Yu Ling’s head was blank, she didn’t expect that Min Fan really recognized Lu Shaoqing as the master.

Watching Min Fan swear by his soul, he and his tribe served Lu Shaoqing as the mainstay.

Yu Ling felt unbelievable.

This bastard, really became?

In this way, he subjugated a tribe of the Sanluo people.

Once this news spread, it would definitely cause an uproar among the Saint Family.

What about backbone? What about your insistence? What about the unruly just now?

How come you kneel as soon as you hear that there is a benefit?

You are very disgraceful to the Sanluo people like this, do you know or not?

Yu Ling wanted to scratch the wall, and after meeting this bastard, it seemed that her world became abnormal.

Lu Shaoqing was very satisfied and met this tribe of the Sangluo people here.

If you subdue them, you should lay a foreshadowing, and you can use it best in the future, and you will not lose it if you don’t use it.

If it is really used, it can definitely surprise the demons.

When Lu Shaoqing thought of stabbing the Demon Race Chrysanthemum in the future, the smile on his face was even cheaper.

Min Fan looked at Lu Shaoqing’s such an obscene smile, and his heart jumped, secretly regretting his decision.

Is it a right decision to recognize him as Lord in order to save the people?

But no matter what, there was no turning back.

He gritted his teeth and said to Lu Shaoqing, “Hurry up.”

Lu Shaoqing said to Yu Ling, “Let’s do it.” ”

Min Fan was stunned, lying groove, I shouldn’t be deceived, right?

You don’t shoot, you let this little girl shoot? Is it useful?

Is there any difference between you letting this little girl make a move and letting me make a shot?

Yu Ling reminded Lu Shaoqing, “I am a Saint Clan. ”

You all have to help the Sanluo people, and deal with the Saint Clan people in the future, if I help you, won’t it help you to cause abuse?”

I’m not that cheap yet.

Lu Shaoqing also reminded her, “You are already a traitor.

“Are you still here to be faithful to the so-called Holy Lord?”

“I heard my junior sister say, your family should have been killed by the Holy Lord, right? You don’t want revenge?

Yu Ling was silent, the words were this, the truth was this truth.

Finally, she gritted her teeth and took out the Xun Demon Stone that Lu Shaoqing handed her, “You want to blow it up?”

Lu Shaoqing gave a thumbs up, “Smart, I told you to throw it, and you threw it at its tail.”

Lu Shaoqing’s spiritual power was injected into the Xun Demon Stone in Yu Ling’s hand, and he drank, “Throw!” Watching

Yu Ling throw the Xun Demon Stone out, Lu Shaoqing felt strange.

Secretly said in his heart, a bit like a bombardier.

No, the Sundemon Stone is now a bomb.

And Min Fan looked even more cold.

I was really scammed.

Is this how Sundemon Stone is used?

What damage can you cause to the centipede in the meta-infancy stage if you smash it over?

The scales on the centipede’s body are so thick and hard.

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If you want to rely on the Xun Demon Stone to smash through its scale armor, it is better to throw a large stone.

In the face of a real scale armor shield or something, the Xun Demon Stone is not as useful as the stone.

I was so stupid that I was fooled and deceived.

Watching the Xun Demon Stone thrown by Yu Ling smashed heavily on the back of the fierce beast centipede, but nothing happened, Min Fan’s heart was like being thrown into the frozen lake, hula-hula cool.

Min Fan sighed, and when he wanted to ask Lu Shaoqing if he could repent, a violent explosion suddenly sounded.

Min Fan was taken aback, and the other Sanluo people, even the centipede, were also taken aback.

The huge explosion sound generated by the violent explosion reverberated in the surrounding peaks and cliffs, rumbling, and spreading farther and farther.

“This, this…”

Min Fan froze, watching the centipede roll in the smoke in disbelief.

The Sundemon Stone can actually explode?

Are you kidding?

They Sanluo people have owned the Xun Demon Stone for so long, why didn’t they find this function?

Min Fan looked at Lu Shaoqing in disbelief, he had ten thousand why ask.

Lu Shaoqing smiled and took out a Xun Demon Stone again, this time this time this Xun Demon Stone was about the same size as a child.

“Come, keep throwing, hurry, it’s coming up.”

The explosion just now did not cause damage to the centipede, but it successfully provoked it and attracted its attention.

The centipede’s eyes flashed with fierceness, and it stared at Lu Shaoqing above, it was too lazy for these people to play.

That multicolored Xun Magic Stone was its target.

The centipede swooped ferociously from afar, its mouthparts opened and closed, and the sound it made was scalp-numbing.

The huge body, where the steps passed, the ground shook and was a mess.

“Hiss…” The centipede’s voice was like a poisonous snake sticking out its tongue, extremely fast, rushing up from below.

Lu Shaoqing injected spiritual power into the Xun Demon Stone and said to Yu Ling, “Throw it into its mouth.” Yu

Ling carried a large piece of Xun Demon Stone in both hands, and under the command of Lu Shaoqing, he smashed it fiercely towards the centipede’s head.

After the Xun Demon Stone was thrown out, Lu Shaoqing reacted.

Almost jumping straight up, “Vozh!

Then he hurriedly took out a few second- and third-grade magic weapons from the ring and threw them to Yu Ling and Min Fan, “Hurry, use it quickly.” ”

It’s going to explode!”

Yu Ling’s side also reacted, the power of the explosion of the head-sized Xun Demon Stone just now was comparable to the Jiedan period, and now this piece, isn’t it comparable to the Yuan Infant blow?

With a blow from the Yuan Baby, the scope and power of the explosion were far greater and more terrifying than those in the Jiedan period.

And the distance between them and the centipede is only four or five miles, which is completely within the range of the explosion.

Do nothing and wait for yourself to blow yourself up.

Thinking of the explosion comparable to the Yuan Baby, Yu Ling’s face turned pale, and she did not dare to delay, and hurriedly ran the magic weapon, shrouding her and Lu Shaoqing.

Min Fan’s side did not react, seeing Lu Shaoqing like this, he felt that it was a big deal.

He pouted, feeling more and more that he was on the wrong ship and misidentified the boss.

Can this thief ship still get off?

He laughed, with contempt in his tone, “We are so far away, we are not afraid…”

As soon as Min Fan’s words fell, there was a loud noise, and the Xun Demon Stone that was smashed out emitted a violent explosion.

A strong light enveloped everyone’s sight, the explosion was deafening, and the flames and smoke rushed into the sky, forming a huge mushroom cloud.

The earth began to tremble, as if it had suffered a ten-magnitude earthquake, the surrounding cliffs burst and countless stones tumbled down.

The strong shock wave frantically impacted the surroundings, like an invisible big hand, raging destruction of everything encountered, madly filling any gap

, the blast wave of the explosion impacted up, the powerful power instantly made Lu Shaoqing collapse the mountain where they were, and countless falling rocks and dirt drowned Lu Shaoqing and several people…

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