Lu Shaoqing was lying in the courtyard where Cai’s house had settled him before, holding Erlang’s legs and knocking Lingbeans on the side, looking very leisurely.

Yongning City has now calmed down for the time being.

Killed Cai Shi’an and others, and supported Yu Ling as the city lord.

“Oh,” Lu Shaoqing sighed as he sighed, “It’s a bit of a loss this time.”

“I knew that it would be good to start early, but I didn’t expect to hand over a batch of materials and spirit stones to the Holy Land, and I lost a lot.”

Lu Shaoqing asked people why there was so little material left in the Cai family’s warehouse.

In addition to the Cai family’s own use, they also took it to pay taxes to the Holy Land not long ago.

A large number of spirit stones, materials, and so on worth tens of millions were sent to the Holy Land.

After Lu Shaoqing asked clearly, his heart ached so much that he wanted to cry.

It was only a few days away from missing so many spirit stones and passing by.

Lu Shaoqing rubbed his chest, very distressed, and sighed, “Now wait for the chick to stabilize, when the time comes, collect more taxes, and leave the spirit stone.” ”

Lu Shaoqing didn’t plan to stay here for long, the stupid junior sister didn’t know where it was, he didn’t have much time to stay here.

Yu Ling has become the city lord, and these days, she is trying to integrate and clean up the stall of Yongning City.

The Cai family ruled Yongning City for so long, and the Cai family was expelled.

Yu Ling, the new official, took office, and she had to sort out the stalls left behind, otherwise she would not be able to sit firmly in the position of the city lord.

As for how she dealt with it, Lu Shaoqing ignored it and did not interfere.

Lu Shaoqing is here, if a master comes, he will come forward to settle it.

When the time comes, kill a few masters and deter others, and his task will be completed.

Everything else had to be done by Yu Ling himself.

Lu Shaoqing is going to leave sooner or later, Yu Ling has to face all this alone, if she doesn’t handle it well now, she will be in vain in the future.

However, judging from the feedback now, Yu Ling’s means are not bad.

For those officials who handle affairs, those who want to leave, Yu Ling does not obstruct, and is willing to stay, under the condition that the original remuneration remains unchanged, Yu Ling also gives rewards.

Everyone came out to work part-time, earning some spirit stone resources or something to cultivate.

Who to work for is not a beating?

Therefore, Yu Ling easily subdued the previous people, the Cai family collapsed, and the new city lord did not cause much turmoil.

Suddenly, Lu Shaoqing’s expression moved, and Yu Ling’s figure appeared in the courtyard.

Yu Ling’s expression was still cold, but the occasional flash in her eyes showed her fatigue these days.

Such a big stall is not so easy to clean up.

Coming here, seeing Lu Shaoqing’s leisurely and self-satisfied appearance, and still holding Erlang’s legs, Yu Ling’s heart inexplicably rose a nameless fire.

I’m busy in front, you are good, here comfortably knock on the spirit beans.

“Chick, how, how do you have time to come and see me? Come, help me peel the spirit beans. Lu Shaoqing greeted Yu Ling with a smile.

Let Yu Ling’s teeth itch with anger, and he can’t wait to take a gun out and poke him ten times and eight times.

Take a deep breath and don’t meet him in general.

Yu Ling secretly told himself in his heart not to be angry.

Being angry with Lu Shaoqing is purely to find yourself uncomfortable.

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Yu Ling took a deep breath, her eyes glanced to the side, she didn’t want to look at Lu Shaoqing, she came to find Lu Shaoqing this time, there was something to ask.

She asked Lu Shaoqing, “You said, I want to form a team, how?” When

Lu Shaoqing heard this, he was strange, “Formation, you need to ask me about this kind of thing?” ”

The team in Yu Ling’s mouth is actually similar to the law enforcement team in Lu Shaoqing’s sect.

Obey the orders of the sect and maintain the security of Lingxiao City.

The Cai family also has a team of soldiers and horses armed by the Cai family to guard Yongning City, after all, Yongning City is so big, it is impossible to need a master like Cai Shi’an for everything.

If someone makes trouble and makes trouble, this army will deal with it.

After the fall of Cai Shi’an, the Cai family’s soldiers and horses also fell apart and scattered.

Those who did not have time to escape, were secretly killed, and suffered heavy casualties.

Yu Ling hesitated, stood up, seemed very embarrassed, and was embarrassed to speak.

Not at all like her usual person.

Seeing this, Lu Shaoqing tensed up, sat up, and looked at Yu Ling vigilantly, “You are like this, is there any big problem?”

“Or are you a city lord and want to find a city lord?”

“Tell you, I won’t sell my body for the spirit stone, I can rather die than yield.”

Yu Ling’s heart was full of embarrassment and suddenly disappeared, his face was red, ashamed and angry, and Huo’s spear appeared in his hand.

Gritting his teeth and angry, “More nonsense, I’ll kill you.”

“Then you say, don’t worry me here.” Lu Shaoqing hurriedly put away the spirit beans, this chick went crazy, and the spirit beans were wasted when they were poked.

Yu Ling looked at the hateful guy in front of him, gritted his teeth, and said the real reason why he came to find Lu Shaoqing, “The exercises taught to the Sangluo people, can I teach them the exercises?”

After saying these words, Yu Ling’s momentum was released, and he could no longer maintain the momentum just now.

She was very embarrassed.

The Saint Clan people, especially the Saint Clan people at the bottom, lacked cultivation exercises.

The subsequent mastery and profound exercises were mastered and monopolized by the big family and the Holy Land.

Lu Shaoqing took the warehouse of the Tiangong Gate, there was no shortage of resources, and there was no shortage of martial arts elixirs.

Before Yu Ling taught the Sanluo people’s exercises, a copy was in Yu Ling’s hands, and Yu Ling came to Lu Shaoqing in the hope of obtaining Lu Shaoqing’s consent.

Of course, she can use it directly, maybe Lu Shaoqing won’t say anything, but she can’t do this.

When Lu Shaoqing heard this, he took a long breath and relaxed, “Hey, I thought it was a big deal, take it and use it, anyway, it’s already given to you.”

“Are you enough?” Not enough I still have here.

After speaking, Lu Shaoqing threw another storage ring to Yu Ling, which was filled with exercises and recipes.

These are all obtained from the Tiangong Gate, and there are many of them, most of them are yellow-level and Xuan-level exercises, and a few are ground-level exercises.

Yu Ling took it, looking stunned and unbelievable.

There are one or two prefecture-level exercises, which are enough to create a family.

Lu Shaoqing gave her more than one or two prefecture-level exercises.

Spread out, enough to arouse the coveted of countless people.

“Don’t you know their value?” Lu Shaoqing pouted, “What do you know?” Take it and sell it, it’s too troublesome and too dangerous.

“It’s better to give it to you, when the time comes, you will go on a rampage, just collect more spirit stones to hand over to me.”

As soon as the words fell, someone laughed, “Hehe, what a funny little guy…”

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