Three days later, a large number of monks approached.

Ling Hushi stood on a spaceship and followed behind.

In the sky, the wind howled, blowing Ling Hushi’s clothes to hunt, and his long hair fluttered in the wind, with a bit of flow.

Ling Hushi suppressed his breath, making him look like an ordinary person.

He was followed by his two apprentices, Chao Kai and Feng Guanyu.

Gu Xiu and other Tiangong Gate disciples went to suppress the formation and supervise the scattered cultivators.

Chao Kai’s gloomy face reminded his master, “Master, something is wrong with them. ”

Ling Hushi knows who his apprentice is talking about.

Actually, he also felt that something was wrong.

Three days ago, the head of the Tiangong Gate, Yongyi, came to him, saying that he would go to the Demon Race to take revenge, hoping that his side would cooperate and let the scattered cultivators launch an attack on the Demon Race and attract the attention of the Demon Race.

Yongyi’s two Yuan babies were forced to stay here to help, reluctantly, and did not contribute.

Tiangongmen also had an opinion on this, but also had to pinch his nose and endure.

Who made them meta-babies?

It’s not bad to have them here.

Now Yongyu suddenly said that he wanted to attack the demon race, and normal people could see that something was wrong.


Ling Hushi raised his head proudly and looked into the distance, where in front was Yong Yi’s group.

“No matter what calculations they are making, with me, they can’t turn the sky.”

The words were full of domineering, which made Chao Kai and Feng Guanyu worship in their hearts.

This is their master, with him, no one can make any waves.

Feng Guanyu smiled slightly, “Hey, they’d better be buried in the hands of the Demon Clan.” ”

I secretly added in my heart, especially that hateful guy, it is best to be killed by the demon race, so that I can personally take revenge in the future.”

Chao Kai still couldn’t help but remind again, “Master, that young man among them, be careful, he is very cunning. When

Ling Hushi heard this, Lu Shaoqing’s figure appeared in his mind, and he also had a feeling that that young man was not simple.

But, so what?

My Yuan Infant Nine Layer, below the realm of the Avatar God, you are casual, I am invincible.

This is the confidence in Ling Hushi’s heart.

He chuckled, becoming more and more proud, “It’s okay, no matter how cunning he is, he can’t escape the palm of my hunter.”

Then he took the opportunity to teach his two apprentices, “It’s good to value your opponent, but don’t pay too much attention to it, and have confidence in yourself.”

“You are my apprentices, the future is to become the strongest people in the thirteen states, and all opponents are your stepping stones, stepping on them to achieve higher achievements.”

Ling Hushi’s words made Chao Kai and Feng Guanyu feel surging, and their fighting spirit burst and burned.

Especially Chao Kai, the fighting intent in his body is high, and he can’t wait to go to Lu Shaoqing to take revenge now.

“Here we go!”

At this time, Ling Hushi said lightly, “I want to see what tricks they are playing…” Lu

Shaoqing was instructing Shao Cheng and Yong Yu here, “Master, wait for you to protect the three of them and leave here, Senior Yong, the two of us pretend to be here, and find an opportunity to leave when the time comes.” ”

Then a location was reported for everyone to meet there.

“What are you doing there?” Yong Yi is upset, and you still treat me as your part-time worker?

It’s dangerous here, do you kid understand?

Bring my apprentice here, in case the chief guard of the Demon Race runs out, I have to deal with it with all my strength, and my own apprentice can’t take care of it.

“You’ll know when you go there.”

“Bastard,” Yong Yu became even more angry, “It’s all this time, you’re still selling me Guanzi?”

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“I really want to kill you.”

Shao Cheng persuaded Lu Shaoqing, “Shaoqing, what are you going to do, say it, so as not to make Brother Yong unsteady in his heart.” ”

This apprentice is a little bad, and he won’t say all the things he has to do, and hide them.

“Okay, there is a teleportation array there, we leave from there, and the things here will give the people of the Tiangong Gate a headache.”

Shao Cheng is a little better, he knows the ability of the apprentice.

Yongyi’s side was shocked for 10,000 years, and he looked at Lu Shaoqing, “Boy, are you kidding me?” ”

Teleportation array?

Who built it?

When was it built?

Why build behind the Demon Clan, and what is this for?

Lu Shaoqing shrugged, “Do you believe it or not? If you don’t believe it, you can’t go. ”

Remembering that Lu Shaoqing easily destroyed the formation of the Demon Race a few days ago, he believed a little about Lu Shaoqing’s formation attainment.

“Where to teleport?” Yong Yi asked again.

Lu Shaoqing pouted, “Why do you ask so much?” Don’t you know when you get there?

Yong Yi snorted, this kid is really annoying, there is no respect at all.

Suddenly, Yong Yi reacted and looked at Lu Shaoqing angrily, “You didn’t make it clear before, if I didn’t follow, didn’t you plan to take us away?” ”

It’s so abominable, it’s secretive, I don’t think you’re going to take us.”

Lu Shaoqing smiled and glanced at Meng Xiao.

Meng Xiaoniu is not bad and is willing to follow.

Indeed, if Yongyu Mengxiao did not plan to come, he would not force it.

Everyone met in the water, and there was no need to persuade.

He just pinched the chick’s balls, and he didn’t eat her, and everyone was not a family.

Xiao Yi knew what Lu Shaoqing meant, and she helped Lu Shaoqing explain, “Senior Yong, the second senior brother will not leave you. At least Sister Meng Xiao will follow, she follows, and you will definitely follow. ”

It’s good that Xiao Yi didn’t say this, and Yong Yi was even more angry when he said it.

Why does it sound like you want to leave him as a master to elope?

“Boy, I’ll settle accounts with you then.”

“That’s a lot of nonsense,” Lu Shaoqing muttered, flying forward, the movement was very large, “Act.”

“We must be making a lot of noise here, covering for the masters…” Yong

Yu cursed secretly in his heart, and finally said to Shao Cheng, “Brother Shao, please.”

Shao Cheng was also nervous, and said to Yong Yi, “Brother Yong, Shaoqing pleases you.” ”

Although my own apprentice is strong, he is not strong enough to deal with the enemies of the ninth layer of the Yuan Infant.

Seeing Yongyu following behind Lu Shaoqing, Shao Cheng sighed, his eyes were faint, and he was a little sad.

The apprentice is getting stronger and stronger, and his own master, who is gradually lagging behind, is not qualified to accompany the apprentice to deal with the enemy together.

“Let’s go!”

Shao Cheng said to Xiao Yi with little interest, “Let’s get to that place as soon as possible.”

Xiao Yi asked intimately, “Master, aren’t you happy that you were arranged by the second senior brother to protect us?”

Shao Cheng denied, “Whatever, don’t talk nonsense.”

Xiao Yi comforted, “Don’t worry, Master, the second senior brother must be afraid that you are in danger, so he let you protect us.”

After Shao Cheng listened, the sadness in his heart became even greater.

Afraid that I am in danger, doesn’t this think that my strength is not good?

Sure enough, I was disliked….

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