“This…” The

sudden change made everyone unable to react, and by the time they reacted, Xiaohong had disappeared into the lush jungle.

“Silly bird, give me back.”

Lu Shaoqing’s side scolded, you flat hair don’t give me an equinox?

There are many dangers here, what place do you think?

Is your home?

“It’s really troublesome to die.”

Lu Shaoqing scolded, looked at the direction in which Xiaohong disappeared, and the direction of progress, Lu Shaoqing reminded everyone, “You follow behind, I will take the first step.” ”

Although he is a foodie and a stupid bird, he is his pet after all.

In this dangerous place, with Xiaohong’s strength, it is easy to become the ration of fierce beasts.

Shao Cheng drank, “Slowly, don’t be impulsive.”

Yongyu couldn’t help but remind, “Boy, what place do you think this is?” Is your home?

“Let’s go together.”

Although he hates this kid, he dies, and his own good apprentice will be sad.

“Okay then, speed up.”

The speed of everyone was raised, and the scene behind them was instantly left behind.

As a cultivator, the speed is very fast, and at the end of the day, they have traveled tens of thousands of miles, but there is no trace of Xiaohong.

They have entered the depths of the Prisoner Soul Mountain Range.

Yongyu couldn’t help but worry, and as he kept entering, the stronger the feeling of depression in his heart.

When everyone came to a valley, Lu Shaoqing stopped.

Looking at the front, he sighed a little helplessly, this stupid bird, what are you doing running so far?

He could feel that Xiaohong was still ahead, far away.

But now it was getting late, and he couldn’t go on.

After dark, who knows what will happen here.

Lu Shaoqing looked around and said, “Let’s stay here for one night.” ”

The environment is ok, a small river runs through the valley, the water is crystal clear, there are small fish swimming happily in the river, full of tranquility.

And there is no white fog here, there is no difference from the outside, you can clearly see the sky, and the sun in the west casts the last rays of sunlight in the valley, dyeing it orange-red.

Everyone settled down, Xiao Yi asked Lu Shaoqing worriedly, “Second senior brother, Xiaohong won’t have a problem, right?”

Lu Shaoqing said angrily, “Leave it alone, if you die, you will die, and if you die, I can still worry a lot.” ”


Xiao Yi grinned, knowing that his second senior brother had different hearts.

The sky gradually fell, and Yong Yi asked Lu Shaoqing, “Boy, where is the place you are talking about?”

“It’s been a few days, and I haven’t seen you come out with the treasure map, can you do it?”

Yong Yi was very panicked in his heart, this kid should not bring everyone here to find death.

Lu Shaoqing lay on a flattened boulder and was very comfortable.

Lu Shaoqing no longer has to look at the treasure map, the ring in his hand is the best compass, just follow it.

“I don’t know where the place is, but it’s not far away.”

Hearing such an answer, Yongyu wanted to hit someone, what a bastard.

Looking at Lu Shaoqing’s current appearance, he wanted to beat people even more.

Do you think you came here for tourism?

Looking at the moon hanging in the sky, the quiet moonlight made Yongyi’s heart unable to calm down.

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He said to Lu Shaoqing, “This is not a good place, danger is everywhere, and no one knows where danger will come from.”

Guan Daniu muttered, “Along the way, I didn’t encounter any danger.” ”

The only thing that everyone encounters that can be called dangerous is the hundred-meter-long poisonous snake, which poses no threat to everyone.

As soon as Guan Daniu’s words fell, a roar suddenly came from a distance.


The sound was like rolling thunder, coming from a distance, and the next moment, like a ten-level hurricane, the surrounding trees were blown loudly, flying sand and rocks, a stream of flying dust was set off in the valley, and

an invisible shock wave with a fishy smell passed through everyone’s bodies.

It made everyone present change their faces.

Just a roar, there is such a momentum, what kind of existence is this?

Before everyone could react, there was another roar in the distance.

Lu Shaoqing rose into the air, his eyes looked far away, in the distance, two huge black shadows stood opposite each other under the moonlight, in the jungle, on the top of the mountain.

“Obedient, this is thousands of meters high, right?”

Lu Shaoqing muttered.

They are far away here, but they can still see huge figures.

Everyone also saw a huge black shadow in the distance, under the night, like a god and demon, giving everyone a huge sense of oppression.

This can frighten a few young people.

“This, what is this?”

“Master, this is, what is this?”

Even Yu Ling showed shock.

There is no such awesome body in the Holy Family.

Yong Yi’s face was solemn, and he slowly spit out two words, “Demon beast!” ”

Demon beast?”

The young people were surprised again.

Demon beasts are not common in this world, and it is rumored that they have already gone to another world.

Because of the rules of the avenue, monsters rarely give birth to monsters in this world.

Only some special bloodline awakenings or certain void secret realms can demon beasts exist, and they can also exist in this world.

However, the monster beasts that can exist in this world are very special.

Powerful or with extremely special abilities, it will not easily appear in front of humans.

Yong Yi nodded and looked solemnly at the two black shadows facing each other in the distance, “Only demon beasts can have such a huge body, and we humans, even if we practice special exercises, do not have such a huge body.” ”

The demon beasts that can appear here can also be known as absolute terrifying existences when they think about it with their toes.

Yong Yi glanced at Guan Daniu, pointed to the two black shadows in the distance and said to him, “That’s why we didn’t encounter any other dangers along the way.

“We should be in some of the territory of their two demon beasts.”

Guan Daniu’s face collapsed, this is indeed the possibility.

This kind of demon beast knows the horror at a glance, who else dares to stay in its territory?

When encountering this kind of existence, you can run as far as you want.

“Me, what do we do now? Do you want to move on?

Guan Daniu asked as he craned his neck.

Everyone’s gaze fell on Lu Shaoqing.

Although there is a distance from those two demon beasts here, this distance, for that kind of existence, is just one step away.

Keep going, maybe you’ll run in front of them.

Lu Shaoqing did not speak, but said, “They are fighting…”

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