The energy ball easily submerged into the body, Lu Shaoqing suddenly stiffened, his heart was full of ashes, and he was dead, and he was so big in this life.

I was a virgin in my last life, and I was also in this life, it was really miserable.

Master, every festival, remember to burn more ingots candles for me, no, burn more spirit stone candles…

However, after waiting for a few breaths, Lu Shaoqing was surprised to find that he was still alive and well.

Lu Shaoqing glanced down at himself, and then touched himself with his hand, especially the little brother.

Everything was normal, and I was greatly relieved in my heart.

“Are you all right?”

How could it be okay, such a big ball of energy, such a terrifying force rushed into his body.

Lu Shaoqing felt that his body was carrying an irregular time bomb, and he didn’t know when it would explode, flesh and blood, and there were no bones.

Lu Shaoqing searched all over his body, and finally found this strange energy ball in the sea of knowledge.

Looking at himself in the sea like a black sun hanging in the sky, Lu Shaoqing wanted to cry without tears.

Big brother, what are you running in for?

Is it fun here?

This is my territory, and you come in without saying a word, which really loses your style as a big guy.

I don’t play like this.

Lu Shaoqing circled around the energy ball a few times, and the terrifying and strange aura of the energy ball disappeared, dripping and spinning, appearing harmless to humans and animals.

Lu Shaoqing looked at it and was very impulsive to slap it, smash it, and then destroy it humanely, completely letting it disappear into this world.

Unfortunately, he can only think about it, and his heart is crooked.

Lu Shaoqing tentatively asked, “Big guy, it’s not comfortable to live here, how about going outside?”

“How about I find you a chick, a demon race, with a protruding front and a good figure, how about you go to stay in her body?”

“Lodge in a man’s body and pass it out, I’m afraid you will be laughed at.”

“Let’s go, let’s go, what’s good in a man’s body.”

Drip, no movement.

Lu Shaoqing tried to enter the yin and yang state, intending to look at the energy ball.

The result disappointed him, he could not see the weakness of the energy ball, could not see the black and white light, it was blank, nothing.

This meant that the energy ball was even more advanced and powerful than he had imagined.

With his current strength, there is no way to do anything at all.

However, Lu Shaoqing entered this state and also caused the energy ball to react.

The powerful power surged out, and the strange aura made his scalp tingle.

Frightened, Lu Shaoqing didn’t say a word, how far to run.

Fortunately, he withdrew from the yin and yang state, and the energy ball calmed down.

Lu Shaoqing wanted to cry again without tears, with such a bomb hanging in his body, he couldn’t sleep well.

If you can’t listen to it, you can’t beat it, Lu Shaoqing has to accept this reality.

If he could, he would like to call the police with the demon spirit.

In the end, Lu Shaoqing withdrew lovelessly.

As soon as he withdrew, Lu Shaoqing found that the surrounding area was shaking, and the ground was cracking.

It’s going to collapse here.

Lu Shaoqing hurriedly withdrew, and the hall outside had collapsed in half, ten huge pillars broke, fell, and large chunks fell from above.

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For Lu Shaoqing, it was equivalent to falling a boulder in the sky, and every piece that fell made a huge noise and vibration, setting off dust in the sky.

There was also the void turbulence that suddenly erupted from the place where it ruptured, frantically shattering everything around it.

Lu Shaoqing did not dare to stay here longer, and his figure shuttled through the hall, avoiding the falling boulders, and dodging the void storm that suddenly appeared.

Lu Shaoqing was cautious, and after running out of the hall in fear, he saw the teleportation array shining with white light outside.

Lu Shaoqing breathed a sigh of relief, fortunately, the owner of this hall was not so cheap, leaving him a way back.

Lu Shaoqing stepped onto the teleportation array, and the next moment, he broke his mouth and cursed, “What a, you actually want me to give spirit stones?” Seeing

that the surroundings began to collapse, Lu Shaoqing took out the spirit stone to activate the teleportation array and left from here.

With a flash of white light, Lu Shaoqing appeared here in the oasis.

“Second Senior Brother!”

Xiao Yi rushed over in surprise.

Lu Shaoqing left the oasis and stood on the boulder outside, watching the void turbulence gushing out, swallowing the oasis, and finally the space slowly closed, and the oasis completely disappeared.

Watching the oasis disappear, leaving a clearing, Xiao Yi, Yu Ling, and Xiao Baikou were stunned, unable to believe the scene they saw just now.

Half a day later, Xiao Yi pulled Lu Shaoqing’s clothes and asked curiously, “Second Senior Brother, what’s going on?”

Lu Shaoqing didn’t know how to talk about it for a while, and there were too many things here that he didn’t figure out.

Who has such a big hand to leave the hall, and is the owner of the hall the owner of the coffin?

What is the relationship between the owner of the coffin and the little brother of the dead ghost?

The coffin disappeared, where did it go?

And the source of that energy ball?

There are so many things here that he can’t figure out, he can’t figure it out.

Lu Shaoqing muttered, very disdainful, “There is not even an epitaph, isn’t this a blockage?”

Xiao Yi’s ears were pointed, and when he heard this, his eyes widened, “Second Senior Brother, whose grave did you go to take out?” ”

Are there ghosts?”

“Found what baby?”

“Is there mine?”

Xiao Yi threw out the problem in his heart at once.

The noise made Lu Shaoqing dizzy, and he rewarded her with a chestnut, “It’s noisy, shut up for me.”

Then he threw her the pen and blank notebook he got from it, “Take it, this is what you got from inside.” ”

Xiao Yi is very happy, the second senior brother is too good, and he still thinks of me as a junior sister in his heart.

But after getting it, Xiao Yi was depressed, isn’t this just an ordinary pen and book?

Xiao Yi couldn’t help but wonder, shouldn’t the second senior brother take ordinary pens and books to fool me?

Having to suspect it like this, Xiao Yi felt that her second senior brother was someone who would do such a thing.

“Reverse you,” seeing Xiao Yi’s skeptical gaze, Lu Shaoqing gave her a popping chestnut without saying a word, “You tear it open hard?”

Xiao Yi did as she heard this, and found that she couldn’t break the brush and tear the book with all her strength.

“This…” Although

Xiao Yi’s strength is weak, but in her realm, she still has the strength of ten thousand pounds, but the books and pens that cannot be torn are definitely a treasure.

Lu Shaoqing put his hands behind his back and hummed, “Believe it, right?” This is a baby, and the average person I don’t want to give it.

Xiao Yi laughed happily and said sweetly, “Thank you, Second Senior Brother.” ”

No thanks,” the corners of Lu Shaoqing’s mouth turned up, “Write me your thoughts on this, forget it, new and old, you have to give me 50,000 words of experience.” Xiao

Yi’s eyes were dark, and he almost rolled off the stone…

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