How much wealth the Ku family has accumulated, Ji Yan did not care.

He didn’t even bother to touch the warehouses of the Ku family.

Divine consciousness swept by, everything was clear, and there was nothing that could move his heart.

He came here and crossed the Ku family, the real purpose was to save Yumeng.

Soon, a piece of news spread in Shan Yin City.

The Demon Race cultivators of Shan Yin City who received this news were taken aback.

Ji Yan’s operation once again shocked them.

“Is this true or fake?”

“Won’t it, in order to save a waste maid, willing to give up the wealth of the Ku family?”

“What are you kidding? Definitely fake.

“It’s really true, countless people listened to it at that time, it was he who said it himself, can this be false?”

“As long as he can save his maid, all the wealth of the Ku family will be taken.”

It turned out that Ji Yan found that it was not so simple to wake up Yu Meng, Yu Meng’s soul could not wake up, and Ji Yan had no way to wake up.

I can only hope that someone under the heavy money can wake up Yu Meng.

He had no interest in the wealth and materials accumulated by the Ku family.

The barren environment here of the demon race, there are not many good things, the Kujia here belongs to a remote city, and most of the accumulated things are ordinary and common things, and they can’t enter the eyes of Jiyan.

But these things are undoubtedly a mountain of gold for Demon Cultivators, especially ordinary Demon Cultivators, and they have a fatal attraction to them.

If it weren’t for Ji Yan’s prestige, someone would have teamed up to kill and rob it.

Countless demon races flocked here, all thinking of awakening Yumeng so that they could obtain the wealth of the Ku family.

However, Ji Yan stayed here in Shan Yin City for three months, during which countless demon cultivators came and used various means, but they were not able to awaken Yu Meng.

Seeing that so many people could not wake up Yu Meng, Ji Yan realized that this was more troublesome than he thought.

It seems that it is impossible to stay here any longer.

Ji Yan sighed in his heart, ready to leave here and look for a way elsewhere.

However, just as Ji Yan was about to leave Shan Yin City, someone suddenly came to the door.

For those who come to the door, Ji Yan no longer has any hope.

But let this person take a look at Yu Meng’s situation.

The person who came was a middle-aged demon clan in the Jiedan period, with a calm breath and restrained eyes, which was very different from the ordinary demon race.

Even Ji Yan couldn’t help but look at him a few more times.

After he checked Yu Meng, he arched his hand at Ji Yan, “Ji Gongzi…”

Ji Yan goes straight to the point, no nonsense, “Is there a way?”

“If not, please come back.”

These two sentences are the words that Ji Yan says the most these days.

The caller smiled slightly, shook his head, and spoke, “I don’t have the ability to wake her, but I have a way.” Ji

Yan heard this, a little startled, this is what he has heard differently in the past three months.

“What is the solution?”

The visitor first introduced himself, “My name is Xi Huan, and I am from the Southern Wilderness. ”

Ji Yan’s expression has not changed, no matter where you come from, even if you come from the Holy Land, he will not be moved in any way.

Ji Yan looked at him lightly, making the demon clan who called himself Xi Huan feel great pressure.

He hurriedly collected his mind and said to Ji Yan, “I like to use this method to make a deal with Gongzi.”

“What deal?”

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“I told Gongzi to give me the wealth of the Ku family, how?”

After Xi Huan finished speaking, his heart became nervous, lest he not agree.

Unexpectedly, Ji Yan didn’t need to think about it, and directly agreed, “Yes.” ”

He is so obsessed with this mortal?

It seems that the relationship between the two is extraordinary.

Xi Huan secretly guessed in his heart, and then said the way, “This girl’s soul fell into a deep sleep, and I happened to know that there was a treasure that could awaken the sleeping soul.

“And this treasure is a five-rank magic weapon, the soul summoning flute, in the hands of the city lord of Yongning City in the Southern Wilderness.”

When Ji Yan heard this, he did not say, his eyes were still staring at Xi Huan.

Compared to before, his gaze was a little sharper, like a sharp sword, it penetrated Xi Huan’s heart.

Xi Huan’s forehead couldn’t help but sweat.

After a while, Ji Yan spoke, “You have a festival with the City Lord of Yongning City?” ”

Such a simple borrowing of a knife to kill, Ji Yan will not be unable to see it.

Xi Huan’s heart jumped, he didn’t expect Ji Yan to be so keen.

He didn’t dare to deny it, in front of people like Ji Yan, it was useless for him to deny, but it was better to say it honestly, “That’s right, it’s indeed a bit too much with him.”

“But I can assure you Gongzi that what I said is true, and there is absolutely no falsehood.”

Ji Yan withdrew his gaze and thought about the truth of Xi Huan’s words.

Finally, Ji Yan said to Xi Huan, “Swear by your Dao heart.”

Although Xi Huan was a little surprised, he did not hesitate, but swore an oath.

Ji Yan said, “The things of the Ku family are in the back, go and get them yourself.” Then

he left directly with the little ape and Yu Meng.

So crisp and neat, on the contrary, it made Xi Huan stunned for a long time, which is too fast.

“I hope that when you get to Yongning City, you can get rid of that bastard Cai Shi’an.”

“The strength of our anti-holy army is too weak, far from being the opponent of Cai Shi’an’s bastard.”

“As long as you get rid of him, Yongning City will become a foothold for our anti-holy army, and our anti-holy army will have more hope…” After

Ji Yan knew that it was possible to awaken Yumeng’s treasure, he didn’t talk nonsense, and directly set the destination as Yongning City….

Southern Wilderness!

Compared with the desolation of the northern desert and the barrenness of the western pole, the southern barren trees are the most prosperous and dense on the entire cold star.

The city in the Southern Wilderness is the smallest in comparison to Hanxing, and the population is also the smallest.

Many monks did not like the Southern Wilderness because it was dangerous.

It is a dense network of water, criss-crossed by rivers and lakes.

The jungle is full of miasma, swamps and poisonous insects.

In the jungle, there are also the Cold Star indigenous wildlings, and their strength in the jungle is not weaker than that of fierce beasts.

This also caused many Cold Star Demon Race cultivators to be reluctant to come to the Southern Wilderness.

The red moonlight shone here on the earth, and suddenly, under the moonlight, a white light flashed, and a white ball appeared from the void.

Then there was an explosion in the woods below.

In the center of the explosion, two figures appeared.

One blue and one black, one male and one female.

It was Lu Shaoqing and Yu Ling.

The state of the two was very miserable, Lu Shaoqing was in rags, lying on the ground covered in blood, and the whole person had passed out.

Yu Ling was a little better, although she was pale, she was not too badly injured.

She raised her head and looked at the moon in the sky with a complicated expression, “Cold Star…..”

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