Yu Ling’s small mouth opened slightly, wondering, what is this bastard going to do?

Now it is best to leave here while the centipede is pinned down, instead of watching a play here.

I know you’re careful and will be rewarded, but you don’t want to watch these indigenous savages being eaten by centipedes here, right?

The centipede ate them, and it was our turn.

“What are you going to do?” Yu Lingqi huffed and said to Lu Shaoqing, “If you want to die, don’t pull me.”

Lu Shaoqing gave Yu Ling a disdainful look, and said calmly, “Isn’t it just a little fierce beast?” Afraid of what? Yu

Ling’s heart rubbed and became angry again.

Very impulsive to throw Lu Shaoqing down.

Sure enough, there is no way to talk properly with this bastard.

Yu Ling’s gaze was unkind, “It’s best to make it clear what you want to do, don’t force me to leave you behind.” ”

I can’t beat you, I don’t believe I can’t lose you as a wounded man.”

Lu Shaoqing’s face immediately turned stunned, and he said seriously, “We can’t see death without saving them, of course, we want to save them.”

“To leave them behind and run for my life, I can’t do it, I’m not that kind of person.”

Yu Ling was shocked and blurted out, “You’re not sick, right? Whoever

said what Yu Ling said just now would believe it, but Lu Shaoqing said it, and she didn’t believe half of the punctuation.

What kind of person Lu Shaoqing was, Yu Ling was already very clear.

Greedy for life and afraid of death, despicable and shameless, brazen, eyes will be rewarded, super invincible and careful guys, will care about Min Fan their life or death?

Min Fan and these people were attacked by centipedes, and Lu Shaoqing was not normal if he did not take the opportunity to fall into the well.

Now he actually said that he wanted to save these indigenous savages from Min Fan.

Kill Yu Ling and don’t believe it, this bastard won’t be possessed by someone, right?

Yu Ling’s heart suddenly felt a little more terrified.

This place is somewhat strange, maybe some thousand-year-old immortal is entrenched here, and then got on Lu Shaoqing’s body.

“You’re sick,” Lu Shaoqing was not angry, “What’s going on with your suspicious gaze?” Am I not like a good person?

Yu Ling said honestly and sincerely, “No matter what aspect, you have nothing to do with the word good person. ”

Do good people have something like you?

Lu Shaoqing was very disappointed, looked up at the sky at ninety degrees, and sighed, “The world misunderstands me too deeply. Yu

Ling even wanted to sneer twice next to him, misunderstanding? Inexistent.

You’re a bastard.

She said to Lu Shaoqing, “Okay, to save them, you go.”

Lu Shaoqing was shocked again, looked at Yu Ling in disbelief, pointed at her, and his fingers trembled, “Are you still human?” I’m all injured like this, and you still tell me to save them? Do you have a little compassion?

Yu Ling was dizzy and covered his head, “You shouldn’t think of letting me save them, right?”

“Yes,” Lu Shaoqing took it for granted, “If you don’t go, will I go?” Don’t you see that it’s hard to even walk now?

The urge to drop Lu Shaoqing became stronger and stronger, Yu Ling pointed to the centipede that was raging below, beating the group of Sanluo people to cry and cry, gritting his teeth, and said hatefully, “It’s a fierce beast in the Yuan Infancy Stage, do you think I can beat it?” ”

This is not a little centipede, not a cat or a dog, the yuan infancy, do you understand?

Don’t think that you are a Yuan Baby, just think that the Yuan Infant level ferocious beast is easy to deal with.

“What about Yuan Baby?” Lu Shaoqing simply taught Yu Ling, “As a cultivator, what are you afraid of? Even in the face of enemies stronger than yourself, you must dare to draw your sword.

“If you don’t have the courage to move forward, what immortals do you cultivate?”

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“Just go home and be a shrunken turtle.”

Yu Ling simply took the first two steps, turned back to Lu Shaoqing and said, “Let me ask you again, can you go?” Now is the best chance to leave, you don’t go, you stay here by yourself. ”

Yu Ling is too lazy to talk nonsense, Min Fan and other Sangluo people are entangled in centipedes, and she and Lu Shaoqing can leave easily.

If Lu Shaoqing didn’t leave, she didn’t plan to stay here.

Lu Shaoqing was injured and couldn’t exert her strength, she was only a nine-layer Jiedan, and she couldn’t exert her full strength, and she couldn’t beat that fierce beast centipede.

Don’t go now, stay here and wait to die?

Lu Shaoqing still had that attitude, “What are you afraid of?” Didn’t you feel very bad when you left like this? When

Yu Ling heard this, he couldn’t hold back his anger anymore.

This bastard, be careful to see this point, it’s all this time, and still thinking of taking advantage of the Sunroe people?

Sister Xiao Yi is right, this bastard is the most angry guy under the sun.

Yu Ling looked at the Sangluo people below who were struggling to support and constantly had deaths and injuries, and snorted, “Isn’t it a good thing for you that they died like this?”

“You don’t have to do it yourself.”

Lu Shaoqing waved his hand, seemed very angry, and glared at Yu Ling, “Don’t talk nonsense, am I that kind of person?”

“What’s in it for me that they’re dead?”

Yu Ling could hear the sincerity in Lu Shaoqing’s words, and was stunned again.

Wouldn’t it, what this bastard said was true?

The suspicion of being robbed of his upper body reappeared in Yu Ling’s heart.

After all, it’s too hard to believe.

If nothing else, just for Min Fan’s behavior of snatching Lu Shaoqing’s colorful Xun Demon Stone just now, Lu Shaoqing didn’t destroy Min Fan and their tribe, and Min Fan had to kneel down and be grateful.

“I must have saved them.” Lu Shaoqing said to Yu Ling, this is not a lie, he really wants to save Min Fan and them.

Yu Ling frowned, not understanding what Lu Shaoqing was going to do.

One more thing.

“Why do you want me to save it?”

Yu Ling was upset, “I want to save you, I don’t.”

“You take me away now, will you be able to get out of the forest?”

Lu Shaoqing’s words left Yu Ling speechless.

The jungle here in the Southern Wilderness is dense and full of miasma, and Yu Ling is also the first time she has come to the Southern Wilderness.

She doesn’t even know exactly where she is now, and she really doesn’t have the confidence to walk.

She seemed to understand what Lu Shaoqing was thinking, “If I say that I can take you out, will you still save them?” ”

Save, why not?” Lu Shaoqing gritted his teeth here, “If you don’t save it, won’t the food supplies I gave go to waste?”

“If they want to die, they will have to be squeezed clean by me.”

Yu Ling was silent and understood, Lu Shaoqing was not possessed by someone.

He was still familiar with him, and he didn’t want to destroy Min Fan and them, but planned to squeeze out the marrow of Min Fan, these Sanluo people.

Well, really a bastard.

However, it’s not that I’m willing to help you go up and save them.

“You want to save, you go by yourself, I don’t plan to send it to death.”

“Don’t worry, look at what this is…”

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