and powerful.” ”

Meaning, I’m not strong, I’m not powerful, you dare to teach me a lesson?

“Boy, today I have to talk to you well, what is honorable elder.”

“Don’t make trouble, it’s here.” Lu Shaoqing pointed to the front and said to Yong Yi, “Senior Yong, you hide first, if the demon clan comes to someone else, you help me block it, and I will kill that female demon clan.” ”

Speak loudly.” Yongyu still despised Lu Shaoqing very much, and did not believe Lu Shaoqing’s words at all.

“If I can’t resist, I won’t care if you live or die.”

The strength of the demon race called the chief guard was a little stronger than him, and he couldn’t beat it.

Lu Shaoqing nodded, “Me too, it’s really not okay, when the time comes, everyone will run away separately.”

Yongyu did not speak, hiding himself behind him.

He saw Lu Shaoqing slowly coming to the Great Array of the Demon Clan.

Despise in the heart, what is the kid pretending, do you have a way for these serial large arrays?

As soon as this thought came out, he saw Lu Shaoqing reach out and touch it, and powerful spiritual power surged out, and the large array of light instantly muted and extinguished.

Yong Yi’s eyes widened, this kid, actually knows the formation?

Gone shit luck or real material?

When Yong Yi’s side was surprised, the aura of the demon race soon appeared in the distance.

Ou Qing appeared with a strong killing intent…….

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