Torture Suo and Yan Ba slowly approached with a sinister smile, and their eyes looked at Lu Shaoqing’s gaze as if they were looking at a dead person.

The two made up their minds that they couldn’t let Lu Shaoqing leave here.

The physical body is even stronger than the physical body of the Holy Race, and with such a young age and such strong strength, he is definitely a genius of the Terran Race.

Such genius must be stifled.

And killing genius is undoubtedly the most exciting thing.

Ou Qing stared at Lu Shaoqing with resentment, now her hair was scattered, her body was bloody, and she looked very embarrassed, “I will kill you today.”

Lu Shaoqing continued to curse, “Stinky and shameless, I will kill you immoral demon woman now.”

After speaking, the Mo Jun sword appeared in his hand, and it was a sword against Ou Qing.

The brilliant sword light made Ou Qing’s heart tremble, and the terrifying sword intent made her understand that Lu Shaoqing was even more powerful than she expected.

“Terrans, don’t you put us in your eyes? Saying

that he wanted to make a move against Lu Shaoqing, but whether it was him or Yan Ba, the faces of the two changed greatly at the same time.

Yong Yi appeared in front of the two, isolating them from Lu Shaoqing.

As soon as Yong Yi appeared, he calmed down the torture and Yan Ba, “You, you…” Seeing Yong

Yi appear, Au Qing couldn’t help but panic in his heart.

How strong Yongyi’s strength is, the side of the demon race is already very clear.

The ninth layer of the Yuan Infant, although not as good as the chief guard, is also stronger than these few people.

Ou Qing was so angry that his hair stood on end, and his long hair flew in the wind, like a resentful female ghost, he screamed at Lu Shaoqing, “You, you are despicable…” Au Qing’s

throat was sweet, and blood gushed with anger.

The hatred in her heart was higher than this day, thicker than this earth.

She called people, I thought that the victory was secure, three to one, how could it win.

Unexpectedly, Lu Shaoqing also called people, and it was Wang Fried.

This is the one who can compete with the chief guard, Yongyu is coming, and they still play a fart.

Lu Shaoqing smiled happily, but the smile was very cheap, “How?” Only you are allowed to shake people, but I am not allowed to shake people? ”

Ou Qing’s mouthful of blood rushed to his mouth, then you just dared to call us mean, and dare to say that we don’t want face?

You are also mean, don’t you want to face it too, okay?

I have never seen such a vile and vulgar person.

Xing Suo and Yan Ba knew that things were in order.

They followed behind to suppress Ou Qing, thinking of luring Lu Shaoqing out and completely killing him.

Unexpectedly, Lu Shaoqing also hit this idea, and everyone wanted to be a yellow sparrow.

Torturer and Yan Ba looked at each other and stopped talking nonsense.

The two shot at the same time and stormed towards Yongyi.

Ou Qing couldn’t have an accident and spoil the Holy Lord’s plan, and these people didn’t have any good ends.

Even if Yanba is the brother-in-law of the Holy Lord, it will be no exception.

Yan Ba roared, “Old fellow, don’t get in the way here!” He

punched out, and a huge fist appeared in the air, like a shocking punch from a giant standing above the sky, and unparalleled power filled the world.

The wind shattered the mountain below and cut the ground off a thick layer.

The torture was also quietly shot, and his body turned into the most powerful weapon, and he rushed towards Yongyi like lightning.

Even if Yongyi is a nine-layer realm, he doesn’t want to easily fight with the demon race.

The demon clan fights hand-to-hand, the strength is stronger, and the moves are more powerful.

However, in the end, it is the ninth layer of the Yuan baby, and Yong Yi can still cope with it with ease.

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There was a fight over there, and Lu Shaoqing was too lazy to talk nonsense.

Armed with the Mo Jun Sword, he launched an attack on Ou Qing.

The first form of the Fire Sword Technique.

Air fire!

The further comprehension of the sword intent further increased the power of the Fire Sword Technique.

Before, this move came out, the flame in the air was dark red, but now it turned into a black and white flame, jumping out of the void.

Like a black and white elf, it sways in the wind, which is a bit cute.

In Ou Qing’s eyes, there is nothing cute to speak of.

Facing this sword intent, Ou Qing’s scalp was numb.

Even if she thought that her physical strength was strong, she did not dare to meet this strange and terrifying sword intent.

However, she is not afraid, as long as the torturer and Yan Ba come to answer alone, she can also retreat with confidence.

Yong Yi appears, and her plan to kill Lu Shaoqing has failed.

She injured herself herself, and it was difficult to kill Lu Shaoqing, the situation was not favorable to her, so she could only withdraw first.

While dealing with Lu Shaoqing’s attack, she stared at Lu Shaoqing with resentment, as if she wanted to engrave Lu Shaoqing’s appearance in her mind.

“Sanba, what to see?” Lu Shaoqing cursed unceremoniously, “I haven’t seen a handsome guy?” Who made you want to play so wild? Otherwise, the two of us can have fun now. ”

Indecent and shameless!” Ou Qing turned his spiritual power into layers of barriers to resist Lu Shaoqing’s attack.

The terrifying sword intent turned into black and white flames like real flames constantly burning, devouring her barrier and consuming her spiritual power.

Ou Qing felt very uncomfortable, Lu Shaoqing’s sword intent brought her a deadly threat, and she did not dare to directly resist with her physical body.

But to her relief, the sense of danger gradually receded.

Watching the other party’s sword intent disappear, Ou Qing breathed a sigh of relief, in order to resist Lu Shaoqing’s sword, her spiritual power consumed most of it.

Just as she breathed a sigh of relief, Lu Shaoqing suddenly spoke.

“Your brother died under this trick.”

In a word, Ou Qing’s anger suddenly came up, and reason was devoured.

Before she could do anything, a powerful divine consciousness struck.

Caught off guard, Ou Qingzhihai was instantly rushed in by this powerful divine consciousness.

Lu Shaoqing, who practiced the Divine Shocking Technique, was so terrifying in his divine sense.

District’s sea of knowledge set off earth-shattering waves, and in the face of the strong invasion of Lu Shaoqing, her divine sense did not have time to react.

By the time she reacted and tried to resist, it was too late.

Ou Qing screamed, his voice was terrible, as if he had suffered the most cruel punishment between heaven and earth, and his voice echoed between the entire heaven and earth.

Seeing this, the torture in the distance and Yan Ba became even more anxious.

The two roared, “Old fellow, get out of the way!” ”

The two are no longer hiding, each of them bursts out their own strength, one Yuan Baby five layers, one Yuan Baby six layers, the two burst out all their strength, even Yong Yi has to avoid its edge for a while.

Yong Yi subconsciously took a step back, not wanting to let the torturer seize the opportunity, passed him, and went straight to Lu Shaoqing.


Yong Yi chuckled in his heart.

He hurriedly turned around, and when he saw it, the whole person froze.

Lu Shaoqing had actually solved Ou Qing.

Ou Qing’s physical body was destroyed, and the whole person disappeared, leaving only Yuan Ying to escape.

Ou Qing’s Yuan Baby rushed to the torture, panicked.

“Lord Torture, save, save me…”

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