Ji Yan’s shaking of his head was undoubtedly a big blow to Yu Meng.

Her gaze instantly darkened, and her heart was like a dead ash.

She felt that the world had fallen into darkness ever since.

Even such a strong adult can’t help, Yu Meng is really desperate, and feels that life has no meaning.

Seeing Yu Meng’s body exuding an aura of disappointment, even despair, the whole person withered in an instant.

Ji Yan was silent for a while, watching Yu Meng prepare to leave, he suddenly spoke, “There is a way that may allow you to cultivate.” These

words are undoubtedly heavenly.

Like the sun in the dark, it instantly cut through the darkness in Yu Meng’s heart and gave her light.

Yu Meng was like a flower, instantly cheering up, and the whole person exuded a vigorous breath.

“Great, my lord, is it true?”

Yu Meng looked at Ji Yan in surprise and joy, as if worried that Ji Yan was comforting her and lying to lie to her.

Ji Yan nodded, “But how far you can go depends on your own creation.” Seeing

this little girl, Ji Yan seemed to see his previous self, and no one had been optimistic about him, feeling that his talent was not good and he could not cultivate.

If he hadn’t met his master, he might be ploughing the land somewhere now, or he might not know where his bones were buried.

His character is too easily offended.

Thinking of this, he thought of his junior brother again.

Secretly said in his heart, compared to himself, junior brother is the easiest to offend people, right?

The corners of Ji Yan’s mouth couldn’t help but curl.

Seeing Ji Yan smile, Yu Meng was even happier in her heart.

Sure enough, there is no mistake, adults are indeed the most powerful people in this world.

Without saying a word, Yu Meng thought about kneeling down and worshiping the teacher.

However, Ji Yan supported her with a spiritual power and prevented her from kneeling, and Ji Yan said to him, “I don’t plan to take disciples, and I don’t have time to teach my brother.” Hearing

that Ji Yan had no intention of accepting disciples, Yu Meng was extremely disappointed in his heart.

But after thinking about it, she suddenly laughed again, her eyes narrowed, and she seemed to think of something very happy.

At this time, the little ape also rushed over, wielding a short blade, shouting at Ji Yan, it also wanted to cultivate.

Looking at the two people and one monkey with similar fates, Ji Yan showed a faint smile and said, “It will be very hard, are you sure?”

“You must know that if you embark on this road, there is no possibility of turning back.”

“The front is very dangerous, if you are not careful, you will be shattered, are you sure you want to embark on this road?”

Yu Meng and the little ape nodded fiercely, with determination on their faces, they would not miss this opportunity.

Seeing that the attitude of the two was firm, and Ji Yan did not talk nonsense, he said, “I don’t know how to teach people, and my junior brother is better than teaching people.”

“So, I came the way he did.”

After speaking, he put his fingers together, pointing at one person and one monkey, and a sword ray submerged into the body of one person and one monkey.

One person and one monkey were originally very happy, and someone was willing to teach them cultivation, with a look of joy on their faces.

It feels like the whole life has meaning.

But the next moment, one person and one monkey feel that life has a fart meaning.

It hurts too much.

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Yu Meng knelt on the ground with a pale face, and the pain in her body made her feel like she had suffered the most severe torture in the world, making her feel that she was going to die in the next moment.

Compared to her, the little ape next to her is simply much more direct.

Rolling on the ground, howling loudly, the sound so poignant that it seemed to return it to the night when its father died.

The pain of the body and soul makes its tears flow.

One person and one monkey felt that ten thousand swords pierced the heart, and the body was also pierced by countless long swords, and every flesh and blood and every bone were pierced by long swords.

The pain pierced the soul, and the feeling was indescribable.

Looking at their painful appearance, Ji Yan’s expression did not change at all, just looked at them faintly.

After a few breaths, it seemed to one person and one monkey as if they had lived a lifetime.


“Demanding…” Yu

Meng was sweating profusely, unable to stand up for half a day, the little ape was lying on the ground, sweat wet his hair, stained with dirt, looking very embarrassed.

One person and one monkey felt a little better, the pain in the body disappeared, and a feeling of new life came out.

The little ape fanged at Ji Yan, his eyes full of anger.

Yu Meng was also very puzzled, and did not understand what Ji Yan was going to do.

Ji Yan said to them, “I left a sword intent in your body, it will disappear after a month, you can quickly comprehend it yourself, and if you can’t comprehend it, it means that you have no relationship with cultivation.” ”

Ji Yan is not good at teaching people, he is good at supervising people.

He is only good at sword intent.

Since this is the case, let them learn to comprehend the sword intent one by one.

After comprehending the sword intent and using the sword intent as a pedal to cultivate, how far they can go depends on their creation.

Of course, if they can’t comprehend the sword intent and can’t cultivate, they can only say that their chance is not good, and they don’t want to cultivate in this life.

Simple words, but made one person and one monkey nervous, and felt great pressure.

Especially Yu Meng, she became worried, and her heart was uneasy again.

In case it doesn’t work, will she never be able to cultivate again in this life?

She still wanted to say something, but Ji Yan had already closed her eyes, “Go and comprehend it yourself, I have nothing else to teach me.” Yu

Meng didn’t dare to say more, so he could only swallow the words back and try to comprehend it himself.

The little ape made a tooth at Ji Yanlong, and finally followed Yu Meng to the side to comprehend.

Depressed, sitting under a big tree, looking at the red moon in the sky, his heart was uneasy.

The little ape came over, sat down with his eyes closed.

After a while, it opened its eyes and shouted twice at Yu Meng, calling Yu Meng back.

It squeaked, as if it wanted Yu Meng to hurry up and cultivate.

Along the way, the relationship between one person and one monkey became very good, Yu Meng touched the little ape’s head, helped it clean up the stains on its hair, and said worriedly, “I’m afraid that I am stupid, I can’t comprehend the sword intent of adults, and I have betrayed the trust of adults.” ”

More because I am afraid that my path will be broken, I will no longer be able to cultivate in the future, and I am apprehensive and anxious.

The little ape squeaked twice more, patting his chest, as if to say that he was afraid of something, reckless.

It’s all like this, what are you afraid of?

Yu Meng was stunned, she didn’t have the little ape to see through.

Then, she laughed, and her smile was beautiful and moving under the moonlight, like a red flower.

“I must succeed in cultivation, follow in the footsteps of adults, and always follow adults…”

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