Xi Huan was shocked, what was she going to do?

Do you want to take the opportunity to strike and kill Ji Gongzi?

Yes, it must be.

So cunning, but also vicious.

After knowing that her person was not Ji Gongzi’s opponent, he had to take the opportunity to make a move.

Damn it.

I, I’m going to help Ji Gongzi.

Xi Huan, he must help Ji Yan.

If such masters and demons can win over the anti-holy army, they will definitely be able to enhance the strength of the anti-holy army.

The worst thing, dealing well with such a demon genius is also a good thing for the anti-holy army.

What’s more, they also wanted to let Ji Yan help them capture Yongning City this time, and let the anti-holy army control Yongning City.

Xi Huan struggled, like a stone falling heavily to the ground, even if he was a saint, even if his body was strong, he was smashed to pieces, and he couldn’t react for half a day.

When Xi Huan got up and looked up, he saw that Yu Ling also sprayed blood from the sky.

A displeased voice sounded, “Spirit City Lord, I advise you not to be nosy. ”

This, this…” Xi

Huan couldn’t react a little, what’s going on?

The Spirit City Lord was not going to deal with Ji Gongzi, but to help Ji Gongzi.

There’s no reason for that.

The Spirit City Lord didn’t do her any good doing this, right?

Ji Gongzi is from our side, he came for her, why did she do this?

Could it be that she also wants to take the opportunity to get involved with Ji Gongzi?

Hmph, naïve.

Above the sky, as Yu Ling fell, no one could stop others from interfering with Ji Yan.

The spiritual power of that figure lingered around him, covering his face, he sneered, and his voice reverberated in the sky above Yongning City.

“Genius? In my opinion, you are a brainless genius.

“Break through in this kind of place, I’ll let you remember it for a long time, and don’t do this stupid thing in the next life.”

The arrogant voice silenced the people of Yongning City.

Indeed, at this time to break through, isn’t it brainless?

He was dead.

Everyone who saw this scene thought this way.

No matter how strong a person is when he breaks through, he is the weakest, he is disturbed, the heart demon invades, and he goes crazy, and it is difficult to save the Immortal Emperor when he comes.

Seeing that the person began to gather spiritual power and prepare to strike, many people shook their heads and sighed.


Many people felt very pity.

Such a demon genius, falling here today, I have to say that it is a regrettable thing.

And some people are excited, they can’t see anyone better than themselves.

Such a powerful genius, it’s better to die.

Dead, we ordinary people can have a way to live.

There were even many people shouting excitedly.

“Kill, kill him

…” “Haha, he’s dead…” The

man who was about to start heard the voice below and laughed, “Look, many people are expecting you to die, you just give me to die…”

He raised his hand, and when he was about to start, his expression suddenly changed.

The shouting below also stopped abruptly.

A sword!

A sword came out in front of Ji Yan and pointed at the person who wanted to make a move.

The blade flashed coldly, and the black sword ridge, like the eyes of a demon, stared at him deadly.

This sword, many people recognize.

Lu Shaoqing’s voice sounded, echoing above the sky, with a bit of ethereal, “Who allowed you to do it?” Pointed

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at by the long sword, this man’s heart was stunned, nervous, and his hair stood up all over his body.

Although he is a Yuan baby, he definitely has no confidence to beat Lu Shaoqing’s existence.

“Great, my lord,” the man said hurriedly, “I, I’m here to help you.” ”

Mo Junjian gave him a huge threat, and it seemed that it would erupt in the next moment, piercing him.

Lu Shaoqing’s faint voice continued to sound, “What are you?”

“Don’t give me a reason, today, you all have to die.”

Lu Shaoqing sat cross-legged on the ground, looking up at it, his eyes calm.

But those who know him well will know that the two men in heaven are dead.

“My lord, I, I want to help you.” The person who was pointed at by Mo Junjian would already be unfavorable to speak.

Lu Shaoqing hummed, “Don’t need your help, get out!”

“Otherwise, die!”

The words are full of threats.

This person’s face was embarrassed, and he left like this in front of everyone, which was not good-looking.

However, Mo Junjian gave him a great threat, and he did not dare not listen to Lu Shaoqing’s words.

In the end, he decided to retreat.

You can’t put your own life on the line.

Just as he wanted to leave, the man who was fighting Mu Yan suddenly shouted, “Don’t be fooled, he’s injured and can’t move.” This

voice made the people below whisper.

“This, isn’t this Lord Wan’s voice?”

“That’s right, Wan Liang Qin of the third layer of the Yuan Infant, Lord Wan.”

“No wonder, it is said that he has been stuck in the third layer of the Yuan Infant for many years, he must be thinking of entering Yongning City and using a lot of resources to break through.”

“These people are in danger…”

he reacted when he was reminded.

He laughed angrily, “Good, good, my lord, I didn’t expect you to be so cunning.”

Feeling embarrassed, he simply mocked, “Sir, he is your enemy, I will help you deal with him, are you afraid that you owe me favors?”

“I don’t need you to return the favor.”

After speaking, the spiritual power operated again, intending to strike.

However, a voice sounded behind him, faint, like a ghost, “Human favor? Do you deserve it too?

The man turned back in horror and found that Lu Shaoqing didn’t know when he had come behind him, and looked at him with a sneer.

“You, you…” The

man was frightened, and the spiritual power surrounding him stagnated, almost disappearing, revealing his true face.

Lu Shaoqing stared at him, his calm gaze seemed to penetrate the spiritual power around him, penetrating his heart and penetrating his soul.

The pressure in his heart was huge, as if he had encountered a natural enemy, his heart was afraid, his body was trembling, and he couldn’t resist.

Facing Lu Shaoqing, who did not speak, he trembled again and spoke, “Great, my lord…” Lu Shaoqing

suddenly smiled, his expression was kind, like a polite young man, and asked in a kind tone, “Have you eaten?”

“Ah, ah…”

Lu Shaoqing suddenly did this, which not only made the people in front of him confused, but even the onlookers below were stunned.

What is this adult going to do?

Now it’s time to fight and kill, what does this phrase mean, you ask?

Could it be that you want to treat everyone to a banquet?

But whose mat to eat?

Without waiting for anyone to speak, Lu Shaoqing continued, “The weather is so good, what are you doing in a fight?”

“Our holy race is a peace-loving race, how can we fight and kill all day?”

“Is it better to find a few friends, find a place, sit down, have some wine, brag? Do you have to fight and kill?

“Come, obey, go down, for the sake of helping me, I won’t kill you.”

This remark was beyond everyone’s expectations, is this adult so easy to talk to?

“Ah, ah…” This

Yuan Baby felt that he was dead, but he didn’t expect that Lu Shaoqing actually planned to let him go, which he never expected.

He subconsciously left.

And at this moment, suddenly a feather arrow was shot from below, and the target was Lu Shaoqing…

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