
When Feng Guanyu came to find Ling Hu.

Ling Hushi opened his eyes, noticed that Feng Guanyu’s expression was not very good, and asked, “What’s the matter?” ”

The Demon Clan’s teleportation array suddenly activated, and reinforcements came over.

This battle ended in vain, and Ling Hushi immediately asked Gu Xiu and the others to retreat.

Feng Guanyu’s face was indeed not very good, and the sudden increase in troops of the Demon Race this time made him have a sense of foreboding in his heart.

After returning, he specially went to the place where Lu Shaoqing was to take a look, but did not find Lu Shaoqing and these people.

The premonition of bad things in my heart became stronger.

So when he came to Ling Hu for the first time, he told Master about it.

After Ling Hushi listened, he didn’t pay attention to it, “There are three Yuan babies among them, and if they want to leave, we can’t stop them.” ”

What makes him really care is Yongyi, the ninth layer of the Yuan Baby, and the one who cares a little is Lu Shaoqing, the formation is excellent, as for Shao Cheng, he didn’t pay attention to it.

Feng Guanyu voiced his worries, “Master, I’m afraid that if they suddenly disappear, will there be a conspiracy against us.” ”

Feng Guanyu hates Lu Shaoqing to the bone, that bastard is too hateful.

The shame left on him, he will never forget in this life.

Lu Shaoqing must be crushed to ashes to eliminate the hatred in his heart.

“Other people don’t say it, but I don’t think that guy is a good guy.”

Lu Shaoqing’s impression on Feng Guanyu was too deep, decisive and ruthless, but also cautious, and the city was extremely deep.

Such people are dangerous.

Ling Hushi smiled slightly, knowing the apprentice’s thoughts, he shook his head and said, “Don’t worry, that kid just has some strength, but in front of me, he can’t make any waves.”

“But he’s smart, he’s sharp, and before I can do anything, he’s already running.”

This point, Ling Hushi appreciated very much, otherwise Lu Shaoqing would have to be trapped by him.

I don’t know why, although Lu Shaoqing ran, he was not the slightest bit frustrated, but felt interesting.

“It’s rare to see such an interesting little guy, the next time I meet him, I will definitely have fun with him and vent my anger for the two of you.”

In Ling Hushi’s opinion, an existence of Lu Shaoqing’s level could not pose a threat to him, and he could pinch Lu Shaoqing to death with one hand.

Therefore, no matter how Lu Shaoqing was, he would not make Ling Hushi fearful.

Can an elephant fear an ant?

Ling Hushi said to Feng Guanyu, “Don’t worry about it, go and cultivate, you will soon be able to surpass him.” At

this time, Gu Xiu and Gu Jingxuan also knew that the two Yuan babies of Yongyu and Shao Cheng were missing.

When he came to find Ling Hu, “Chief, you let them leave like this?”

“Now that the Demon Race has reinforcements, we can’t resist it.”

Ling Hushi shook his head, he already had plans for this.

He said to Gu Xiu, “Retreat.” ”


Everyone was surprised.

“Master, do you want to retreat like this?” Chao Kai, who rushed in, did not understand that they were not inferior here, and they were in a stalemate with the demon race.


“Master, isn’t it the sect’s strategy to deal with the Demon Race here and trap the Demon Race here? Why change suddenly? ”

Everyone is puzzled.

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Ling Hushi explained lightly, “The Demon Race has been reinforced, and we alone cannot stop the Demon Race.

“As for those scattered cultivators, hum…” A

cold snort was enough to show his opinion on these scattered cultivators.

Scattered cultivation, in the eyes of the Tiangong Gate, is just cannon fodder for the Tiangong Gate, and it is used to make up the number of people.

Gu Xiu was a little hesitant, “Now retreat, let those scattered cultivators go back, when the time comes, as soon as they say something, the reputation of our Tiangong Gate will be…” Some of the scattered cultivators

who came here were forced to come, and some were deceived.

They have a grudge against the Tiangong Gate, and after they go back, if they don’t make the reputation of the Tiangong Gate stink, they are not scattered cultivators.

Ling Hushi showed a grim smile, and he said lightly, “The Demon Race is extremely strong, how can these scattered cultivators resist it?” Chao

Kai, Feng Guanyu, these young people may not understand this sentence.

But Gu Xiu and Gu Jingxuan, the two Yuan Infants, instantly understood.

“Okay, now go and gather them to continue against the Demon Clan.” Gu Jingxuan stood up and said with a sinister smile.

He was seriously injured by the Demon Race before, and now his strength is not half exerted, but it is enough to calm those scattered cultivators.

Gu Xiu also stroked his beard and said with a smile, “The head is wise.” ”

The demon clan is coming, although there has been no movement in the past few days, I am sure that they will not be so quiet, when the time comes, they will definitely expand everywhere, gunsmoke is everywhere, the situation is bad, people from Zhongzhou, we can get more help.”

Speaking of his plan, Ling Hushi, who was as deep as a fox, couldn’t help but show a bit of pride.

“This is an opportunity for our Tiangong Gate, and the five families and three factions in Zhongzhou have been dealing with the demon clan.”

“Now that the Demon Race has also appeared in Yanzhou, they will definitely send people to help, and we can take the opportunity to ask for more resources and strengthen the strength of the sect.”

Those present were the core of the Tiangong Gate, and they were not afraid of leaking secrets.

When they listened, they had happy smiles on their faces.

They are in solidarity with the Tiangong Gate, and when the Tiangong Gate grows, their benefits are even greater.

No one objected, and as for the fate of the scattered cultivation, no one would take it to heart.

Even Chao Kai and Feng Guanyu didn’t bother to care, these people died when they died.

Being able to contribute to the Tiangong Gate, they can be regarded as dying.

Ling Hushi said to everyone, “Stay here for a few more days, when the time comes, leave a few disciples, let them monitor the movements of the demon race here, and the others pack up and prepare to leave.”

Gu Xiu nodded, smiled, and recommended himself, “Chief, let me watch here.”

“After all, the demon race is not weak, and ordinary disciples do not have that ability.”

“Chief, you take people back to the sect as soon as possible, sit in the sect, and wait for the good news…”

However, a few days later, Gu Jingxuan came to find Ling Hu.

“Boss, I sense something is wrong.”

“What could be wrong?” Ling Hushi disagreed, “Is it that the scattered cultivators are disobedient?

“Disobedient, kill it.”

The voice was cold, and he did not take the life of the scattered cultivator to heart.

“I heard the people of the Demon Race seem to be laughing, saying that our people from the Tiangong Gate still have thoughts here.”

Gu Jingxuan’s face was ugly, and he looked worried, this is not a demon said, but multiple demon races said, and it was also that kind of sincere smile.

He had a strong sense of foreboding in his heart.

Ling Hushi didn’t care, “There won’t be any problems on the sect’s side, who dares to provoke us?”

“Besides, can the Demon Race still travel tens of thousands of miles and attack our sect?”


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