“Isn’t it?” Lu Shaoqing was stunned, and looked at Yu Ling in disbelief, “This is a five-grade magic weapon, you are actually not rare?”

“Doesn’t it mean that you demon people are poor? The spear in your hand is no more than three pints, right? Are you not impressed?

Lu Shaoqing was in awe, no, it should be deeply contemptuous.

Are there such stupid people?

If you don’t take advantage of the cheap, you are the king bastard.

This flute is a five-rank magic weapon, which belongs to the weapon of the partial door.

Although powerful, there are also limits.

Just like Lu Shaoqing, he cultivated the refining technique, and his spiritual soul was strengthened, so Cai Shi’an did not take advantage.

If it had been someone else, he would have already won.

Unfortunately, he met Lu Shaoqing, but he couldn’t help Lu Shaoqing, but was overshadowed by Lu Shaoqing.

The soul summoning flute in his hand also fell into Lu Shaoqing’s hands.

Lu Shaoqing could also see the power of the Soul Summoning Flute in the Demon Clan, and with it, even if the opponent was the Yuan Baby.

With Yu Ling’s current strength, he can also fight with one, but he can’t fight, but he can still slip away.

Lu Shaoqing originally wanted to give the Soul Summoning Flute to Yu Ling, but Yu Ling didn’t want it.

Lu Shaoqing did not force it, but asked more, “Do you really want it?” Don’t cry and beg me to give it to you then. ”

Bah.” Yu Ling gritted his teeth, I can’t even beg you bastard.

“Okay,” Lu Shaoqing sighed and put away the soul evoking flute, “This time, the storage rings of the two Yuan babies have been burst, and I can’t get good things, so I’ll take it for spirit stones when I have time.” ”

Spirit stone, spirit stone, do you only have spirit stone in your eyes?

Yu Ling complained in his heart.

At the same time, she reacted, “You instigated me to be the city lord, did you want to take the spirit stones in the city for yourself?”

Lu Shaoqing waved his hand again and again, righteousness awe-inspiring, “No, don’t talk nonsense, am I like that kind of person?”

Although he said this, the crystal light at the corners of his mouth had already betrayed him.

Yu Ling was silent, and really hit this idea.

“You’re really a bastard.”

Yu Ling was very angry in his heart, and even I calculated.

“I don’t want to be this city lord.”

Lu Shaoqing was anxious, “Don’t, now that the city lord of Yongning is hanging, it is empty, it is better to get some benefits first.” ”

You lack resources, I lack spirit stones, the two of us join hands to hollow out Yongning City, when the time comes, you use resources to cultivate, and after your strength rises

, you want to be a scumbag…..” Yu Ling’s face was not good, his eyes were full of killing intent, Lu Shaoqing changed his words, “Bah, I mean that you are tired of being a city lord, and you don’t want to be a city lord, so you pat your ass and leave.”

“Now that your strength is still so weak, you must first use Yongning City as a transition to improve your strength as soon as possible, so that you have the opportunity to take revenge in the future, right?”

Yu Ling was silent, she had already heard these words.

Lu Shaoqing is right, she is now weak and poor.

Although her talent is good, she is known as a genius of the Yu clan, but if she wants to break through by her own cultivation, she does not have enough resources, her speed will be very slow, she wants revenge, and she dreams of fools.

Moreover, this is the Southern Wilderness, far from the holy land of Dongji.

The people of the Holy Land would not have thought that she could return to Cold Star, and she would dare to be the city lord.

Being the city lord here is also a good cover for her.

Seeing Yu Ling’s silence, Lu Shaoqing looked embarrassed, gritted his teeth, and seemed to have made a difficult decision, “Hey, shouldn’t you think that you won’t give me a single spirit stone?” In this way, the spirit stone we are eighty-nine, and you are one and I am nine.

Yu Ling looked at him and did not speak.

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“No, you chick, still thinking about five or five? It’s excessive,” Lu Shaoqing gritted his teeth in anger, and finally made a concession in pain, “Just two or eight points, it’s not good for you to cry.”


Yu Ling snorted coldly again, which was considered a tacit acquiescence, but she asked, “What about the Cai family?”

Lu Shaoqing smiled and said to Yu Ling, “It’s time for you to make a move.”

“The Cai family has no masters, at most it is the Jiedan period, you are more than enough to deal with them, I will help you in secret.”

Having killed Cai Shi’an and others, the fate of the rest of the Cai family is doomed.

At this point, Yu Ling did not feel pity.

This is the cruelty of the Holy Family.

The winner lives and the loser dies!

Every city lord sat in the seat of city lord, and under his feet was a mountain of corpses and a sea of blood, and his hands were stained with blood.

This is the rule of the Holy Land, which can be understood as the Holy Land raising cheats.

Now that the decision had been made, Yu Ling did not refuse.

She couldn’t let Lu Shaoqing make the whole shot, and she sat back and enjoyed it.

The Cai family also knew the death of Cai Shi’an and the other three, and they had already made a mess.

The Cai family, which lost the backbone of the heart, became a headless fly, and everyone did not know how to be good.

Some people gathered people to avenge Cai Shi’an and them while retaining the position of city lord of Yongning City.

Some people took the clansmen thinking of escaping from Yongning City, Cai Shi’an and other masters fell, their ordinary clansmen had no good end, and the holy family never preached morality and benevolence.

And at this time, Yu Ling came.

Although he was surprised that Yu Ling was only a ninth layer of Jiedan, he did not believe that Yu Ling could kill Cai Shi’an and the three.

But Yu Ling dared to come to the door, and the people of the Cai family did not intend to let Yu Ling go.

“Damn woman, with your little strength, don’t you think that my Cai family is a bully?”

“Kill her and let others know that our Cai family has not fallen yet.”

“Kill, kill…” Yu

Ling dared to come to Cai’s house alone, simply looking for death.

Yu Ling said coldly, “Hand over the city lord jade seal and spare your Cai family from dying.” ”

The city lord jade seal is a symbol of the city lord’s status, it is given by the holy land, and if you control the city lord’s jade seal, you can get the recognition of the holy land and control the city.

The peculiarity of the jade seal of the city lord, it is not allowed to be taken out of the city.

And the jade seal of the city lord of Yongning City was stored in the city lord’s mansion, that is, the Cai family here.

“Want the City Lord Jade Seal? Dream! ”


There are only three Yuan Ying cultivators in the Cai family, but there are quite a few Jiedan cultivators.

There were no less than twenty people, and their strength ranged from high to low, but most of them were in the middle of the Jiedan period, and there were also two late Jiedan.

They now joined forces to surround Yu Ling and put great pressure on Yu Ling.

Yu Ling gripped the spear, and although there was pressure, she was undaunted.

Hmph, my cultivation in the Holy Land was not practiced in vain.

Yu Ling gritted his teeth in his heart, and when he was about to make a move, a flash of light suddenly flashed above the Cai family, and a sword light appeared.

Then, the sword light rained down, and the Jiedan cultivators who planned to join forces to besiege Yu Ling fell down one after another.

Only a few people escaped by chance, and the rest of the people saw such horror, and they also understood why their own master died.

Everyone in the Cai family suddenly lost their fighting spirit and fled one after another…

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