Lu Shaoqing smiled proudly, and while laughing, he acted quietly.

No matter how fiercely the Heavenly Palace Gate cultivators and the Demon Race soldiers around him fought, Lu Shaoqing didn’t look at them, cautiously passed them, and rushed straight behind the Heavenly Palace Gate.

“Let me see, where is the warehouse of the Tiangong Gate?”

Lu Shaoqing muttered in a low voice, while searching here at the Tiangong Gate.

For the sake of safety, he didn’t even dare to use his divine sense, and could only rely on his previous memories to find it here.

The Tiangong Gate bullied his master, and if he didn’t thoroughly teach the Tiangong Gate, how could he swallow this breath?

There is a Transformation God in the Tiangong Gate, even if the demon race attacks, it cannot be destroyed.

At most, it is a little more loss.

But just letting the Demon Race and the Tiangong Gate fight, Lu Shaoqing felt that it was not enough.

It is necessary to draw salaries from the bottom of the cauldron, let the Tiangong gate collapse, take their treasury, rob their resources, and keep them weak and injured for a long time.

Soon, Lu Shaoqing came to the back mountain, and the soldiers of the demon race had not yet arrived here, and it was still calm.

Occasionally ran past a few Tiangong Gate disciples, they were not combatants, their faces were panicked, like headless flies scurrying around here.

Lu Shaoqing did not alarm these people, he shuttled here in the Tiangong Gate, carefully looking for the location of the warehouse.

He was a little anxious, time was running out, and if he couldn’t find it again, he had to leave.

Although Cui Zhangwan is powerful, he may not be able to drag the Heavenly Palace Gate of Avatar.

When the Heavenly Palace Gate Transformation God returns, he must run, it is better to wait for death.

At this moment, Lu Shaoqing’s heart moved, and he felt a slight fluctuation in the air.

Like a breeze blowing across the water, it ripples slightly, and then it quickly returns to calm.

But Lu Shaoqing has already captured it.

“Is that the dead fat man?” Lu Shaoqing muttered, this fluctuation was familiar to him, it was Guan Da Niu.

Guan Da Niu has a treasure in his hand, which can hide himself well and cover all aura fluctuations.

If it weren’t for Lu Shaoqing’s cultivation of the Shocking Technique, his senses became sharper, and he wouldn’t have been able to detect Guan Da Niu at all.

The nose of the Tianji dog is the spirit, what happens here, he can actually smell it?

After thinking about it, Lu Shaoqing still followed, he wanted to see what the dead fat man planned to do here.

If you really can’t find a warehouse, you can feel comfortable destroying the good deeds of the fat man.

Huh, anon?

If I don’t kill you, count me as having a temper.

Lu Shaoqing followed behind Guan Daniu, who seemed to be familiar with this place, turned east and west, and went straight to a certain place.

Lu Shaoqing followed behind, secretly surprised in his heart, is the intelligence of Tianji Pavilion so powerful?

This is the core area that belongs to the Tiangong Gate, and non-core, protégarian, and elders cannot come here.

Even inner disciples did not have this qualification.

Here is intricate, nine curves and eighteen bends, buildings and mountains combined, sometimes mountains are not mountains, buildings are not buildings, and there are many bright and dark arrays, various trap warnings.

But Guan Daniu can walk here as if he were leisurely and familiar with the road, just like his own home.

If he didn’t know that Guan Daniu’s identity was a Tianji dog, Lu Shaoqing even suspected that Guan Daniu was the illegitimate son of the head of the Tiangong Gate.

After running in front of him for a while, he suddenly stopped, his round body was like a fat cat, and he quickly jumped onto a lush tree, looking condescendingly ahead.

Lu Shaoqing came to the tree generously, and Guan Daniu did not have the ability to find him.

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Looking in the direction ahead, Lu Shaoqing knew why Guan Daniu stopped.

And this is the warehouse of the Tiangong Gate, and there are people guarding the door.

The three Heavenly Palace Gate disciples vigilantly guarded all corners, their eyes roaming, looking around like radar.

Not only that, Lu Shaoqing could also feel the fluctuations of the formation at the gate.

Guan Da Niu was lying on the tree, his small eyes narrowed, and he was thinking about how to attract the guy in front of him.

They met Xiao Yi and his party at Chaocheng, although Xiao Yi did not say how the Tiangong Gate was.

But who is he in charge of the big bull?

If he couldn’t smell the breath of something big, he wouldn’t be worthy of the day.

Without saying a word, he rushed to the Tiangong Gate as soon as possible to wait.

The result did not disappoint him, and the demon race attacked the Tiangong Gate in a big way, and the Tiangong Gate suffered heavy casualties.

This news, he felt that the title of the next unparalleled heavenly machine must also be awarded to him.

Watching the Heavenly Palace Gate’s Avatar God and the Demon Race’s chief guard go to find a place to make an appointment, and then see that the disciples of the Tiangong Gate are all going all out to fight against the attack of the Demon Race.

After gathering enough news material, he also made a small calculation.

No way, it’s been a little tight lately, that bastard is terrible.

None of the slave owners knew how to squeeze.

With the intelligence of the Tiangong Gate, Guan Daniu easily found the location of the Tiangong Gate warehouse.

Although this is only one of many warehouses, it is also the closest and easiest warehouse to get his hands on.

Looting the things here can make up for his losses during this time.

However, the Tiangong Gate also knows the importance of their warehouse, even if the demon race invades, when the situation is critical, they will not forget to send people to guard it.

One Jiedan, two foundation-building cultivators, even if the incoming enemy is strong, they can send a signal at the first time.

Guan Daniu muttered in his heart, and finally decided to try to make some movement to see if he could lure the people here.

Lu Shaoqing saw that Guan Daniu was slow to act, and when he was about to do a favor, Guan Daniu moved.

Guan Daniu quietly left here, and then there was a fluctuation in the distance.

It instantly attracted the attention of the disciples of the Tiangong Gate guarding here.

The three of them instantly tensed up.

“What’s going on? Did the enemy hit here?

“What to do?”

The three people were nervous, and behind them was a warehouse, where valuable materials were stored, and it was one of the most important warehouses in the Tiangong Gate, and there was no room for mistakes.

After deliberating among the three, it was decided to send two people to take a look, leaving one to meet here.

When I saw that there was one person left in the guard.

Lu Shaoqing knew that he couldn’t wait, and he started as soon as possible.

Powerful spiritual sense gushed out, like a poisonous snake in the darkness showing its fangs at its prey.

The remaining Tiangong Gate cultivator was only the strength of the foundation building period, and his attention was focused on the distance, ignoring the immediate danger, and with a mental calculation, he quickly snorted and passed out.

Standing here at the gate of the warehouse, Lu Shaoqing was excited in his heart, doing so many things, isn’t it for this moment in the end?

After opening the door, breaking the formation, and entering the warehouse, Lu Shaoqing saw what was inside.

Lu Shaoqing couldn’t help but curse, “Sun, no spirit stones? ”

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