Together, reasonable price?

Miao Hongjun was stunned, how many meanings is this?

Miao Hongjun didn’t understand a little, “Little friend, what do you mean by this?” ”

Give me the spirit stone, take the spirit stone in exchange for him back, don’t you understand?” Lu Shaoqing is strange, just praised you?

I see.

Many Miao family members were furious, is this blackmail?

As one of the three families in Sanwu City, when did someone dare to blackmail the Miao family like this?

Find death!

The surrounding Miao family members were furious.

I can’t wait to smash Lu Shaoqing’s corpse into ten thousand pieces.

The people who came here were all the middle and upper echelons of the Miao family, when had they been subjected to this kind of grievance.

Another Miao family member couldn’t help it, and said viciously, “Boy, you’re looking for death!” ”

Hurry up and release the person, or else…”

Another slap on Miao Jingqian’s face, making the Miao family who spoke instantly unable to speak.

Lu Shaoqing snorted, “Don’t scare me, scare me, I’m so scared.” ”


Another slap in the face.

Miao Jingqian’s face was already swollen like a pig’s head.

The whole person was beaten into chaos, and the only remaining consciousness made him bite his mouth and not shout, which was his last dignity.

“Stop, stop.” Miao Hongjun hurriedly shouted, “There is something to say.”

Lu Shaoqing pointed at the others and said, “Come on, who wants to scare me?”

“Whoever scares me, I smoke him.”

“Say,” Miao Hongjun didn’t have a clue, now save his brother first, “How many spirit stones do you want?”

“A million is too little, ten million is not too much, you look at it.” Lu Shaoqing’s eyes lit up, “The Miao family has such a big majesty, there must be a lot of spirit stones.” ”

This is in the lion’s mouth.

Even if it was the Miao family, it would be difficult to take out a million spirit stones at once.

Don’t use it when no one below?

Moreover, listening to Lu Shaoqing’s tone, one million did not seem to be enough.

The rest of the Miao family was angry, “You..”

“Hey, hey…” Lu Shaoqing pointed at the person and raised his left hand, scaring the man into immediately shutting up.

Miao Ya was also so depressed that she even regretted it a little.

Is it really leading wolves into the house?

She never expected things to turn out like this.

His second uncle was the fourth layer realm of the Yuan Infant, and he was easily controlled by Lu Shaoqing.

Now that this situation continues like this, it is definitely not a good thing for her Miao family.

She gritted her teeth, stood up, and said to Lu Shaoqing, “Young Master Zhang Zheng, can you release my second uncle?” Miao

Ya just gave it a try and didn’t hold out much hope.

However, unexpectedly, Lu Shaoqing agreed.

“Yes, Miss Miao Ya must give face.”

“Oh, take it back.” With a wave of his hand, Miao Jingjun was thrown out, and Miao Hongjun hurriedly caught his younger brother.

Miao Jingqian resumed his actions, and he immediately roared, like a wounded black bear, “Damn, damn it.”

“I’m going to kill you.”

“Come on!” Lu Shaoqing was not afraid, but said fiercely, “If you dare to come, I will destroy you.”

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Miao Hongjun hurriedly grabbed his younger brother, “Don’t be impulsive.

Then said to Ji Yan and Lu Shaoqing, “The two sons came from afar, everyone had a misunderstanding, and then I will make amends to the two sons.”

Then he instructed Miao Ya, “Xiaoya, take the two sons to find a place to rest.” Watching

Ji Yan and Lu Shaoqing leave.

The dissatisfaction in Miao Jingqian’s heart completely broke out, “Big brother, what are you going to do?”

“Are you trying to embarrass me?”

Other clansmen are also dissatisfied, as the head of the family, others are like this, can you bear it?

This is your own brother, you are such a cowardly act.

What if someone else? Did you just live or die?

“Patriarch, what are they without this?”

“Even if you have a little strength? When was our Miao family afraid?

“That’s right, word has spread about this, what face will our Miao family have here in Sanwu City by then?”

Many people opened their mouths one after another, all feeling that Miao Hongjun, the head of the family, was not powerful.

The attitude is not tough enough, and it looks as if he is afraid of the other person.

The other party is not your father, what are you afraid of?

Looking at everyone’s indignant appearance, Miao Hongjun felt tired.

These guys, can’t they see each other’s horror?

He looked at the anger and dissatisfaction on his brother’s face, and he just asked, “You are also in the middle of the Yuan Infant period, have you beaten them?” ”

Mentioning this is undoubtedly pouring salt on Miao Jingqian’s wounds.

Ji Yan almost destroyed him with a sword.

Lu Shaoqing was even more terrifying, and his powerful divine sense made him almost think that he was facing a cultivator of the Avatar God.

Miao Jingqian gritted his teeth and tugged at the muscles on his face, causing him to gasp in pain.

“I’m not prepared, if I knew that his divine sense was strong, I would definitely not be easily controlled by him.”

Miao Hongjun said again, “Even you are not an opponent, can we people fight?”

“Hard, you dare to guarantee that he won’t kill you?”

The two questions silenced Miao Jingqian, and the other Miao people were also thoughtful.

Miao Hongjun said to the others again, “If the Great Elder doesn’t make a move, who is sure to beat them?”

“Is that all?” For a long time, Miao Jingqian was not convinced, gritting his teeth, “I want him to die.”

Miao Hongjun seemed to have made up his mind, “Didn’t it say that after three days, they made a contract with the Bow family?”

“With the archer’s move, why should we worry? No matter how bad it is, after they fight with the arch family, can they still be our opponents after exhausting their strength?

As soon as these words came out, everyone’s spirits were shocked.

Some people admire, “What the head of the family said is extremely true, or the head of the family thinks thoughtfully.”

Miao Hongjun ordered again, “Spread the word about today’s events and let Sanwu City know about the contradiction between our Miao family and them.” ”

Miao Jingqian is not happy, will he Miao Jingqian not have to go shopping in the future?

Spread out, what other face does he have to appear here in Sanwu City?

“Big brother, what are you going to do?” Miao Jingqian maliciously speculated about his eldest brother in his heart, thinking that he was retaliating against him.

Looking at his younger brother, who was prone to anger, Miao Hongjun shook his head in his heart and explained lightly, “Aren’t you worried that the Miao family will offend the Gong family and the Gou family?”

“This matter spread, letting the whole of Sanwu City know that they are not guests of our Miao family.”

Everyone understood, and many people secretly admired it in their hearts.

Ginger is still old and spicy.

The two people Miao Ya brought back brought hidden dangers to the Miao family, and Miao Hongjun’s method could solve the hidden dangers.

And what was sacrificed was Miao Jingqian’s face.

But this sacrifice is meaningful and more worthy of others’ belief.

Miao Hongjun looked at the silence of everyone, raised his head, looked at Ji Yan and Lu Shaoqing who were far away, his eyes were faint, “So be it, disperse, I’ll go see the head of the Gou family…”

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