The people of the Tiangong Gate panicked.

How could the Demon Race appear here?

Didn’t they go to deal with the Demon Clan?

Could it be that they were killed, and the demon race came here?

However, they are thousands of miles away from the place where the demon race appeared, why did they kill here, they have no information at all?

The people of the Tiangong Gate scratched their heads and couldn’t figure out how the demon race appeared here.

Did everyone die along the way?

The disciples of the disciples who rushed up angrily stood in place for a while, not knowing what to do.

They were stunned, but the demons were not stunned.

The demon race was like a fierce beast with red eyes, with a strong killing intent, roaring and pounced on the prey in front of it.

The spear is across the sky, sharp and sharp, and the gun is like a dragon, breaking through the sky with anger.

The soldiers of the demon race were like wolves into a flock and slaughtered.

The spear passed through their bodies mercilessly, and blood spilled all over the earth, setting off a bloody storm.

As if the disciples of the Tiangong Gate who were caught off guard, blood suddenly splashed, screaming and screaming, and instantly fell down a large piece.

Among them, there are many monks in the foundation building period and the end of the pill period.

When did the disciples of the Tiangong Gate see such a posture, they had been carrying on for a long time, and the usual struggles were more on point.

The first time they encountered the war in front of them, the first time they saw such a tragic scene.

In the past, there were talking and laughing, and the same sect with deep friendship fell in front of his eyes, blood splashed, and limbs flew everywhere, which instantly frightened countless Tiangong Gate disciples.

People who are unstable and unwilled turn around and run as soon as possible.

“Devils, they, they are devils, run away!”

“Run, we can’t fight, run away…”

“Help, save me…” “Don’t, don’t kill me…”


Shaoqing, who was watching this scene from a distance, couldn’t help but shake his head secretly.

He whispered to himself, “I now understand why Zhongzhou established Zhongzhou Academy and gathered the younger generation to go to school.”

“If you encounter the Demon Clan, you will lose the battle with these cultivators of the Thirty States.”

High-end combat effectiveness is good, most of the high-end combat power is one-on-one, and those who have cultivated to a high realm are all people with a firm mind, and there is no cowardice before fighting.

The low-end monks can’t.

The performance of the disciples of the Tiangong Sect in front of him was also the epitome of the performance of the disciples of other sects.

Moreover, the demon race also knows how to cooperate, that is, an army, the command is unified, and the advance and retreat are measured.

The cultivators of the Terran race are like scattered sand, facing an army, no matter how strong they are, they can’t fight it.

Watching the disciples of the Tiangong Gate fleeing in embarrassment, how arrogant and majestic they were when they first came, and how embarrassed they were now.

Lu Shaoqing laughed proudly, “Hey, you deserve it, you guys want to preserve your strength?” ”

The demons have all killed at your doorstep, let’s see how you still preserve your strength.

If Shao Cheng hadn’t been forced to stay and help, Lu Shaoqing would have ignored what the Heavenly Palace Gate was doing.

Even if the gate of the Heavenly Palace broke the sky, Lu Shaoqing didn’t bother to pay attention to it.

Lu Shaoqing’s gaze fell deeper into the Tiangong Gate, and he smiled proudly, “Now, wait for your masters of the Tiangong Gate to come out, and then I will be again, hehe…..”The

ordinary disciples of the Tiangong Gate faced the attack of the Demon Race and could not collapse.

Some people want to resist, but their strength is too different from that of the demon race, and one face is faced, and there are countless deaths and injuries.

The more powerful one can last a few rounds, and then it is defeated and killed by the devil.

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More were abolished cultivators, leaving a life to wail in place, stimulating the nerves of the disciples of the Tiangong Gate.

Step by step, the demon race went deeper into the Heavenly Palace Gate.

Everywhere they went, people turned on their backs, leaving behind one corpse after another of the disciples of the Heavenly Palace Gate.

At this moment, a loud shout, “Bold Demon Clan, deceive me that there is no one in the Heavenly Palace Gate?”

A figure appeared in the sky, and when the disciples of the Heavenly Palace Gate saw it, they couldn’t help but exclaim in surprise, “It’s the third senior brother.”

“It’s Third Senior Brother Gu Zimo.”

“Great, we are saved.”

“Although the strength of the third senior brother is not as good as that of the senior brother and the second senior brother, his strength also has the foundation building five layers, and there are many magic weapons, which is much more powerful than us.”

“Third Senior Brother, help us take revenge and kill them.”

Several spirit talismans appeared in Gu Zimo’s hand, and he looked coldly at the demon race below, “It’s your misfortune that you met me. ”


With a loud drink, Gu Zimo urged the spirit talisman in his hand.

The fourth-grade spirit runes erupted, and the surrounding spiritual power converged, turning into a storm of spiritual power in the sky.

After Lu Shaoqing saw it, he couldn’t help but scold, “Damn, fourth-grade spirit talisman.” Then he

became deeply annoyed, “I should have robbed this guy when I was in the city.” ”

The fourth-grade spirit talisman is comparable to the Yuan Infant blow, and its power is amazing.

The first few of them were hit by the talisman and fell down sprayed with blood.

Although I don’t know if I am dead or alive, this is the first effective counterattack of the Tiangong Gate.

The spirit of the cultivator of the Tiangong Gate who saw this scene was shocked, and he was finally not hammered.

Their Tiangong Gate is also capable of counterattacking.

Countless people shouted one after another, “Third Senior Brother is mighty! ”

Third Senior Brother is invincible!”

“Haha, the miscellaneous people of the demon race, look, this is the strength of our Tiangong Gate!”

“Go and die, the third senior brother makes a move, you all have to die!”

As one of the two major sects in Yanzhou, the disciples of the Tiangong Gate are proud and proud, when did they suffer such a humiliating loss?

Being chased and beaten by the demon race made them feel a fire in their hearts, hatred and resentment.

Now Gu Zimo made a move, and he solved several demon races at once, allowing the disciples of the Tiangong Gate to restore their confidence.

They were crazy, shouting madly, pointing at the demon race.

It seems that Gu Zimo made a move, and the demon race that attacked the Tiangong Gate would definitely be completely destroyed.

Gu Zimo was also very satisfied with his attack, and sneered and said loudly, “I thought how powerful the demon race was, it turned out that there was nothing special except for growing bigger.” ”

However, the strength of the Demon Race far exceeds the imagination of these Heavenly Palace Gate disciples.

As soon as Gu Zimo’s voice fell, a black figure rushed up into the sky, turning into a black lightning, fast as thunder, piercing Gu Zimo directly.

Gu Zimo’s expression changed instantly.

He felt the threat of death, and in horror he hurried to resist.

The defensive talisman appeared, but in the face of black lightning, his defense had no effect.


With a loud bang, Gu Zimo screamed, and a black spear pierced his body, and blood was scattered in the air.

The disciples of the Tiangong Gate were frightened again.

Isn’t even Gu Zimo an opponent of the Demon Clan?

At this time, a terrifying aura struck, and the demon who pierced through Gu Zimo instantly turned into a blood mist in the sky, and the Yuan Infant of the Heavenly Palace Gate appeared…

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