The powerful divine sense made Mu Yan and Xi Huan once again shocked.

The overwhelming, sword intent that was like the sword god in the world had shocked them.

Now with such a strong divine consciousness again, the two of them once again had the desire to pee.

The surroundings are quiet, the rocks are rugged, and the pee here is not afraid to be seen.

Xi Huan looked at Mu Yan and suggested again, “Deputy Chief, we might as well withdraw.” ”

It’s terrifying, if nothing else, this divine consciousness alone is enough to kill them.”

Moreover, the owner who listened to this voice does not seem to be a good temper.

In case he finds out, he doesn’t know how to die.

It’s not a good place to bury bones.

Mu Yan gritted his teeth and shook his head, “No, the masters are fighting, I have to take a look, otherwise I won’t be blind to death.”

Noticing Xi Huan’s nervous look, he said, “Don’t worry, I have my own measure.”

“Don’t you even believe me?” I’m also a baby of the Yuan, I can’t beat them, can’t I hide it?

After that, he went forward again, but he was already cautious.


Xi Huan could only follow behind, feeling uneasy.

In the sea of knowledge, Kuli’s teeth were almost crushed.

I’ve never seen such a mean person.

What the hell grew up eating, a mouth, how can it be so nasty.

It is already too much to disrespect the old and scold the old dog.

He actually scolded my old.

Don’t I want a face?

Ku Li only hated his anger and could not burn Lu Shaoqing to ashes.

“You damn it!”

Ku Li roared angrily, and the divine consciousness of the two collided in the sea of knowledge, fiercely fighting.

Kuli’s sea of knowledge is like the end of the world, the sky is shattered, countless lightning bolts fall, and endless monstrous waves are set off on the sea.

This is the self-defense of the sea, detecting the intruder and defending against repulsion.

Unfortunately, Lu Shaoqing’s divine sense was too powerful.

Ku Li is a member of the Holy Race, not good at cultivating divine sense, and faces Lu Shaoqing’s divine sense.

Ku Li felt very strenuous, and could only resist with difficulty, barely protecting his knowledge from harm.

He was shocked and angry, what is the origin of this guy, it is so terrifying.

The sword intent was the same as that person, terrifying, and the divine consciousness was so powerful.

It doesn’t make sense.

Ku Li was very angry in his heart, and even wanted to cry a little.

The day he got out of customs must be wrong, otherwise why would he be so unlucky after he got out of customs.

When he met the young man in white, he was beaten like a dog and fled to the Southern Wilderness to hide.

Came here, after observation, thought that the new city lord was a bully, but he encountered this terrifying demon.

It’s really unreasonable.

In the face of Lu Shaoqing’s terrifying sword intent, he retreated.

Run away.

But he didn’t expect that Lu Shaoqing chased him reluctantly, chasing and killing all the way, and cursing.

When he found out that Lu Shaoqing actually dared to use his divine sense to fight with him, he was overjoyed.

I thought that Lu Shaoqing’s sword intent was terrifying, but after all, the realm was there, and his divine sense was definitely inferior to him.

Unexpectedly, Lu Shaoqing’s divine sense was even more terrifying than his sword intent.

Kuli’s approach is undoubtedly to lure wolves into the house.

“Old dog, want to cry?”

Lu Shaoqing had the upper hand, his hands did not stop, and at the same time he opened his mouth to taunt everyone Kuli.

Ku Li’s side was already obviously defeated, and in the face of Lu Shaoqing’s ridicule, he was angry, but helpless.

His more important thing now was to find a way to expel Lu Shaoqing from his sea of knowledge.

Fighting here will cause damage to his sea of knowledge.

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When the time comes, the sea of knowledge will be destroyed, and others will be destroyed.

However, Lu Shaoqing’s divine sense is too strong, and Ku Li can barely resist it now, let alone expel Lu Shaoqing, and even it is difficult to fight back.

“Look at the move!”

Lu Shaoqing shouted, and with a move of his right hand, a huge fireball appeared above the sky above the sea of knowledge.

Immortal Fireball!

aka, Meteorite Grand Summoning!

A rumbling fireball fell from the sky like a shooting star.

The large fireball rushed towards the suffocating heat, and the dazzling fire made Kuli feel as if he was facing a sun.

Ku Li was horrified, how much more means does this damn guy have?

Such a spell is definitely not an ordinary earth-level exercise, and the worst is also a heaven-level.

Could it be someone from a hidden family?

At this moment, Curry retreated.

However, let’s get through the current difficulties for now.

“Ghost God Claw!”

Ku Li shouted, and the pale and jagged ghost claws appeared, heading straight for the big fireball.

However, Lu Shaoqing smiled slightly, and his mouth opened, “Boom!” At

the same time, his figure disappeared and left here.

The large fireball exploded instantly, and the dazzling light of fire illuminated the entire sea of knowledge.

The ghost claw turned to ashes in the explosion, and Kuli’s pupils shrank sharply.

In the midst of the explosion, a sword intent appeared, raging wildly with the aftermath of the explosion, destroying everything around.


Kuli’s grip on his head screamed, and his sea of knowledge suffered a devastating blow at the moment of the explosion.

Take advantage of your illness, kill you.

Mo Junjian struck out in time, and thousands of sword rays shrouded Ku Li.


Lu Shaoqing’s figure flashed, and with a big hand, a mini version of Kuli appeared in his hand, unable to move.

Ku Li’s Yuan Infant looked terrified and showed a pleading look.

He was full of regret in his heart, but he didn’t expect Lu Shaoqing to be so powerful.

Knowing this, he didn’t dare to provoke Lu Shaoqing to kill him.

Lu Shaoqing’s expression was indifferent, like an emotionless killer.

Ignoring Ku Li’s pleas, Ku Li’s consciousness was erased, and the Yuan Infant turned into pure energy that was absorbed by him.

Then the indifference on his face slowly receded and returned to his normal appearance.

“Who gave him courage? Dare to come to me for trouble if the injury is not good? I’m sorry for you if I don’t take the opportunity to kill you. ”

Ku Li has strength, but he is injured, his strength can only be exerted to seven or eight percent, and facing the demon Lu Shaoqing, he can only be for nothing.

A storage ring appeared in his hand, which was Kuli’s.

But when he opened it, Lu Shaoqing scolded his mother, “Just this little thing?” What about spirit stones? ”

Are all the Demon Race’s Yuan Babies so poor?”

This time he killed Ku Li, and deliberately left a storage ring, and there were very few valuable things inside.

Lu Shaoqing didn’t know that Ku Li had almost spent his old capital in order to heal his injuries, and the mountains and rivers were running out, so he couldn’t wait to rob Yongning City.

Didn’t get any benefits, Lu Shaoqing gritted his teeth in anger, jumped up, came to the sky, and looked at the ground murderously.

The gaze is as sharp as an eagle, with a soaring murderous aura.

“Who? Give me out!

Xi Huan broke out in a cold sweat in fright, and his eyes looked at Mu Yan, who was also solemn next to him.

Big brother, can it work?

Don’t be discovered, right?

It was discovered, and neither of us died here and no one knew about it.

Mu Yan gave Xi Huan a reassuring look.

The voice was transmitted to him, “Don’t worry, he can’t find us.” As

soon as the words fell, there was a roar, and a sword light fell beside the two…

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