In Lu Shaoqing’s feelings, the large array that had been functioning normally and maintaining balance was broken.

Here everything becomes violent.

Lu Shaoqing opened his eyes and looked stupidly at the large array in front of him.

Space is distorting, the world is destroying, and it seems that this great array is also collapsing.

But destruction comes with new life.

The Great Array was fully operational.

Lu Shaoqing’s scalp was numb, and his location was quite safe, but according to this, how long it took to use, his place would also be affected.

The power generated by this great array is not something that he, the little infant, can resist, but it is a force that can destroy the world, even if the Mahayana period comes, it will not please.

Maybe if you are not careful, you will also fall here.


The dead ghost brother is really going to kill him.

Lu Shaoqing gritted his teeth, “Don’t let me go out, otherwise I must make you look good.” As

for begging for mercy, Lu Shaoqing didn’t think about it.

But the dead ghost little brother will not eat his set, and it is in vain to ask for it.

There was no way, Lu Shaoqing could only quickly start thinking of a way.

The best way is to crack the large array here, but the large array here is not tens of millions, and it is changing every moment.

Lu Shaoqing could only start from the bottom of his feet.

The place under his feet was quite calm and stable, and Lu Shaoqing couldn’t care about his exhaustion, and his eyes were like electricity shooting directly at his feet.

At the same time, the hand followed the action, and all kinds of formation breaking techniques were played.

The fifth-level formation under his feet was cracked, and Lu Shaoqing didn’t have time to be happy, and the next moment he scolded his mother.

“Vozh, level six, don’t let people live?”

The sixth-level formation, Lu Shaoqing is not unable to crack, but it takes time.

Now the most important thing he lacks is time.

By the time he cracked it, this place would have already disappeared, and he would have become a slag.

There must be some other way, Lu Shaoqing simply stopped and looked around again.

The outside is gray, like the beginning of the Hongmeng, the gilded light flashes, and it seems to be tens of millions of miles apart.

But in fact, it is very close to Lu Shaoqing, and every annihilation and collapse can make Lu Shaoqing’s scalp numb and his heart beat faster.

It looks spectacular, but it’s a force that can annihilate the world.

Who can resist this power?

When the Mahayana period comes, you have to kneel.

Lu Shaoqing knew that now was not the time to panic, he forced down the fear in his heart and looked at it seriously.

The destruction of the world burst into brilliant light.

All kinds of colors, all kinds of colors.

In the end, it will still turn black, completely annihilated, and become a dark nothingness.

And the world of destruction, in a white light, began to reorganize.

White light represents birth and black represents destruction.

White and black?

Lu Shaoqing’s heart moved, and his eyes once again turned into a black and white yin and yang fish rotating yin and yang diagram.

His breath gradually became mysterious and illusory, and bursts of enlightenment began to surge in his heart.

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And the figure outside seemed to feel Lu Shaoqing’s breath, his eyes became bright, and his voice continued to echo, “The power of the origin…” Looking

at the exact same woods around her with a sad spirit, she felt powerless.

She has been stuck here for several hours, and no matter which direction she goes, she can’t get out of here.

Every place here is the same, no matter which direction she goes, it is like going in circles in place.

It once made her wonder if something was wrong with her senses, and even her purple eyes couldn’t see through everything here.

This feeling of powerlessness is very painful, feeling that there is something wrong with one’s senses, doubting oneself, and almost breaking down.

It’s also not safe here, and there are all kinds of dangers lurking in the forest.

Along the way, she encountered large and small ferocious beasts, and her combat effectiveness was greatly reduced.

Now she is chasing several ferocious beasts like wild wolves behind her.

The strength of this fierce beast is strong, and the strength of the early stage of Jiedan cannot help her, but they are actions in groups, with tacit understanding.

Just three heads made Yu Ling retreat and flee in embarrassment.

Yu Ling just made contact, and after finding that the ferocious beast was difficult, she immediately broke away.

Running all the way, she still felt tired.

It was the mental exhaustion, the surrounding environment, that made her doubt herself.

Looking at the ferocious beast that caught up again, the evil fire in Yu Ling’s heart sprang out.

Really when I’m a bully?

That bastard bullied me, and you brutes also came to bully me?

Run around, since you can’t run out, then kill you beasts, it’s better to get angry.

Yu Ling’s cold face had a strong killing intent, and his purple eyes seemed to radiate purple light, and the killing intent rushed to the sky.

Yu Ling, who was holding an iron gun, shouted violently, “Kill!” ”

Kicking a tree, the man and the gun are one, like a bolt of lightning, falling from the sky, straight to the three fierce beasts that are chasing after them.


Like a ferocious beast of a wild wolf, his eyes are red, his height is long, and his body is huge and full of oppression.

The limbs are strong and powerful, and the sharp claws are like sharp blades out of the sheath, cracking stones.

The three fierce beasts, with tacit understanding, rushed straight at Yu Ling left and right, like a triangle, instantly sealing Yu Ling’s retreat.

Yu Ling’s gaze was cold, not taking the danger to heart, she stared at the first fierce beast.

The spear was like electricity, piercing the skin of the fierce beast, which was comparable to spirit armor, penetrating its heart, and with a shock of spiritual power, the heart of the fierce beast exploded, and the fierce beast died instantly.

Then, Yu Ling’s body skillfully turned, avoiding the claws of a fierce beast, followed closely behind, and pierced the body of a fierce beast again.

One breath kills a ferocious beast and seriously injures a ferocious beast.

The remaining ferocious beasts were frightened by Yu Ling’s fierceness, and Yu Ling did not hesitate, shot out again, and killed the last ferocious beast.

“Huhu…” Yu

Ling knelt on the ground, the spiritual power in his body was empty, but before Yu Ling could recover, the voices of more ferocious beasts sounded around.

Yu Ling’s face changed slightly, now she was physically and mentally exhausted, but there was no way to deal with more ferocious beasts again.

Before Yu Ling could escape, there were already more ferocious beasts around, surrounding her.

Dead is set!

Yu Ling looked around, clearly knowing that she was in a desperate situation, and she was dead.


The ferocious beasts roared and swooped towards Yu Ling.

When Yu Ling held a spear in his hand and was ready to fight to the death, the scene in front of him changed, the ferocious beast disappeared, and Lu Shaoqing appeared in front of Yu Ling.

Seeing Yu Ling stabbing at himself with a spear, Lu Shaoqing shouted, “Lean, what for?” Murder of one’s husband? ”

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